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Pink Lemonade

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Everything posted by Pink Lemonade

  1. CoD is kinda boring for a gamer like me becuase there is simply no competition. Im not saying its horrible game but without a competition and the ability to be creative, a hardcore gamer like myself will see no point in playing CoD. I got bored of reach because no one played any fun custom games and no one was good enough to stand up to me in arena, it felt like CoD a game dry out of things i love. In comparison halo comes out on top of CoD because you can do more with it and that makes it a hell of a lot less boring.
  2. I do not think halo needs to stay exactly the same and i dont know why people are so worried about the game after seeing a vidoc but i agree with drakell on this, its inevitable that change is going to happen but it needs to happen going in the right direction. if you add a few mechanics into a game it becomes unfamiliar, if you add to many mechanics into a competitive game like halo it becomes garbage. Im suggesting that change has to happen in areas that wouldnt have a great impact on gameplay. look at the changes made to halo 3 from halo 2, there were no drastic changes to gameplay. Instead bungie added in things like forge and theater which drastically increased replay value. Halo is a very delicate game when it comes to competition, its competitive because its simple and balanced and it has something to drive the community into winning(ranking system). If you add a few mechanics to the game none of that exists anymore, reach was a good example. Halo is unique because of the competition and creativity that goes on in the game, without these two things the game is no longer unique its just like every other console FPS. Some one may ask:how do you make halo stand out a better relationship between the teamwork and skill that goes on the game? the answer is nothing, halo is perfect when it comes to the core gameplay so why change whats already successful?
  3. actually it kinda does have a lot to dd with 343 because they have to continue the story of halo and not screw it up like bungie did. But im sure 343 will do this right because they said they are basing it off the books now.
  4. ya i know thats why i said for people to take it somewhere else, if you didnt notice there was a big discussion on page 10 about this stuff.
  5. I dont think the loadouts(if there are any) will affect multiplayer gameplay like reach did since 343 said they would "reboot" the halo series.
  6. There could be much more to the campaign than this "shield world sigma 7" so we cant be sure about the enemies.
  7. striker would be proud..................................
  8. I dont think anyone here on the forum does read the books.............. because ive never seen a complaint about how reach ruined the story of the fall of reach and the ghosts of onyx written by Eric Nylund and how 343 should do differently and follow the books. Great set of books though but apparently i need to catch up since ive never heard of the grasslands.
  9. I think you need to know that not all of this was revealed very clearly. The graphics look pretty nice for console and who cares if they dont look very much differint than what crysis has to offer, that game looks amazing. the animations look fine, one can only go so far with an engine made for the production of a console game and making a new one will take pointless time with the components the Xbox uses. Competition is the backbone of halo, all matchmaking settings and titles should be adjusted as much as possible to make room for it. You can have all the recreational fun out of halo in custom games, custom games are much more fun than casual matchmaking you just need friends and you can meet those on the forums. Stop panicking about this its only a vidoc we barely know anything about the game yet.
  10. Im not saying this is a good thing but reach is pretty original, its pace is slower than halo 1,2 and 3 but the pace is speed up from time to time. This is caused by the armor abilities and bloom, this odd change of pace from time to time causes confusion and confusion causes bad unsatisfying gameplay. All of the armor abilities cause the pace of the game to slow down, but AA's such as sprint, evade and jet pack can be used to speed it up at random times making the match unpredictable. Unpredictable matches take the point out of detailed strategy, so therefor matches can only get so good at determining the better team. I dont not agree that CoD is played at a slower pace than halo 3, yes i think CoD is a disgrace to gaming but it is pretty fast paced with the sprinting, small maps and the low health. Fast paced gameplay does not always make the game better for even the competitive gamer, if the gameplay gets fast enough it can punch out teamwork and strategy making the game less interesting. But we are getting a little off topic here with this subject, if you would like to discuss further (more than 1 reply) i suggest starting a new op.
  11. I like this idea, almost everyone who has played a good infection game(custom not bungie matchmaking) at least enjoyed it and all custom game players(which is all of the recreational gamers who play halo) play infection almost all the time. Implementing this would enhance custom games and please a lot of people i dont see how anyone could disagree with this. I thought of this idea a long time ago but i never bothered to hand it to bungie because i thought it would never be put up into consideration.this would make infection make alot more sense with character models.
  12. Ranking is for the competitive gamer not the casual social gamer. Fun is seen in different ways, competition is my main way of having fun and competition never gets boring so long as you have something to work for. The ranking system is what drives competition and skillful balanced gameplay allows it to happen. Without competition the replay value of halo is cut in half for a gamer like me. Take reach for example, does anyone care about winning in reach? no they don't because nothing drives them to win which is exactly why i have silver membership right now. If i buy another card its because halo 4 will prove itself to have a ranking system as challenging as halo 3. Winning is i believe the most important thing in competition therefor winning should always level you. K/D should not just be shown on score at the end of every match but it should have a good effect on losing, if you lose with a positive K/D you should not go down a level because it was your teams fault of the loss not yours. Ive mentioned this before but it wasn't as clear. But anything different from the level system used in halo 3 and 2 i think would have a small chance of pleasing competitive gamers like myself, i think this system only needs to be tweaked a little not completely changed. O ya and in Cod everyone who calls themselves pro are fakes, they are not competitive gamers at all because CoD is easy and has no skill or competition. Cod is for casual gamers like yourself, i honestly see nothing other than casual play in CoD. This op by the way is not the topic for you since you have no interest in competition. The social area was never abandoned in halo 3 either, thats just the way things are now on console, no one talks and the people who do are not very friendly or smart, this is due to making games easier to play(CoD).
  13. i disagree and agree with this system. Accuracy should never detemine the players skill level because people play differently and it would just make the ranking to complicated. I do agree however that kill death should come into effect in slayer tied with the goal of winning. But this should stay out of objective matches. a win should bring you up if no matter what, and if you have positive kill death during the match and you lose your level shouldn't go down. Keep it simple so the player knows what to do to rank higher alert him too, none of that random leveling bs. Also no one cares if your an adult we can talk to you just like we talk to everyone else, its a video game community and has nothing to do with real life.
  14. Why not? i agree dual wielding is cool there were never any problems with it.
  15. o but the ranking system makes the community you see community is a BIG part of the gameplay because the level of competition is effected by the drive of the community to win.
  16. Sprint makes halo fast paced to the point where call outs are not as affective as they should be, it also messes up spawns(depending on how small the map is) and lets players escape easier when they are about to lose in a firefight. I agree with Drakell Those who want sprint have never played halo to a high competitive level.
  17. ok wait a second the engine has nothing to do gameplay an engine is only something you build on. All an better engine does is allow you to go further in development with the video game. But yes i agree that sprinting is a bad sight that depressed me as well.
  18. no reason not to bring it back to PC other than server expenses, but i don't think its 343 decision to do this because they don't sell it, that Microsoft's job in this matter. But halo just doesn't feel right on PC compared to xbox.
  19. ya miss switching between those to weapons all the time, fire two shoots from a beam rifle and then immefiatly switching to the human sniper rifle. I agree it should be brought back
  20. Sprinting doesn't sound to bad of an idea, id rather it not be added at all but as long as the maps are made well for the mechanic it will be fine.
  21. So numbers don't matter and the community is thriving huh? that doesn't make any sense, how would you know if the community thriving or not if you don't even know the amount of people who are playing the game? Stop arguing with this guy hes making your opposition look foolish. Hes right AAs kinda messed up halo, they had way to much influence on the gameplay i didn't feel like i was playing halo. A cover doesn't make a game, just because the game says halo on it that doesn't mean its anything like original halo. You have obviously never played halo to a high competitive level if you believe AA make the game more skillful. In halo 3 i was a level 49 with 6 other high 40's (obj,mlg,snipers,slayer,squad battle, swat and dubs) and trying to get my 50 was one of the hardest things ive ever tried in gaming. In halo reach me and my dubs partner played 4v4 in arena slayer and we carried our random team mates all the to an excellent record of 42-3. We had no real competition the only thing we had to deal with was communication with our team mates(telling them to hide). Eventually we quit playing arena because it didn't offer enough competition like halo 3. If reach showes more skill than halo 3 then that kind of record would of been impossible for me and my friend to accomplish. AA spawns only gave people an unfair advantage on a better player in the right situation making the gameplay far to random to determine which player had the most skill. I hated the armor abilities, every single one of them but drop shield and hologram. Jet pack was the worst, it destroyed the purpose of map layout allowing a player to fly over everything. It also encouraged aggressive players to fly to the top of the map and shoot at players from their spawn point making the spawns not mean anything to a user of the jet pack. Sprinting only made the it easier for a loser in a firefight to get away, and it screwed up the spawns for small maps as well. Camo was also very cheap allowing you to get the drop on the other player every single time, it also substituted for the reaction time of the user. Armor lock slowed the gameplay down in very annoying way and wasted well earned power weapon ammo that the other team was able to skillfully obtain. Evade just completely ruined CQB allowing the player the user to instantly flee from his attacker. I dont believe armor abilities were the fatal blow to reach, i think it the lacking of satisfying gameplay.
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