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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. That's good to hear! Online passes should just be erased from existence, anyway.
  2. I guess I'll say something since you're mentioning me, my username is ShockGazm by the way. Anyway, I'll just give short-ish answers but knowing me I'll drag on a little. Firstly I only mentioned your name once, but I agree I did mentioned the word in my first paragraph "Username" about 4 times but that's really irrelevant since I was just pointing it out and simply had to use that word more than once to do so. The fact your name was suppose to be comedic was truly unknown to me and I don't doubt all members didn't have any knowledge of it's purpose. I mean, I do have a sense of humor but you can't know that through text. Regarding why I kicked off a little is due to people who just seem to post on this website just to complain about Halo 4, this isn't something that bothers me that much but it seems for those few members that joined, only joined to say what they needed to say about the game (On times it's straight bashing Halo and sometimes just complaints or issues) and never return. Your username didn't help that case, "343sucksabigone", in my defense I thought this was just another joke made by someone to bash Halo a little and leave. Maybe I was contradicting myself a little but recently it appears people post on here just to complain, there's no relevance to it and it won't change the outcome of Halo 4 or even 5. Yeah, I may be contradicting myself a little there, and I know it's unfair that it's at you but from my perspective, I've heard so may complaints about Halo I could sell a 300 page book about it. I mean, if you're having issues with Halo, regarding Halo 4 online, especially when it comes to lag issues, you can only really try and call someone to help you with making your internet better or moving your console in another area to try and grab a stronger connection. Regarding Halo itself, nothing can be done to change it (Or at least it's unlikely). I don't mean to be disrespectful to you in anyway, I'm simply stating why I said what I said and I do welcome you as a member, even if it's an occasional visit.
  3. I like a lot these and agree with most of them but of course, ultimately it's up to 343i to make decisions. It's hard to say what they'll be doing with Halo 5, I'm sure they're aware of the issues Halo 4 had (Some could argue against that) and are really trying to make the game the way us gamers would like it (Not all about us but to sell a game you have to listen to the customers).
  4. Everyone would pretty much want both games to come out. That's pretty much the answer, I mean who would say they'd want Halo 2 but not Halo 5, makes no sense. I could wait 'till 2015 for Halo to be honest, especially after Elder Scrolls and Destiny comes out. Those games are going to be great and fun, lately I've been bored with these next gen games. Fifa just isn't a good, Battlefield is amazing but ultimately another shooter that's not different to the last Battlefield, There are hardly any people playing Warframe, Resogun is great but it doesn't take long to get bored with it (Don't gen me wrong, I've had fun with these games, except fifa 14 but there's nothing to it, it's not like borderlands 2 where you can have Co-op fun and also get cool loot along your journey, those are the games I want) and so on. It's gonna be quite a wait until we can all play a game that's truly fun, but I do hope the Halo 2 Anniversary comes out sooner this year.
  5. Yeah. I agree with JL. Also, I do think sprint should be taken out, it's not what Halo's about. Call of Duty has sprint, Halo doesn't need it. That 1 small thing that made Halo unique.
  6. I think it will get better, I mean there are those that have said that Halo 4 was disappointing and what not. But, I think Halo 4 was a great game, even if the multiplayer was more quick paced than I thought. Halo 4 had an amazing Campaign, Spartan Ops was fun to play (Even though some mission were rinse and repeat, the story to it was great and it was an enjoyable experience), the menu I thought was very cool, the music in the game as always was amazing and the multiplayer was quite fun at first, in a way it's still a descent multiplayer game. I think the multiplayer was the main thing that threw people off Halo 4 eventually, it's understandable but it's still one of the best games for Xbox. 343i has to try new ideas now that they are now in charge of the series, bringing up new ideas and implementing change is the only way to move forward and keep the game fresh.
  7. Welcome to the Community, fellow Brit! See you around the forums.
  8. No. As much as I love nature, I use technology everyday and like it more. Do you support anyone in Soccer/Football?
  9. Just reading those got me even more pumped about Destiny! It's gotten to the point where I'm just shaking back and forth hoping Destiny will just fall on my lap.
  10. ShockGazm


    Hey, Welcome to the community! See around the forums, and not to worry, there are other female gamers here (Despite my avatar, I'm not female just to throw that out there).
  11. ShockGazm


    Hey, Welcome to the Community mate! See you around the forums.
  12. Yes I do. *Hands over a bag full of pancakes*... There ya go. *Nom nom nom* Sorry, there's only 1 packet left, uhh, a bear came out of nowhere and ate most of the pancakes. Do you think Destiny will get game of the year this year? (I know it's too early to ask but out of all the games that are coming out, do you think Destiny will have a higher advantage of getting GOTY)
  13. Got mine when I pre-ordered Halo Reach.
  14. Ahh, Well done! You get an F for friendship and an A for effort.
  15. Heck yes I do! Do you have an Xbox One?
  16. Until the Beta, who really know how it's gonna feel, other than those who have played or tested it already. I can only say I hope it feels like Reach, mixed with say a little Call of Duty and maybe another Halo game. I don't know, we'll just have to wait and see.
  17. I can't wait! Godzilla is going to be crazy badass!
  18. Even though I agree with you, I would put a bet down that a lot of people who post topics such as these as their first post don't stay on this forum long and never come back to it or at least rarely come back to it. And, have you seen that guys username? 343sucksabigone I mean, are you serious. How can you take a member seriously when their first post is taking about how bull**** halo is (I'm leaving out the specifics but you know what I mean) and then posts with that username. This isn't really a question of making a new member feel welcome, this is a question of that new members first impression. How can anyone, especially a Mod expect a fellow member to respect someone who's first comment is bashing the game for whatever reason but if that's not enough, just using the username I mentioned above. I agree that people are welcome to criticize a game, by all means, freedom of speech and all that, I'm not the boss. But, honestly, if you were going to be a true member, you'd post a nice introduction about yourself and then try and become a known member throughout the forums by posting, attending game nights and being a nice guy/gal in general. At least he didn't post in the introductions. But, this topic has come up so many times, it's becoming repetitive. I mean, it just seems people join this forum to complain about Halo 4, why? I mean, I joined because I wanted to meet new people and join a nice new community, not to bash on Halo. Also, if that guy does know this isn't 343i but rather a forum, I'll apologize now and if he truly does want to be a member among this community forum we/I welcome you, but the past couple of member have simply joined to complain about Halo, it's getting repetitive and it's obvious they don't want to be a member, just complain about the game when that person should know that nothing they say will fix their issues here at this community forum. Sorry, if I come of stingy but I have to mention this, I'm not going to sugar coat this.
  19. Haha, in this day and age, who cares (Probably, but there are way more concerning things in this world). I mean, I was joking on the topic but if I had to answer seriously I'd say why let it stop you, as long as you're mature enough, I don't see a problem with having at least 1 beer (In reality I think it depends on your life, as in, if your parents are lenient on that sorta thing). To be honest, there's not big deal when it comes to drinking, people big up drinking as if it's the greatest thing in the world but in reality it's a load of bull. The fact there's an age limit is because there are so many stupid people in the world that drink and at the same time cause problems, especially when it comes to death. Virtual beers on me.... Sorry, haha. I won't post anymore in this thread. But again, Congrats to those who made the list!
  20. I keep saying, make the "Community Forum" at the top of the page white and in a bigger font. Regarding the point of this thread, I will say that I'm too a little disappointing with Halo 4, hence why I don't play it anymore but also as I mentioned before... complaining about the game now and posting it on the forums isn't going to solve or do anything. I understand why people say it, especially the majority of people that call out the game in a bad way but ultimately it follow the path to nowhere. EDIT: Community Forum
  21. Ahh, no worries! Who cares, drinks on me!
  22. Well done people! *Pulls out the beer*
  23. You have to leave a question. EDIT: I'll leave another question. Can you draw Anime?
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