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Grunt (1/19)



  1. please fix the matching team ups, im tired of going up against people with like positive 10,000 kds and ending up with teamates that are negative as ****, i only have a positive 2,000 kd myself and if you think a person with that kd can match up against a team of positive 10,000 and above with teamates that are negative as ****? then you are wrong my friends. for once i would like to be on the good teams instead of these shifty as teams your system has been placing me on, i have/ or been loosing most of my games for the last 3 months, i figured id give you guys time and maybe it will be better, HECK NO! ITS GETTING WORSE! im sure my friends and other players have been having the same problem and/or concern and i strongly recommend fixing this, otherwise you will be losing players and subscribers and possibly any money you are making off us playing this game. also fix your automated hacking tracker, ive also been in lots of matches recently where people would be flying across the map shooting snipers and getting headshots, people would kill me n one shot of a dmr, people would have a jetpack or invisablity and use armorlock at the same time, people would have overshields or my weapons would be ineffectve against them. message aCOWBOY2 for the video proof or look at some of DigitalDarkLinks filebrowser videos to catch them if you must.
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