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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. I have so many to choose from but if I had to choose a band it would be Breaking Benjamin and also, Linkin Park. I'll post my top 2 Linkin Park songs and Breaking Benjamin. The last one you just have to like!
  2. It is pretty cool looking to be fair. It's the type of thing I'd buy if I had money to spare. If your a tech geek it's a must buy,.
  3. Also I'm missing "The Gamer Award" and "The Top 15 Award" (I believe it was December). Cheers. EDIT: Thanks Dan!
  4. THE FUTURE IS HERE! On a more serious note, I'm never going to buy this. I like the keyboard I have now and also just using the keyboard on my laptop is enough for me. Well, I much prefer it to be honest. Nice idea, I have seen this keyboard before but it's not something I'll think about buying anytime soon.
  5. Well done there Spyro! Now for crying out load where are the beers and steak sandwiches!
  6. Ahh, now I see. Sorry, I had a feeling I would be in the wrong. Thanks for clearing that up for me.
  7. I'm in a similar boat there! With the whole fitness thing it's really me trying to motivate myself, just need to find more structure in my life and push myself more.
  8. Are you moving home, or maybe a holiday even?
  9. Yeah, I'm a little obsessed with Fifa. Not sure if that's a good thing though, especially when it comes to Ultimate Team, that feature drives me up the wall, haha. I managed to save up 50,000 coins and was on a winning streak but then I got severely EA'd and lost 8 games in a row. Ended up buying 8 packs with my coins and getting nobody in them worth anything, I regret doing than now since I have little coins left. =/
  10. Toast is better than nothing! Yes. I do like RPGS but overall I play a lot of FPS games. Do you wish you could change your eye colour?
  11. Just jumping back to this topic to be more serious. I don't think video games cause violence, if anything it helps decrease it. If you have a stressful day at work, video games can help relieve stress. Of course, it's not everyone's cup of tea. Ultimately it depends of that persons mind-set. I want to talk about something else, rather than what I just mentioned. I heard a story on the internet about a parent who let his young boy (Aged around 8-15, can't remember) play any game he wanted, typical spoiled child. Regarding the game, specifically it was Call of Duty, the boy was naughty this one day, he demanded to be allowed to play his video games and the mother simply said no. The boy later during the night or early morning went into his mothers room and stabbed her to death. Now, what causes this? Video Games? Wrong, it has nothing to do with video games, this issue results to how that young boy lived his life and how he was parented. But, that's simply not the issues either, as human beings we are one with our mind, we control our thought process and ultimately make decisions by our selves. Now, I can't say how accurate this story is, but it has definitely happened before, and it's not the first time and I don't doubt it wont be the last time. Only that person is to blame, not video games. Whatever the news says that results in the flaming of video games, is completely biased and clearly have no understanding in human nature.
  12. No but I do love breakfast. I'm just never up early enough to have it, haha. I should normally eat before work but I love to sleep in longer, I'm no longer working so I tend to sleep in 'till 11am or even 1-2 in the afternoon. Can you actually cook?
  13. I heard good things about House of Cards, that's on my to-watch list. The others you've listed are on my list too, aside from Star Trek, never been a fan of it. Top Gear I'm a huge fan of, watched it all the time (UK version of course), it's always playing in the UK. I watched the first episode of Top Gear USA but I remember it was cancelled at one point? I think, anyway. Also I only recently found out it was back on (I know living under a rock right, haha). History is interesting and fascinating, don't blame you. It's just one of those things, at one point in my life I was obsessed with American war films and documentaries, I was just in that mind set where I wanted to know what happened and things that went down that may surprise me, like crazy missions some specific soldiers were sent on, stuff like that. Can't remember specifics since it was a few years back, but i do remember Saving Private Ryan, one of my favorite films and also Band of Brothers was another one I got obsessed with.
  14. Yes! Have you ever tried a flavored coffee? i.e Chocolate, Caramel, Strawberry etc.
  15. I'd have to say lately I've been obsessed with watching 24 the TV series, I can't stop watching it, it's by far one of the best TV shows I have ever watched and 24 even took me away from watching Breaking Bad (Still can't wait to continue watching that). I'm currently on season 4, just about to start season 5. I deeply recommend you watch it, if you're looking for an action packed show, which is filled with so many surprises (Believe me, crazy twists and turns) and overall just quality. I've also been obsessed with coffee lately, for the passed month I've been drinking crazy amount of coffee. Most days I drink around 2-3 and sometimes I tend to drink around 4-5 (Not everyday but say around 4 - 5 days a week). I've been trying flavored coffee's too, currently the flavors I've been demolishing are Amaretto Almond, Caramel and Double Chocolate. I'm an addict.
  16. YES! HECK YES! OH YES! INDEED YES! I love Dr Pepper! Do you look for Story in a video game, over multiplayer?
  17. Haven is my favorite map because it's close quarters, just wish sprint was disabled for this map, it's not needed. I also like Adrift and Abandon. And, Complex is the worst map for me. I'm also not a huge fan of Exile, it's okay-ish.
  18. Bacon was mentioned is this thread, so Yes. (I just replied with that statement because you have to leave a proper question once you've answered whatever the previous statement or question was, I'm sure yours was but just a reminder) Do you prefer Chocolate Icecream over Vanilla Icecream?
  19. It's sad and pathetic but it won't go away. That's what happens when someone has the power of the internet, they can say what they want, when they want and 99% of the time get away with it.
  20. I'm currently missing the Twitter Award and the Youtube Award. Thank you by the way.
  21. Great post there pal. I agree with a lot of it, some I do lightly disagree with or having something different to say about it but overall nice effort with your post. Just to reply with 1 or 2 of your topics (If I've miss-replied it's because I only just woke up), I won't go into too much detail as it's early morning, I haven't had my coffee yet. -Having 6 grenades on you in a big no, grenades have always been in my eyes quit OP (Which is understandable), 2 grenades will be enough and always will be. -Duel wielding I think should be in the game but it's effectiveness will still be on the borderline of effectiveness. It worked in Halo 2 and 3 because of how the mechanics worked and overall with the gameplay, especially with the maps available (Being close quarters and what not). But, as of Reach and Halo 4, it's effectiveness wouldn't be as great. Though, that could be argued against and it could actually become too OP itself. Having the ability to use duel magnums could create a new unfair way to kill someone quickly. There's a lot to be said about this topic but I won't go too much into it. - I'm still on the fence with Armour Abilities, that's all to that statement. I will say I hope that Sprint will be disabled in Halo 5, I don't want it and it's not Halo. Overall I agree with most of what you said, well done. Hopefully someone from 343i sees this, they have to get Halo 5 right.
  22. Yeah, I agree. I don't have an Xbox One yet, so I can wait. I think if Halo 2 did come out later this year and Halo mid or later 2015, I'd be happy. I think Halo 2 would be satisfying enough, especially if Halo 2 multiplayer is brought back, I'd be playing that game so much.
  23. Myself. No seriously, a lot of my friends gave up on Reach. I did play with my college mates for a while but they aren't my best friends. I typically played Borderlands 2 with my best friends, also FIFA. I used to play Halo 4 all the time with my best mate but regarding Halo Reach, not really. Actually, both of my mates and me had lots of fun with the campaign, trying to get legendary and just messing about in general. We did play some multiplayer and it was fun but it wasn't for too long. Since my friend started his new job and was never on and me and my other friend played Borderlands 2 all the time.
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