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Everything posted by BigMartin58

  1. War Games (Matchmaking)? No. Customs and forge? Maybe. Nuff said.
  2. Now, I don't believe in a full storyline playing as the chief's son, but I would believe, however, that his son might save him in a future game. Reasonable?
  3. Well, sorry, I thought this was a good place to place this because it has to do with halo 4. (Not in a sarcastic tone )
  4. I want the sentinal beam! That seems like a typical weapon to return.
  5. All Halo 4 Confirmed Weapons Short-Mid Range Automatics Assault Rifle Storm Rifle Needler Mid-Long Range Rifles Battle Rifle (BR) Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) Covenant Carbine Shotgun Type Weapons Scattershot UNSC Shotgun Long Range Rifles Sniper Rifle Light Rifle - Forerunner, high powered, long distance rifle Explosive Weapons Railgun - Fires high explosive round which creates explosive and kinetic force. UNSC Rocket Launcher Spartan Laser Sticky Detonator Pistols Magnum Plasma Pistol Melee Weapons Energy Sword And BTW there is a post on this.
  6. I use GIMP... I did the one up there entirely manually because i dont have a template, and i broke my photoshop so I'm getting use to GIMP. Me too i hope!
  7. Here are two examples: I'll do up to 10 requests, for now, (first come, first serve), maybe more after. Just post which one, the armor you want, the primary color you want, secondary color you want, the background effect, and whether you want your username in it. Limit of one per day because they take a while to make. Your welcome!
  8. in one of the trailers it shows a camera roaming around between and around the characters so this might mean that they are doing that in theater. here's the trailer: http://youtu.be/f6UL63Zo-uo?t=2m18s
  9. I totally guessed this! haha It's crazy when you make a guess and you're right! Here's my proof: http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/8200-halo-4-ranking-system/
  10. That was bungie, this is 343. From what I've seen, it looks like 343 wants to take the more realistic route, thus giving them a reason to now consider that elites don't have visors.
  11. i preordered it yesterday! And im going to the midnight release!
  12. that would definately be cool but sadly, it prolly won't happen...
  13. Frank O' Connor stated that we will not play as Elites in matchmaking. But he never stated that we wouldn't play as them in Custom Games or Forge mode. But did anyone ever stop to think that maybe they reserved that spot for whatever the other main species of the game (EX. Forerunners)? Maybe they thought that playing as something else would be a fun change to the game. The only problem is they haven't announced who the other species are so if they tell us who the other species is that we'd play as is, they would spoil the Species in the campaign. And I say "species" because whoever this species is, could be either the protagonist OR the antagonist. So if we are able to play as another species, it will be interesting to see how they play. (All of this speculation is for custom games and forge, not matchmaking)
  14. I think they should release a spartan ops forge mode after they stop making the missions themselves, so that we can continue (non-cannon) missions... It would be similar to in halo reach how you switched the gametype of forge and then it gave you certain options. We could forge our own missions, play missions from the community, create our our cutscenes, create special ending based on the difficulty you played on, we could recreate past halo game missions, we could create halo-versions of other game missions... the possibility would be endless!!!
  15. Sorry About double post. Request close of one.
  16. I thought these were awesome! [media=] [/media] [media=] [/media] Let me know your ideas!
  17. Plans can change though. I'm not saying they will, but they can.
  18. but the date of the video was april 29 2012. That was only 15 days ago...
  19. In an Interview with frank o connor, recently, he picked out zanzibar in his list of Halo A-Z. He also stated that it was his favorite map. he says it was remade 3 times, maybe four. Halo 2, Halo 2 PC, Halo 3 are the only games that had it. Is the fourth maybe in Halo 4? Now I'm not saying their is definitely gonna be a remake, I'm just saying It might. http://youtu.be/VhXU...M?hd=1&t=11m12s
  20. im staying up all night, and cancelling school the next day, and playing for as long as I will physically be able to.
  21. what if... ...master chief is a unicorn?
  22. damn... i guess voicing an opinion/speculation is now prohibited... A guy can't voice his opinion without getting (sorry for the language) bitched at...
  23. I would put the worlds greatest map creator into it... It would be the best map creator that has ever BEEN made and ever WILL BE made!
  24. well then, why would you train against spartans when you (in real combat) are fighting Elites (and other covenant/forerunner)?
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