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Everything posted by BOJINKINS

  1. These are some of the many problems halo has. Don't get me wrong i love halo and i have stuck with it ever since i was young. Just somethings from halo 1,2,3 were just fantastic and i loved them. IMO one think i thought hurt reach was armor abilities. They were awesome and all but something about them made them feel different and not needed. What i think they should bring back and keep is equipment and some of the favourite weapons like the halo 1 or 3 assault rife, the DMR and the BR, the halo 1 or 2 pistol, the needle rifle and the carbine, the plasma rife plasma canon, the needler and the plasma pistol, the grenade launcher and the halo 2 rocket launcher and the halo 3 spartan laser, DULE ENERGY SWORDS, the sniper rifle with night vision and you can have beam rifles and focus rifles, the SMG form halo 3, and ODST, the spiker and the other gun that was a brute shotgun. So a long story short bring back all the amasing classic weapons they will add variety and they will add more then you could imagin. The armor abilites should stay and they should bring back equipment, and bring back spike grenades and incinderary grenades OR being able to hold 4 OF EACH GRENADE (frag and plasma) unlike in halo reach where they made it so you can only start with 4 of each then you can only cary 2. Another thing they should add is design. I was playing halo reach yesterday and then when i flip a warthog i dont do anything it just flips. So if 343 would be so kind to add something so that it shows you fliping the warthog or fliping a vehicle in general make it look nice and smooth. Other additions would be hand to hand combat for ****s and giggles. Every time you start to fight with someone your immortal from anything else, and its all just a game on who could hit the correct buttons falling down the screen. Fair enough? The visuals of your character should also be used as stratagy to keep yourself alive. As the started in halo three you could see your oponents secondary weapon, so why not have keep that feature but use it for equipment and grenades (you can already see armor abilities in the back of your oponents). Another thing that would be a great addition is keeping some of the awesome and amasing game modes through out all of halo. Something like Invasion, Zombies, Arena and just give them a little boost to make them better. Another think that would be great is to have forge in halo 4. Something like forge world but bigger and better . Also i completely forgot vhehicles . There have been many amasing vehicles through out halo and having all of them back would be great. Thats all i wan't in halo 4, not much eh?
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