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Everything posted by gone

  1. I used to like these jokes, but then I took an arrow to the knee. FUDGE THE POLICE.
  2. This isn't about stating color, though. This is about two colors fighting. Besides, I imagine one of the reasons they chose Red/Blue was because there were no camouflage differences (Like @RedStarRocket stated above).
  3. We already have a similar thread. http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8709-you-laugh-you-lose-2012/page__hl__%2Blaugh+%2Blose
  4. That is absolute horse****. My harddrive is already peaking with purely save games and game content. They should find a way to implement it without using so much space, this is beyond ridiculous. Imagine all the people with 360 harddrives not even capable of 8GB, they won't even be able to play it! Once again, Microsoft screws the consumers over.
  5. Got knocked out at the festival by some random guy. Biggest black eye + lost part of my tooth. So other than that, had a great time.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. gone


      Last night sometime. Was pretty wasted.

    3. Azaxx


      you never answered me D':

    4. gone


      Opposite side of the globe from you @Azaxx.

  6. Going to Festival. BRB a week.

    1. ZB-85


      Have fun at the festival.

    2. Ardent Prayer
    3. Zaguroth


      be right back a week.. THATS NOT RIGHT BACK MR. DRUNK!

  7. I'm giving out free punches today. Come get yours!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. The Director

      The Director

      What flavor are the punches? And what size cups do they come in?

    3. gone


      Fistful-sized cups.

    4. Quantum


      The flavor, I believe, is ''Blood-red Blast''.

  8. Just because Halo is expanding their franchise doesn't make it any similar to Star Wars. I don't see your argumentation here.
  9. All art that counts as contribution to the 343i forum has to go through the art department first. Meaning, if anyone for example wants to make a new event banner, background, icon or anything similar it has to go through us. Of course you are allowed to make signatures to other members, but do it via PM and not through threads. There's a reason why we have qualifications that has to be met to become a member of the art department; simply to make sure we provide the best art for you, fellas.
  10. I usually don't like to compare games, but if Battlefield and Call of Duty ever had a baby; this would be it. .. So I'ma stick to Battlefield.
  11. Ponies. Ponies everywhere. SHOOO, SHOO I SAY!
  12. This is fairly similar to the Elephant from H3..
  13. So I won Signature Contest #2, hooray! Thanks for all the votes, everyone.

  14. *cough* I was told there was an official award..?
  15. Overall a huge letdown. I'm a big fan of the Alien franchise, this was nothing like it. The first 15 minutes were promising, but it all went downhill from there. A couple of scenes brought back the brutality from the previous films, which was nice. It was filled with cliches and characters that were hard to relate to. 2.5/5.
  16. Oh please, this forum is basically persists of only teens. This thread is hardly necessary.
  17. ​Really appreciate all the positive feedback I'm getting. I'm not planning on using the signature so if anyone is interested, I could change out the name and give it to someone else in the forum. Figured someone else would perhaps appreciate it more. (: :edit: I voted for @Insignia.
  18. Incredibly well spotted. I must admit, it does seem rather sloppy of 343i to re-use preexisting textures and designs. On the other hand, Halo Reach's blood splatter decals look very nice compared to other games.
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