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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. Granted, but the world ends before you start painballing I wish i could be invisible
  2. This is just one of those pictures that make you go wtf.
  3. Im good at this game Bullet lolololol XD
  4. Thats a good pair of NIKE shoes you have there
  5. things that involve pink panties...
  6. Granted, but then you drop it and it breaks I wish i had 1 billion dollars.
  7. I know ksi and i hate them. Have you ever got an invincible? ( 30 killstreak )
  8. 30 000 credits to hero Lol Have you ever got a killionaire?
  9. Elites in multiplayer are just merely a character skin, they have NO EFFECT on gameplay. If you love elites in multiplayer, then you need to get over it.
  10. Ccup-mann

    No beta?

    I wish there was a beta, but 343 need to use their time to make a great game.
  11. A cake WYR bleed to death or die at high speeds
  12. Computers that contained masterchief doing.....
  13. http://halo.xbox.com/en-us/Career/ServiceRecord?gamertag=xCOSMOSxCupmanx , could you do my epic spartan. You have a lot of skill LINK UPDATED.
  14. This thread isnt for posting a link to your channel and asking people to subscribe to it, and this is unrelated to halo 4.
  15. This is a nice clip, good find!
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