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Everything posted by Ccup-mann

  1. The last level was the best for me.
  2. I want it in my disc tray as soon a possible
  3. Fighting Queen Myrrah on insane solo was so hard! it took me hours and then somehow, i beat that *****!
  4. Have you been cR farming? and how long is the ban?
  5. I'm Mythic and i don't know how people get to inheritor!
  6. DMR symbol? Do you mean DMR nameplate? If so, you can't change your nameplate anymore since 343i fully toook over.
  7. It is impossible to lick your elbow You will now try to lick your elbow
  8. Granted, but the all fall into a bottomless pit. I wish i had faster internet
  9. I have a little rascal named Skipper. He's a Jack Russel / Fox Terrier and i will get a picture up soon.
  10. Shadow of a brute....? WYR Have 200 billion dollars or have any superpower you want?
  11. I love how all the members are so kind and helpful to one another
  12. This was the ranking system i was hoping for and i hope it works out well.
  13. 343i have already stated that there will be no public beta for halo 4 because they need the time to make the game the best it can be.
  14. Ccup-mann


    From the album: Cupman's lolz

    This made me lol
  15. Ccup-mann

    Cupman's lolz

    Funny photos!
  16. Im so sick of people with YOLO in their service tag, and now theres a clan!
  17. Considering that Living dead is such a popular gametype i would think that it is most likely that 343i will include Living dead in halo 4.
  18. As far as i know there is no list of confirmed vehicles, althought there are various pictures that show some vehicles in halo 4.
  19. Elite, they dont scare me as much WYR Halo 3 or Halo 2
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