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Everything posted by Bradus101

  1. I went and got the disc cleaned, it worked!!! It runs the matchmaking like a charm now
  2. I am not saying I hate Halo Reach. I have loved every game in the Halo Franchise I was just making a stupid point about how people complain and end up going against it.
  3. I know it just confused me that thousands say they prefer halo 3's matchmaking to reach's but play reach's over 3's.............a pretty pointless forum post now that I think about it
  4. I knew that, I am making the point that people said the Reach Matchmaking was not as good as 3's but don't play Halo 3. I love Reach and 3 but the Reach multiplayer lacked something which I can't quite point out, 3's just felt more original to me but not gonna complain, both multiplayers are better than Call of Duty's. I was just making a point that people says 3's is better but don't follow through and play it, and instead play on Reach.
  5. Hi all, This is not a rant, but I am just making a point about Halo 3. I noticed on the hundreds of forums and thousands of forum posts that I have been on, that on the general whole, most of the Halo players prefer Halo 3 matchmaking. However whenever I come on Halo 3, I have noticed only a few thousand are on the Halo 3matchmaking while there is atleast 50,000 - 60,000 on Halo Reach matchmaking at any time. Just seems weird, like I said, its not a rant but its a point that while most people are moaning and saying that Halo 3's matchmaking is better, there are hardly any players on the Halo 3 matchmaking. Its a shame as I myself do prefer the Halo 3 matchmaking, but we will not have it for long. Once Halo 4 is released I am sure the Halo 3 server will shut down so we might as well take advantage of the time that we have left on Halo 3 matchmaking as it will be gone...................
  6. Ok when I get some free time I am going to take my disc to blockbusters to see if they can clean it and fix it. if not then I will just get another one.
  7. Yeah its quite scratched, stupid brother didnt treat it well, but everything works fine, the campaign, the griffball on matchmaking, the forge. It all works, so why would that affect the map packs not the whole game?
  8. Ok I have checked, double checked and double checked and I have no Game Types. All the map packs are in the Map Variants section, but the original Game Types that come with the game are missing, what the hell is going on there?
  9. I haven't been on my XBOX since I first put this forum post up, I have however got some free time tonight and double check everything again and see if it works.
  10. See nothing wrong with what? That the built-in maps are missing is normal? There is something wrong mate if I only seem to now have the DLC maps not the built-in ones.
  11. Yeah I am loading it on Halo Reach. Something is wrong, I haven't been on it last night but on Custom Games and Forge, the only maps I can get are the ones I downloaded, the originals that came with the game don't appear.
  12. I checked last night before I went to sleep, on Custom Games, I only had the Map Pack maps. I didn't have any of the original Reach ones, what is going on there?
  13. Just to double check, There isn't anyting else I need? I have the Anniversary, Defiant and Noble Map packs, but is there anything that I am missing??
  14. Yeah it did not work, I can play any Firefight Mission and any map on any Custom Game, but on Matchmaking I can only use the Anniversary playlist and only Griffball from the Community Playlist, and my NAT settings are Moderate etc. Looks like I am gona have to call them, but I cannot do it tonight, I will do it tomorrow night, thanks very much for the number! I will give them a call and I will let you know what happens!
  15. I have tried but I can only use the anniversary or community playlists.
  16. None of them have stars next to them. I only have 1 Gamertag and it has all been saved onto that, and no I do not have Bungie Pro. I had an old xbox but it died after 5 years I got the Xbox 360 Slim November 2010 for my birthday and had all of the stuff on my old hardrive moved over.
  17. I am in the Competitive Playlist, the Anniversary Playlist works fine so does the Community Playlist, but the Competitive Playlist won't work.
  18. Hi, the Anniversary Pack ones work fine, its the normal Team Slayer and Living Dead and MLG and stuff that don't work. I have all 3 MAp packs on tere but they wont allow me to play the simple Team Slayer playlist.
  19. Hello All, I am new to this community, I am just opening up a new forum to see if someone can help me with my Matchmaking Issues on Halo Reach. I downloaded the Defiant and Noble Map Packs so that I could play matchmaking. I didn't buy them months ago as I was not going to waste money to play aganst people on other maps. Tonight (as I live in the UK) I decided I will actually buy them. They downloaded well, work in Custom Games, but I open Matchmaking and I cannot play anything, it says "One or more of the players do not have the maps required to play in this playlist". I have checked, and double checked and they have downloaded onto my hardrive properly and checked how they work in Custom Games, even turned off my XBOX and turned it back on again, but why won't they work in the Matchmaking? Can someone help me please? Because I feel I have wasted £15 and 1600 points on stuff that does not work. And if they don't work, here is just a good forum to talk about why and things. Hope to hear back from you soon. Thanks!! Bradus101
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