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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. No. But then again, I haven't been eating much due to working longer shifts. Not that there wasn't a point where I ate more that I should have but at the moment not really. Do you like to consume alcohol?
  2. Yes. I think it's just a matter of time before Bethesda announce it. But, I have a feeling it may come out next year, I'm hoping for it to come out in November or something, if it's announced that is. Do you have a sugar craving?
  3. The lack of Dr Pepper in my life is rather... disturbing.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Sιlεƞτ Aʟρнα

      Dr. Pepper is good! :3

    3. Silent Orbis

      Silent Orbis

      Very sad. I used to hate it, but not anymore.

    4. ShockGazm


      YES! People who also like Dr Pepper! <3

  4. Yeah, I still think Halo 5 will come out in 2015. Articles make mistakes and/or tend to be given information that's not 100%. I'd rather here it from 343i themselves than an article.
  5. The only thing you can do is to make a new account, meaning you'll have to add Xbox Live to a second account and start fresh from there. As far as I know, that's the only way.
  6. Deus Ex Human Revolution. Not to be Adam Jenson but the next protege... maybe even Adams future son. Something like that, just following the footsteps of Adam Jenson.
  7. Yes But, it's rare that I dream of it though. I think my idea of a dream world involves an amazing futuristic city and a world that doesn't have so much hostility as it does today. But, then the penguins took over the world. Yeah... it didn't turn out as I though it would. Do you have breakfast in the morning?
  8. Hello there fellow Brit! See you around the forums.
  9. Wow, looks like a really interesting maps to play on! Nice effort on that mate.
  10. At least it brings some more customization to those who love to play Mario. There are a lot of creative people out there, don't doubt there would be some sick racing maps to race on.
  11. Yeah, anyone with a braincell would know that saying "Remove Active Camouflage because it's OP and the Snipers think their all that" and "Promethean Vision is for those MLG tryhards" really isn't going to change a thing. They are in the game now and will never come out of it. Though both of your reasons are not exact and can be argued against easily, maybe you should take a step back and realize if that's what you're thinking when you come up against these abilities in-game, it would appear a new game is a must have for you. If you're not enjoying Halo 4, play a different game. Heck, if you haven't played Skyrim yet (If you haven't then what are you?), then play that. Play a game you'll enjoy and or are curious about (Maybe a genre you haven't played before), not a game you're willing to complain about on a community forum, in this case Halo... which isn't the 343i main website for the hundredth time.
  12. It's hard to say. It seems plausible but the Xbox One hasn't been out for that long so I wouldn't think they'd make a newer version of it so soon.
  13. I think it's a cool little anime series, only seen two episodes but I'd have to say... ... NO. Do you prefer Coffee over Tea?
  14. Yes, that's false... but I was in the top 5 of fastest in my school, just couldn't quite catch up to my best mate.
  15. I've decided to post a forum game, never done it before here and this one is quite simple game to play. Basically, you ask a question and the answer with a simple "Yes" or "No". Don't post anything other than your answer. Of course if you'd like to add a little extra to you answer or just a small comment in general that's fine but don't go off topic. Now, lets have a little fun. Example Question~ Do you like dem chocolate cakes? Answer~ "Yes" or you could say something like "Oh, heck yeah" GO! I will start ~ Do you enjoy playing video game more than watching a television series?
  16. My old nickname in school used to be sonic because I was the fastest person in my school. True or false!?!!?? What could it be...
  17. I wouldn't say I'm a fan of The Lost World but I do love the films! Well, not as much as back then but I can't wait to see the next one, that's if they're making it. I don't know what going on with Jurassic Park, 4 or 5 years ago the people behind it or whatever, said they were going to make a new film. But, it didn't happen. I'd love to see a re-make, that would be awesome. Especially now that technology has advanced even more now, could you imagine how good the new film would look if they're making it.
  18. Hey bro, welcome to the community! Hope you enjoy it here!
  19. Welcome to the Community! Hope you enjoy it here.
  20. That was the answer to the last riddle, haha.
  21. The top 3 character look hella' sweet! Nice post dude, this is making me very excited for Destiny! CAN'T WAIT!
  22. The idea is nice but it's useless and there aren't any games on it that make me want to buy and play them. Kinect just seems like too much effort just to play a game, I can see why people would like it but I know not a huge amount of people like it. I think the issue is Microsoft over doing it when it comes to the kinect, saying all these amazing things about it but in reality it isn't as amazing as people thought it out to be. It's been a long time since I used kinect and I have no idea what the new one is like.
  23. The Dark Knight - Batman "SWEAR TO ME!!! >:("
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