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B1ue D3vi1

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  1. Everyone wants this old ranking system back so much that they won't even give Halo 4 a chance. Just enjoy the game for what it is and stop worrying about it. That is the one thing I hate about the Halo fan base : there are a lot of complaining people.
  2. Yeah a lot more people played Halo 3 when it was the newest Halo than Halo Reach
  3. Well that's what I thought as well, but some people seem to think that a little change will ruin Halo, which is no true.
  4. I think your right. After 343 got control of Reach and the Reach servers I think they did a great job. THey made several good changes and I liked CEA. I have faith that they are going to do a good job on Halo 4 and get the Halo series back on track.
  5. I guess just hope Halo 4 will be the game everyone wants it to be.
  6. Yeah that's what I'm saying. I see so many people dis Reach but they are playing it.
  7. Yeah. The future of the Halo franchise is at stake.
  8. All over the internet all I see is people saying that Halo 3 is soooo much better than Reach. Although I don't disagree with this statement, how come the Halo 3 servers barely have any people on them? If all the people I've seen taking up for Halo 3 were playing I'm sure there would be more people.
  9. Well Halo 2 may be the best Halo game, but, sadly, the servers are no longer available so we will have to move on.
  10. I mean I see no problems with armor abilities. They just give the game another layer. 343 is just trying to make things fresh and different. Just because it isn't exactly like Halo 3 doesn't mean it's going to be a bad game. I personally liked Halo 3 and Reach, but Reach wasn't always as fun because everyone was saying how bad of game it was.
  11. With Halo 4 multiplayer footage widely available over the internet, Halo fans are getting a first glimpse of the next Halo trilogy. We've all seen the videos but do you guys think that the Halo 4 multiplayer experience will inthrall as many players as Halo 3 did and keep them playing as long as well.
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