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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. then they look out and see more ships
  2. Covenant are going to be the main enemy no dought
  3. yay hologram in halo 4
  4. Frank o'connor is beast, he will never die
  5. Nice find, but looks like a blue dying not a hologram.
  6. LOL i love caboose Two blondes decided that this Christmastheywantedtocutdowntheir own Christmastree. So theydrovetwo hours intothe country andwalked deep into the woods to find the perfect Christmas tree. They had planned the trip well, especially considering that theywere blond. They were dressed warmly with boots, warm coats and hats. They had a chain saw, hatchet, a bag to protect the tree and rope to drag it back to their car. Every detail was covered. They searched andsearched.Theyhadgone toallthistrouble,nothing but the prefect tree would do. They searched forhours through knee deep snow and biting wind. Finally, five hours later with the sunbeginningtogo down, one blonde says tothe other,"Ican'ttake thisanymore.I giveup! There are hundreds ofbeautifultreesout here.Let's justpick one whether it's decorated or not!"
  7. Nooo isn't a word The fish was GONE
  8. This is the attitude that everyone should have, be positive everyone, adapt to change, have faith in 343
  9. Just wait, what videos do they have that the whole internet doesnt? Sounds like they are trying to get subscribers to me
  10. Lololololol A redhead, a brunette and a blonde all escape from a prison together. They run into the nearby woods and all climb up seperate trees. When the police find the redheads tree and ask who is up there, the redhead chirps like a bird. Then the police go to the brunettes tree. When they ask who is up there, the brunette makes chipmunk noises. Finally, when the police go to the blondes tree and ask who is up there, the blonde goes,"MOOOOOOOOOO!"
  11. Can you sumbit your clips to this series?
  12. No 343 did it for a reason, pinnacle and uncaged were a spawn killing fest. No smartass listened to 'wingers' everyone has a right to express their opinion weather you agree to it or not, i will agree though, minus 2 maps is never a good thing, they should replace them
  13. Thanks for this info, really helpful. And that sucks that bloom is back, hopefully they have zb slayer
  14. Welcome to the forums vl cambell lv welcome to the forums and please don't triple post, its spam
  15. Iphone Would you rather a xbox or ps3
  16. More money = better games
  17. but wouldnt that be hard to see in-game?
  18. IMO br is better than dmr, but I prefer a dmr in swat.
  19. As first strike can only be awarded once in a game, it is quite rare and therefore it is top medal. Where as killing spree and double kill are quite common, there under first strike
  20. They could of at least replace the maps, freshen things up
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