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haloman 2

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haloman 2 last won the day on September 1 2023

haloman 2 had the most liked content!

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    My interests are halo including all of the halo games especially halo 5 now
    i really like assassins creed but i barely play that now
    and i really like super smash bros
    i got a wii u a while back and love it with smash bros and mario kart 8
    i now collect the collectable figures with them called amiibo even though they are hell to find
    and then i really like anime and manga and i am currently trying to write some as well, even though they arent the best right now.
    then i have seen well over a dozen anime that i cant list them all but here are a few
    angel beats
    prison school
    fairy tail
    chaos head
    steins gate
    fullmetal alchemist
    fulmetal alchemist brotherhood
    pokemon (still watch it too)
    assassination classroom
    k project
    is this a zombie?
    is this a zombie of the dead?
    my bride is a mermaid
    elfen lied
    and many many more

    i am always looking to play with people on halo MCC (i dont have live the works for xbox 360)
    and on smash bros and mario kart

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    jesse case

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343 Guilty Spark

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  1. just decided to pop ack on after years of inactivity. definitley interesting to se the changes made here

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      thank you kind sir/lady

      i will gladly try and be on here more often. honestly some of me is lost since offbeat items seems pretty weird now

    3. Dc


      A lot of the forums are filled with spammers now, pretty sad but whatever at least they work (unlike the 3DSPaint bulletin boards which I have been waiting to get fixed for a year now)

    4. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Yeah there's heaps, I'm having a hard time keeping up 😢

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