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  1. i would like to have bots be put into the multiplayer cause i don't have xbox live at my house so i would have to go to my dads house to play on live. plus it won't be that hard to do seeing as to how both epic and trearch did it for their games.
  2. if you are bringing back firefight voices then put the cast of red vs blue into the selection.
  3. I want last resort, foundry, highground, and valhala (not sure if i am spelling that correctly) to return.
  4. I want the Battle Rifle, and the SMG to make a return and Hayabusa armor also to make a return. and don't connect the multiplayer with the reach stats again cause i didn't really like that. and also this is just an idea but try to put an LMG in the game aswell. and bring back duel weilding.
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