Personally, I'm 50/50 over the making of Halo 4 and if it was a good idea. I'm still not that big on Halo 4 as I though I would be from my experience with all the other Halo games, I play it every now and then, but to me, Halo 4 is a desperate cash grab. You can't just bring a brand new team in make a new trilogy that was a classic by a team who gave it so much love. Halo 4 doesn't give me that feeling the old Halo's did. Reach just about managed to give me that Halo feeling from back in the day but not with Halo 4, not to say the game was bad but when I really think about it, I think Halo 4 should have held off. Halo 4 should've come out this year for next gen.
After Halo 3, a lot of gamers were curious as to what would happen next, and whilst the campaign to Halo 4 was really good, it could've held off for longer to get gamers really pumped up for it. That's just me. Maybe it was a good idea to bring Halo 4 out, as any issues or disliked features with the game will be known and can ultimately be fixed or changed in Halo 5. Only time will tell and I really hope 343i give us what we want from Halo 5, not just ranking systems etc but that reminiscent feeling the Old Halo's gave us.