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haloman 2

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Everything posted by haloman 2

  1. the walking dead tv show is awesome but the video game is ok. Yay halo 4 best graphics and best on xbox 360!!!! I'm happy that black ops II isn't on here. I have only two friends that don't like call of duty like me. they play halo. All of my other friends hate halo. so thats why I don't like cod and I'm happy that it's not on here
  2. it will be a remake of halo two I heard about that. I know it doesn't mean or say it will come out before or after "halo 5" or the next halo (they are also talking about making the next halo into a prequel to reach) but I'm very sure that it's is going to be a halo two remake that will come out before the next halo, because thats how it was with the combat evolved anniversary.
  3. looks like a cool map!!!! I like it!!!
  4. sounds cool i like it. good job frank. Keep it up! I loved the forward unto dawn! I need to finish spartan ops though
  5. Halo is always going to be better than any cod game. because: you get to drive vehicles cod you can't get in any vehicles, new weapons every game release, one or more vehicles, aliens, futuristic weapons, you don't die first if you get shot at a person and shoot back then get you die first, you don't get killed when you get shot in the hand or foot OR EVEN THE TOE!!!!, etc...
  6. yes it may be better ranked than halo will ever be by companies and players. But blacks ops 2 and any other cod games are stupid, repetitive, it's for people that don't care about school, don't do well in it, cus in every sentence when they speak, act like ****** bags, don't have lives and will never get an occupation that they want because they failed and much more
  7. I agree and I too only bought the old xbox and the new 360 for halo. I have every game in the franchise. Halo 4 is very good and beats any COD any time. I only played cod for zombies but other wise i hate that game
  8. looks very cool the article wasn't very good though
  9. I think it will be released late 2013 (like halo 4) or early 2014 most likely. I want it to come out as late as possible because halo 4 is a great game but it was released too early because it doesn't have half of the old game types
  10. i know i looked forward to having one of those
  11. Matt in ways i agree with you and Babby i totally agree with you call of duty IS horrible!! the instant respawn doesn't sound good but the maps sound awesome
  12. i didn't really get any info out of that except it will come out in two different versions
  13. i can't wait too. i want to se what happens next. i have only read fall of reach. i need to catch up.
  14. this would be cool and fun but i don't think it should be halo. maybe a very similar game to halo though.
  15. wow thats interesting. i do think it might hurt halo though
  16. mine was at friends and it was halo 2, halo 3, and , halo 3 ODST
  17. I do agree with you it wasn't qite finished
  18. I sure hope its like halo its my favorite ever!!!!
  19. i saw these locations they seem complex and hard to find except 2 of them
  20. I feel bad for you that you live in Europe I live in the U.S and I'm going to buy it (I don't mean to gloat) I also bought the LE of halo 4 but i do feel bad for you
  21. i just listened to the first song but its really cool
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