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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. I ban you for being a hero on halo reach!
  2. Hitler,jesus and Albert Einstein Do you have MW3?
  3. Azaxx has the right idea, 343i need to focus on halo 4 and a beta would only slow it down.
  4. So for my forge contest map it's KOTH, and i want landmines to spawn 30 seconds into the game, how exactly do i do this?
  5. You can also do it on the waypoint app
  6. My bro wrote that other status, im ok

  7. Seems that im not welcomed, might leave

  8. :animier: :animier: Congrats you deserve it! :animier: :animier:
  9. -_- my teachers face when i handed in my exam
    1. Azaxx


      I had an essay today, same response lol!

    2. gone


      Hey, me too!

  10. I ban you for banning someone for liking green!
  11. Forgive me, i made someone betray me then i booted them. Felt good though.
  12. Or maybe I will do multiplayer first, get a head start. This game is making me so excited!
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