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haloman 2

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Everything posted by haloman 2

  1. I've had mine for 7 years and havn't gotten it
  2. somebody please tell me what this is i have no idea
  3. i love kirby sooo much i have nightmare in dream land, amazing mirror, epic yarn, return to dreamland still trying to beat that, and super star ultra. i love them all
  4. i looked up halo chronicles. it was supposed to be a interactive game
  5. it sounds fun i'd try it and i'd help you on it if needed
  6. i play its a good game i think im a level 10 i play as annie or jacks
  7. italy. if you could live in any time in the past (renaissance, middevil, eyc...) what time would it be?
  8. hey people this is pretty self-explanitory. what would be cool for a level in halo 4 campaign?
  9. I have halo 1 and 2 for pc thats all it should be on with xbox. its not fair that they never made halo 3 or reach for it. but Microsoft make pc so if they want they can do what they want
  10. I'd say bungie for reach and halo 3, but 343 because they have almost all of bungie
  11. i want it to look like the H3 but I liked how reach worked better I'd go with reach
  12. all i'd want is a special armer ability or a statue of noble 6 or a multiplayer armer where it looks like noble 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
  13. In halo legends the Arbiter gets killed getting revenge on somebody who killed his wife and forced him to join the covenant
  14. Well I know one thing. The Arbiter won't be in halo 4 if you watch halo legends you see him get home on his planet a few months after the war. He has bad memories from when the war was going on. One of the high arks forced him to kill his wife. He didn't so he hired a brute to do it and then he was sent to battle and on suicide missions. When he gets back he kills the brute that killed his wife but he dies too.
  15. I love red vs blue and figured that they would have to make them in halo 4 I can't wait for it. I hope episode 1 is basically where they are like "now how'd our adventure begin all it was, was "why are we here?" and then they talk about that again
  16. I think he is right and I hate all the cod games they suck.!!!
  17. The only problem is I dont know how to subscribe. But once this is finished I'd prefer you guys put halo reach rise of the spartans (machinima) It's good I love it and cant wait till volume 2.
  18. yay for grif, one, absolutedog, and private church
  19. I like the idea but we wouldn't be able to stick grunts with plasma nades and high jack enemies and ride alien vehicles and use weapons
  20. Another good time was when I played halo my second time on the silent cartographer. I went into the building in the hog and saw the doors closing. I raced with the hog and surprisingly I got the hog through the door with the marines. I freaked out about the elite with the sword and ran him over once I realized he wasnt doing anything and beat the level with the hog in the building. little did I know that I was playing it on heroic. (Iwas playing combat evolved by the way.)
  21. Your a noob at halo when you cant snipe someone at point blank range who is afk and then he kills you.
  22. My favorite character is slade from teen titans aka deathstroke he is in that show and has his own comic books file:///Users/jcase15/Documents/413_090.jpgfile:///Users/jcase15/Documents/1712705-slade_icon_super.jpg
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