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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. Granted, but it deletes you account I wish I had halo 6
  2. As much as i would like this idea, i say no. Kill cam shows where you are, camping or not.
  3. Thank you theorix and ZB-85!
  4. Ccup-mann

    Elite Riot

    Lol certainly not in multiplayer.
  5. no need to post the exact same thing in to different threads.
  6. Ccup-mann

    Elite Riot

    WTF? Get your facts right before you post something so idiotic.
  7. Ccup-mann

    Elite Riot

    Halo is not going to lose all its players, they are just a character skin that have no effect on gameplay. Machinima dont use elites 100% of the time, so they wont lose their jobs, I'm sure they will be in custom mode. It's a bad comparsion saying "what if spartans were taken out of halo?" Then that wouldn't be called halo, it would be called something else, wouldnt it? And I dont get why you say elites made halo a game to get away from the other games like cod, wtf? So what you saying is you bought halo because it had elites in multiplayer? And for the elite clans if they dont buy halo 4 its their loss, they need to move on.
  8. Ccup-mann

    Elite Riot

    The game informer leak has been out for about ten days and so many people have heard about it. For me, i couldnt care less about the character i play as, nor the character other people are playing as. I can't see why so many people are getting mad about elites being taken out of multiplayer, they are just merely a player skin, halo 4 is telling us why Red vs Blue and elites have nothing to do about it.
  9. Hopefully we can finish our map before the day, if so will we play it after?
  10. I will buy the game no matter how much I have to pay!
  11. Shot in the foot WRY halo 2 campaign or halo 3 campaign.
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