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haloman 2

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Everything posted by haloman 2

  1. all of the E.S posthumous songs i hope you guys listen to them, and tucker im happy radioactive is stuck in your head it is in mine too, paradise by cold play, dynamite by tao cruze, halo 2 theme like you caboose and spartan 104 same with earth city, i hate to say this one but call me maybe, moves like jagger (my favorite song in the world) and last but not least my favorite anime theme songs (two actually) but the first pokemon theme song and this last one is for all of the true anime fans but all of the angel beats songs
  2. loved bill nye also he is actually a jerk i met him some years ago, any ways whats next
  3. azaxx and everybody else on this forum i love you and azaxx the mudkip shout king congrtz i see you changed your profile pic and i like it but you are best as mudkip
  4. Well I have been busy again so during the summer I'm not on very much I just check in every once in a while. Any ways a while ago I changed my profile picture because this is my favorite anime and i just loved it so ya that's all

  5. I do like the reach and ark ideas. They are both great but they are doubtful but you never know you destroyed the ark and you destroyed I steals toon 04 in halo and in halo 3 you discover it is being rebuilt. Maybe the promethian a and the sentinels are rebuilding the ark and possibly maybe rebuilding 343 guilty spark or just making a new minister to replace guilty spark so those are my ideas based off of others
  6. Alight well when you have enough look at it and see if you want it or not. Also I do have to warn you that it is early access so there are ALOT of bugs and glitches and there is an occasional crash with the game but it will e fixed soon with the we updates coming
  7. Hey guys its been a long time since I've been on about two months so first off I'm back and il be checking up every once in a while and second today is my birthday the day I post this third I have gone to LDC (leader ship development camp) and it is worth going. It changes your life! So I have changed because of that. And last before I get tithe topic discussion but I love you guys as my awsome online friends you are all the best. And a few of you I need to PM and catch up again. Ok now to my topic so this is a steam game that is called Interstellar marines. It is only Pre alpha right now so there is t much to do beside multiplayer and shoot each other with the most fair gameplay with only one gun and a few early maps for the multiplayer. I love this game already and it is worth buying even though the normal version is 14.99 and the special edition also called the spearhead edition is 39.99 but that one you get all of the future updates and DLC and expansions for free! And that is worth buying I bought it and you get a free key to gift for a friend of the same game. It is awsome!!! So I just want to point that out look at the gameplay and trailers it is a very realistic game with awsome graphics!!!! I'd definitely say to buy it. Son please help the creators by giving them your money and you can also help by reporting bugs and glitches and they would love for people to help them make the game and program it. This game will also have awsome potential and it's a lot like half life and a few other games like half life. Here are a few pictures of the game if I can post them. Also the ps3 cover is just fan made and it real the designers have said as if right now it is only OC exclusive but later in the future when the game comes out they will port it to other systems
  8. Guess what day it is today I post this!!!!!!! My birthday I'm back and ill check up every now and then vecausebimngetting a wii u soon cus my old wii is just dead and useless now. So I miss you guys and I have gone to a few camps and I have changed this summer I just want to thank all of you guys in this and you are all the best online buddies ever and I love you guys as friends

    1. Absolute Dog
    2. Church


      Happy bday, and long time no see!

    3. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      Thanks you guys you are all awsome

  9. Great job I have seen you mentioned before but great job and I hope you enjoy it we love you
  10. Yes fishy I know you were one when I joined and I have a long way to go before I'm not dedicated anymore and yes I am Zelda
  11. Ya Pepsi lovers I love both though but for this I'm ping pepsi
  12. Oh I'm sure you are right and or their children love pokemon for the knee who do have children
  13. This like the hard light shield but is it the shield that the flyer promethian things yse Use
  14. Infection started again for chief
  15. Yes! I have Finally made it to dedicated member. I'm so happy I'm ded with some of you guys. only things that makes me sad though is that now i have to make lie another 2000 posts or so to get to the next rank. but now since I'm dedicated I'm posting more and being a better member here and I'm going to dedicate myself for the good of the forum and help with things and everyone who needs it

  16. and now for my last post I'm now a ded member on this site as del as some of you too. yay we are ded also i want to eat the ded cookies give me some caboose. and frankenzer i will catch up to you zelda you only need 7 more
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