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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. I loved the campaign overall, it was a nice experience. Though there a definitely some things I would nitpick on, such as the fact there were not any side quests to do and it was a pretty straight forward campaign (Not that it's a bad thing) and so on. I won't go into detail with what I felt was left out and/or needed in the campaign but overall it was an good and interesting experience, with touching moments. Halo has one of the best story lines to exist on a video game, so if you're really into story type campaigns, you'll love the Halo 4 campaign. It helps to be a big fan of Halo, as you'll feel the full experience of the Halo universe. Since by now you've already played the campaign I will say that I hope you enjoyed the campaign like I did!
  2. But, will there be chocolate cake on Mars? That's the real question here.
  3. Yes. Mudkip was also my first Pokemon on Ruby. Do you like to eat fruit?
  4. Welcome to the Community Jan! Hope to see you around the forums, this is a friendly place and I'm sure you'll love it here. ^_^
  5. Well the game has been out for a while now, ultimately making this thread pointless but if you post this in the Halo 5 column, you may get a better response. Though, it would be better if you posted more of your reason as to why you'd want duel wielding back etc a descent size paragraph at least. That just shows those members that do visit, can take this thread a bit more seriously, especially since this thread has been done before but if you at least put more thought into it, you can go a long way. Hope this helped.
  6. Ahh, I missed it! I completely forgot about this event. Next time I guess.
  7. This is quality, modded maps like these should be implemented into Halo 4 multiplayer for variety.
  8. Never. Halo is unique in its own way, why would anyone think of taking the core of another game and adding it into Halo. That's like saying I like Need for Speed but I want it to play like Forza Motor Sport. Each game has its unique platform, nothing needs to be changed about it unless it's absolutely necessary. If you made specific points about that game that could work in Halo and why, then fair enough. But, posting the wiki page to Perfect Dark is the lazy way of expressing what you'd want in a new Halo game as there aren't any specific reason with explanation.
  9. ShockGazm

    Medal Madness

    Looks like a lot of fun to play, shame I don't have gold to try it out. :/
  10. By assassination! The best way to kill the enemy. But, also using ranged weapon like the BR and DMR.
  11. Personally, I'm 50/50 over the making of Halo 4 and if it was a good idea. I'm still not that big on Halo 4 as I though I would be from my experience with all the other Halo games, I play it every now and then, but to me, Halo 4 is a desperate cash grab. You can't just bring a brand new team in make a new trilogy that was a classic by a team who gave it so much love. Halo 4 doesn't give me that feeling the old Halo's did. Reach just about managed to give me that Halo feeling from back in the day but not with Halo 4, not to say the game was bad but when I really think about it, I think Halo 4 should have held off. Halo 4 should've come out this year for next gen. After Halo 3, a lot of gamers were curious as to what would happen next, and whilst the campaign to Halo 4 was really good, it could've held off for longer to get gamers really pumped up for it. That's just me. Maybe it was a good idea to bring Halo 4 out, as any issues or disliked features with the game will be known and can ultimately be fixed or changed in Halo 5. Only time will tell and I really hope 343i give us what we want from Halo 5, not just ranking systems etc but that reminiscent feeling the Old Halo's gave us.
  12. That's very unfortunate right there, especially at the level of 97. Sadly, what's done it done and it can't be corrected. Xbox support is useless, it's a shame they couldn't help you.
  13. ShockGazm

    weapon skins

    The way 343i brought in weapon skins was stupid, they should just give us more option on how to obtain them. Or just a bigger variety of specific weapon skins you can only get if you buy them. Or, even get weapon skins through spartan points, the more you save up the better skins you can buy and so on.
  14. I like the Storm Rifle, I think it's slightly better in the damage and accuracy range. But, I hardly ever used it online.
  15. I would like Forza to not be an exclusive. It will never happen I know, but I'd like to play Forza on my PS4. Forza is quality, one of the best racing games I've ever played.
  16. Welcome to the Community, Kanamee! Hope to see you around the forums, I'm sure you'll settle in well here.
  17. I'd like to see a new cocky character make it's way into Halo, an amazing marine, ODST or Spartan. I'd like to see an ODST character make its way as a main character, he or she needs to be the best of the best regarding skill set, comedic as well as serious, cockyness every now and then, and overall a badass.
  18. ShockGazm

    Forerunner HELP!

    Difficult level you have right there, a lot of taking cover is needed and scouring for weapons.
  19. I used to play a few hours everyday for most days of the week, not so much anymore. If there's a gamenight I will play some Halo, or even if there isn't I might play for an hour or so.
  20. Give it another shot and see what happens. As long as people follow the rules of the game, it should work out.
  21. Looks like a load of fun to play!
  22. Yes. Poor little flower. Can you play a guitar?
  23. If you read my paragraph you'd have realized I menioned Warframe was also for PC
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