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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Well, FIFA 14 makes me shout at my TV and so does COD Ghosts. Nothing like going outside and throwing knives at people, haha. I only get a bit frustrated, but when I do I just go on LoveFilm and chill for a bit.
  2. Welcome back guy whom I don't know yet!
  3. Welcome to 343i Community Forum, bruh! See you in the forums.
  4. Hello there fellow Brit! Welcome to 343i Community Forum.
  5. Halo 3 will always be my favorite game, filled with laughter, fun and overall great memories. But, Halo 3 is at an end, and at some point the multiplayer will lay to rest permanently. As sad as it is for those gamers who really enjoyed Halo for whatever reasons, I wouldn't want Halo 3 to come out for Xbox One, only Halo 2 anniversary if it happens. Good memories shouldn't be tampered with, those times I will always remember and I think I can speak for a lot of people when I say that. If Halo 3 was made for next gen, it would lose it's heart and soul, you could say. That's just my take on it.
  6. Both OST's are amazing for various reasons and more specifically certain songs give off different vibes to whomever is listening.
  7. I find it a little pathetic but honestly, this isn't anything new. Worse campaign promotions have been around. If someone is honest with the game giving it a neural review, then I don't mind it (Not that this will bother me in anyway) but if it's just some big youtube star talking nothing but good of a game that has issues and lacks specifics, then it's beyond a pathetic attempt to big up their game. If companies such as EA actually published good games, then campaign promotions wouldn't be needed. Don't even get me started on NFS, I'd rather drink my own urine than talk good about their recent NFS games or a lot of their games that have recently come out actually (Small EA rant, had to do it).
  8. Well, hopefully we'll see Halo 2 soon. I'd kill to play that game again, miss it so much. I want to play the mission were the Breaking Benjamin song kicks in making that level so badass, especially in HD!
  9. Yeah, most detailed answer yet, haha. Regret? (Knowing I'm probably wrong)
  10. Yeah, there's a lot about them I don't understand, haha. I mean, the Didacts death was pitiful at best, when I actually think about the scene again... he should definitely be alive. How he survived I'd never guess but there you are, come at me Halo 5!
  11. That would make sense, haha. I loved the Halo Reach Campaign and reading about The Fall of Reach from where it all began would be a lot more interesting, there's still a lot I don't know about the Halo Universe and a lot I still don't understand.
  12. Looks like a lot of effort for a game.
  13. Yo, Tricky T! Haha, great name. Welcome to 343i Community Forum.
  14. Uhm, well.... it's nice to be nice. I guess I will say welcome anyway, haha.
  15. Wheeew, brings back memories this question. I'd have to say, Pokemon Red, first Pokemon game I bought, I believe once I bought it not long after getting it I brought it with me to Spain... good times! As to why I like it, I guess it's just because I loved Pokemon. I watched the series and movies, which lead me to absolutely loving the series... woke up every Saturday morning to watch it. I also thought it was cool, having a Pokemon battle that you control, you get to choose the Pokemon you want to take on a journey with you and you fight to become the Pokemon master, haha. I also liked the Yu-Gi-Oh game 'Dungeon Dice Monsters'. I loved the game mostly because of the memories it gave me (Still does) and my love for Yu-Gi-Oh. Hard to explain but both of those games were the best back in the day.
  16. I'm really not bothered with the character, he didn't interest me too much (At first, maybe but now that I think about it, not really). He should just stay dead, no need to bring him back. After seeing and experiencing John 117 chase a huge ball around for a while, I'd be sick of it if I seen it or him again.
  17. No... that would be pointless. The point of the ending, ending how it did is for the story to continue in Halo 5 (Obviously). If there are two endings, it simply wouldn't make sense looking back at Halo 4's ending or in this case ending's if it happened, once in future tense we've played the Halo 5 campaign. Cortana has been in Halo since Halo:CE, it's not a bad thing that Cortana got killed off, it's gives a sense of mystery as to what will happen now in Halo 5. If Cortana was still alive it would be a typical Halo story line where Cortana and John 117 kick *** and survive 'till the end. Now that Cortana is gone, a lot more can be done with the story which includes more surprises. That's just my thoughts on the subject. Oh, and by the way... wrong forum. Anything Halo 4 related goes here, just to point you in the right direction. ~> Halo 4
  18. He wasn't stating that, he was simply saying that if a game has a great campaign and multiplayer, gamers would tend to mostly lean towards the multiplayer aspects once done with the campaign (I presume), good examples being Halo, COD and Battlefield, upon many others. Campaign games need multiplayer, of course depending on the franchise. I wouldn't like to play the campaign over and over again, once I'm done, I'll come back to it every now and then. Ultimately a high percentage of gamers look for multiplayer, such as myself. And, also to make a solid game, that game would need both Campaign and Multiplayer, it's a perfect balance. But, again depends on the franchise, games like Halo... YES. Games like Skyrim, personally... NO. Also, I agree that a campaign matters, for me both games need the best of both worlds, but again depending on what company, franchise and game it is. Don't forget to mention Co-op Campaign! That's what I look for in a game, playing the campaign with friends I find is more fun and satisfying than Multiplayer.
  19. Haha, lost it a while ago. I may eventually buy a Halo book during summer holidays, more time to relax and read.
  20. There are descent amount of people from the UK here, namely me. Feel free to add me, I'll be up for some Halo.
  21. Showing off some of the editing work from some of the members (Halo I guess could be preferred) and maybe we could create our own Halo Machinima series, involving the 343i Community. Just an idea, of course a lot of planning would have to go into it, I mean I'd be up for it.
  22. I thought it would be a nice idea to have a thread going for those that would like to add fellow members to their PSN friends list for of course the PS4. Please, if you would like to, post your PSN Username down below. Cheers! ShockGazm is the username I'm using for PS4.
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