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Everything posted by Destroyaaa

  1. Hey VaultingFrog, thanks for being considerate. To address a few of your points, you say you dont mind a ranking system so why not implement it? The system that most people want is to have ranked and social playlists just like in halo 2 and 3, along with the CSR system to unlock armor and weapons and all that. The ranks will only be for the ranked playlists and not affect anything else. Not sure what the campaign has to do with anything. I play it once though.
  2. Seriously? I had a legit 50 in 4 playlists. If you were any good, it was easy. This game was way easier to get a 50 than halo 2, and there was almost no cheating. Boosting, deranking, and bought accounts do not affect someone who is playing legit, unless they are mentally weak and cry when someone in your party is bragging about his bought 50. And as for people running their mouths, nothing was better than the trash talking back in halo 2 and 3. Getting in the head of the other team was a huge part of halo that now is ruined by a combination of party chat, no ranking system, and not being able to hear the other team in the lobby.
  3. The reason I joined this forum was to inform the Halo community about how badly Halo 4 needed a ranking system. The game gets released with no ranking system, and the complaints for the lack of a ranking system seemed to have hit an all time high. I decided to check out Halo Waypoint forums, which is the official site for 343i, and found a major topic with huge support. Everyone here who wants the ranking system needs to read this and do what the OP suggests. Here is the link to see other peoples posts and I will post the original post below. https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst135168_1-50-Competitive-Skill-Rank-Official-Thread.aspx OPPOSERS PLEASE READ THREAD FULLY BEFORE LEAVING INPUT ATTENTION COMMUNITY 343's ANNOUNCEMENT IS A FINELY FAILED HALFLY DONE ATTEMPT TO APPEASE THE COMPETITIVE COMMUNITY.This 1-50 343 promised us isONLY web based. Basically only SEEN on Halo waypoint. This is the same thing they did in Reach which didn't solve anything. Their will NEVER be a number 1-50 to show your skill in game. THIS WILL ONLY BE SEEN ON HALO WAYPOINT. This will NOT CHANGE unless we FIGHT for a FULL SKILLED ranking system. DONT let 343 fool you This needs to EFFECT IN GAME RANK like Halo 3 for players to have an Incentive to go for high skill otherwise people will just get maxed rank with XP. Bungie perfectly created a max xp limit on each separate rank requiring them to go for high skill. Thanks and Favorites of this thread are very appreciated IMPORTANT- For the best way to make this happen is to tweet @Kevin_Franklin the lead designer of multiplayer. Tell him why this is important and link this thread. Retweet him every day. The more people who do this the better the chances. BE POLITE and SPREAD THIS Overachiever - Spread this out by sending a brief message such as "Support a Full skilled ranking system here" with the url of this thread through Xbox Live Messaging to you Halo 4 recent players. If you can try reaching out to the MLG pros/community, and Youtubers Moderators Posts - N/A - Editing posts that are breaking rules 343 Industries Response - N/A Current Thread Views - 40,000 Best posts - Page 51, by Tk Curb Stompz / Page 59, by SpezL Ops To 343 Industries - Video Summary - Requirements for Ranked/Social playlists - Necessary Halo 4 Patches Video - ^ These are not my videos but are supported 100% I was very happy and impressed by 343 Industries until I read the Announcement source carefully. 343i was very vague about this intentionally to fool the competitive community, What a lowball deceptive attempt. Source - Http://blogs.halowaypoint.com/post/2012/11/02/Halo-4-Competitive-Skill-Rank-Announcement.aspx TO 343 Industries: Why are you against a with a full skilled ranking system? Nothing is perfect which must be the reason you don't want to implement it into the game but EXACTLYexplains the effect of having it in game with more players having incentive to play. I assure you its better than what it is now and what it was before. Their is more good in having it implemented in game than their is negative. This is the reason Halo 3 / 2 Lasted so long. People wanted to win, they were motivated, the reason everyone had their microphones in. Im truthfully saying that this was the best system and I didn't even achieve a 50! Read all of the responses to this thread, barely anyone disagrees and this is just a small portion that are active on the forums. And the people that do disagree have no valid persuasive points that couldn't be solved, with the solutions included in this thread. 343i, I know Microsoft told you to make the game like call of duty to make it more popular, adding this will, the progression system does NOT flow with Halo it never will. But note if this is added their is still much more you need to improve. I will not list them in this simply because this is a specific thread but a video above will. The most important aspect is that you need to communicate with you're fan base. Their are so many popular threads including one that broke a record on halo waypoint, but you have yet to respond to them. This is not Halo's formula, I waited through Halo Reach for a Ranking system TU, It never came. Will it be the same for Halo 4? Halo is a team game. The goal should be to win, NOT to be Independent. In Halo 3 remember receiving messages saying "Good Game?"Because I do. Why people don't support this? Majority who disagree are upset that they cannot reach the highest rank. To the Casual player community ( People who don't mind or care) What some of you fail to realize is that the competitive community will keep the game alive. They will play the game long after the release date. I mean, just look at Halo 2 for an example. The only way you could get them off that was by shutting down the XBL compatibility for it. And even though that's gone, I bet people still have Halo 2 LAN parties. Heck, people still have Halo Combat Evolved LAN parties. The point I'm trying to make is that if you satisfy the competitive players then you'll have a long lasting game. Both sets of players are important, and both can be pleased. Response to the Boosting/Cheating Issue 343i switches the trueskill system with a progression system. The one we have in Halo 4 actually allows us to unlock better weapons and equipment. There is a much higher incentive to cheat. And what happens to cheaters? They're rewarded with all this nice stuff that nobody else has access to. They'll play a few games feeling like a boss and then get banned. But such great ownage on their behalf will cause them to want to circumvent justice to be able to do it all again. I would take booster for a full skill ranking system any day and the majority agree with me. Boosting has been a bigger issue in Halo 4 than any other Halo game. Account Selling Solution- Their are many ways 343 can resolve this issue especially for the fact that they are a gaming company with Microsoft. One simple way it can be resolved is by integrating the rank to your hard drive. I will continue to keep this thread active and will update it if you have a great response as I already have. Please leave input and spread this. I read EVERY Post, and am active.
  4. When the MLG pros are saying this, you know the game is bad. Halo was never more popular than when MLG was having Halo 2 and 3 circuits, and the fact that they took Reach off and cant even decide on settings for Halo 4 is a problem
  5. The reason there wasn't as much complaining in Halo 3 and 2 was because people like myself were playing the great game that it was and not on the internet looking for answers. I come on this forum to see if other people have the same issues as myself with this game and 343i could do to improve them.
  6. aww man, as soon as i saw this i ran to download it and it didnt work lol
  7. This post pretty much summarizes the communities feelings towards what they want out of Halo 4 multiplayer. I did not come up with this. https://forums.halowaypoint.com/yaf_postst153246_Halo-4--A-Post-TU-Multiplayer-Blueprint.aspx
  8. Okay you've successfully caught the attention of people by saying this is the worst game you've ever played, which is obviously not true since you said it has an amazing campaign. While I agree with many of your points, you need to stop overreacting and let us know in a calm matter why you currently are dissatisfied with the game, as many of the other people on this forum (including myself) are also not happy with halo 4 as of now.
  9. Its as if they are giving us almost what we want and leaving things out on purpose
  10. I have been waiting for this Fall for almost 2 years. With the release of Assassin's Creed III, Black ops 2, and Halo 4, I thought I would be overwhelmed with the amount of time I would want to spend playing these games, and yet I find myself finding Madden more fun than Black ops and Halo. Little background, I have been playing halo since the original, and was a die hard halo 2 and 3 competitive player (reach was terrible). I started playing COD during world at war, and fell in love with zombies and absolutely loved black ops zombies. Yet here we are. I try and I try to love Halo 4, but it is missing so much. If you haven't seen what I mostly post about on these forums, it is about the need for a ranking system. So right now there is no ranking system, and when they put it in its going to be on waypoint only. The playlists available right now are just not fun, there aren't enough maps and the same ones get played over and over. So great yay they put in snipers, yet they dont give you a beam rifle as a secondary? Halo 2 snipers was so successful because of this. I cant even find people on my friends list to play because they are all playing different games because of how boring halo is. Oh and by the way now I am hearing about an aimbot??? No wonder these people are no scoping me from across the map. Its these little things that have such a small number of people playing halo 4. Now black ops 2 zombies, i haven't really played enough but from the games I have played on tranzit, i am not impressed. You have to basically be standing still to buy a gun off the wall, which is really annoying in tough situations. The little gremlins in the fog literally ruin the game. It just makes trying to do the easter egg way too annoying. I haven't played Assassin's creed yet but I know its a great game from many of my friends. My point is, things need to change.
  11. Do you have any experience with assembly and computer architecture? My professor said that if I average a 90% on my last 3 homeworks I don't have to take the final and this homework assignment I have due Monday is on pipelining, which I have no idea how to do.
  12. As much as I want to defend this game, I really am not having much fun. The playlists are boring, there aren't enough maps, and theres no ranking system. In a few months maybe that will change but right now this game is lacking substance
  13. Once the ranking system comes out, the numbers will go back up
  14. 3. Get rid of the DMR as a possible starting weapon and include it in ordinance drops. This will stop this nonsense of being able to kill anyone at any distance on the big maps and get gameplay back to halo 3, making map control a lot more important. This is my best solution to this problem.
  15. Yeah its real bad. I beat it now, but yesterday it definitely was lagging when I beat the last 2 missions. War games I wasn't lagging so its definitely not my connection.
  16. Boys and girls, I beat campaign yesterday and loved it, and then I come onto here and all I see is "WORST HALO EVER", and "TERRIBLE SOUND". Seriously? No I didn't read the books so I guess this isn't directed at people who have, but I loved the story. Almost every single mission had me doing something new and I enjoyed all the new things. Instead of complaining that 343i has ruined Halo and demanding the old style, this is the direction this game is going in and you need to embrace the new Halo universe. As for multiplayer, stop saying its COD, because its much better than that. Although I want the ranking system and more playlists out now, they didn't have a beta so they are working on that stuff as we speak. Oh and the comments that "I'm going back to Reach", just stop it. This game is 4x better than Reach.
  17. Is this a joke? This game was incredible. Okay so what the soundtrack wasn't as good as usual, the actual gameplay of the missions was fantastic. Visually it was incredible. This story divulged me into a brand new halo universe, that I thoroughly enjoyed.
  18. They didn't have a beta so the next few months before the ranking system comes out are going to be used to fix these types of issues.
  19. I've been waiting for an answer for months, at this point I can wait 6 days
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