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haloman 2

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Everything posted by haloman 2

  1. Mr. Director, how many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? lol jk really though 3 questions who is the secret thought to be cameo in star wars episode 6? (hint: he is an old clone trooper) and who is the last surviving clone trooper from star wars and star wars the clone wars that has survived all the way to star wars the force awakens and how did he survive?
  2. that poisoned veryone but .... (the 4th period is to end the sentence)
  3. team mystic is stupid and the worst for all the ego centric peeps on it who only chose it to win *cough cough* all but one of my friends *cough*
  4. Hello everyone, hope life has been well for all of you. im not sure if this is the riht place to do this, but i created a spartan company on halowaypoint just for fun. I wanted to try to get some members for it and felt like bringing it here. My company is just for fun, and we aren't special in any way, and hae no requirements. The compny is called "Disciples of Venu" based off the religious group, or i should say stickeaters from the comic book series called "bone" If you havent read the commic id DEFINITLY reccommend it, because it is really good with comedy, adventure, tidbits of romance, and many other genres. here is the link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/search?query=Disciples%20of%20Venu&page=1&scope=Clans
  5. sans (mine is dark because i played this game over the weekend and asked this question) would you rather have sex with a dead body or have sex with an animal/alien?
  6. caboose has kicked ass before he has done that a few times before the only two i remember though were when they fought tex and when canoose and sarge took the reds and blues flags from season 3 and had them attack Omally
  7. HALO 4!!!!!???? but that game has been out since 2012!!!! you MUST be slow on the progression of halo!!!! XD (i know you meant halo 5) if you have a waifu who is your waifu for laifu??? and what anime is she/they from?
  8. is it my all time favorite character sargent avery johnson?
  9. extremely cheapuncomfortable head phones because i am already used to that would you rather have your soul bound in armor until it breaks or be a chimera for the rest of your life
  10. wait!!!!... you arent jack!!!!! your micheal JACK caboose!!!!!!! nope not melody jack
  11. im so badass i dont have the money to buy fallout 4 nor do i want to buy it
  12. i dare you to... oh wait... what was the most ambarrasing halo moment you have ever had, either by yourself or with friends
  13. i forgot if this was already asked or not but mendicant bias? because he CANT rejoin the forrunners (see what i did there, just like american dad with the americant scene)
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