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Everything posted by gone

  1. Great idea, can't wait to explore these maps. Good work as always, Director!
  2. I actually have one of these. Someone gave it to me a couple of years ago. Haven't drank it, neither do I intend to, it looks disgusting. It's kind of a cool prop to have, though.
  3. I have been promoted to head of the Art Department. Happy to see myself included as an asset to the forums. Thanks everyone!

  4. gone

    WOAH look at this!

    .. I don't see it. Am I the only one?
  5. Thank you all for the kind words. I only got the chance to record a couple of matches, and I wanted to have more third-person shots, but somehow the film clip got deleted. Oh well, If I get to edit the next playdate, I'll definitely make it better.
  6. I'm going away for a week. I'm not sure about the internet availability where I'm going, but I'll try to do some signature requests still. Also, check out the 343i Playdate Highlights video. Bye!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZB-85


      Saw the awesome video. See you when you come back.

    3. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      We'll miss you Theorix!

    4. One
  7. http://youtu.be/x91y_9kDPvM Now in shiny, new 1080p! Kwah, kwah!
  8. gone


    Wrong forum and I'm sure we have dozen of other threads covering the topic.
  9. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you're ignorant, rather than trolling. First of all, the fact that Recon would be available for everyone was announced a week ago, so not an April fools joke. Second, how on earth did 343i ruin the franchise? They released Anniversary and map packs within a year, that's a LOT. More content than Bungie ever released in such a short period of time. I think you're overreacting, it's a virtual helmet, I really don't see how this ruined the franchise. Bungie created the franchise, how about you show some gratitude?
  10. I have accepted to design the layout for the channel, so stay tuned!
  11. 1. Go to your Local Zoo 2. Find the most dangerous animal 3. Give it a wet willy 4. ???? 5. Profit
  12. Kwah, kwaaah! Actually recorded footage of you guys yelling this on Guardian slayer yesterday.
  13. I changed my Gamertag to "Theorix 343i" to praise the community!

  14. This wasn't because it was a better game, it had better publicity therefore more sales. Besides, this was right around the time when gaming actually went mainstream.
  15. Don't be a ****. He stated that he was Mexican and even apologized for faulty grammar.
  16. I use my index finger (which is usually on RB) to hover over X. May seem kind of clumsy, but I'm used to it now. Yes, I am aware of that. Even if it's a negative aspect of the button layout, I still prefer it over Default.
  17. I'm a "Trusted Member" now! Remember folks, Quality posts over quantity.

  18. I don't see the point. Halo 3 isn't dead nor gone, there is no point in "saying goodbye" to it yet. I don't know about you guys, but I'll be playing Halo 3 as long as its around. POST 200. WHOOPY.
  19. This saddens me. It's incredible that a franchise that has brought practically nothing new since 2007 to the table still top the charts. They are holding back the gaming industry, this franchise needs to shake things up OR die out.
  20. I use Bumper Jumper with jet pack all the time. Kind of hard to get used to, but I have no problems with it now. Default layout is just not an option.
  21. Do you mean a companion in-game or real life? Either way, sign me up.
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