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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Yeah I read a little bit, it's pretty good. I like the Arbiters new armour, looks pretty cool. It's good that they gave him a new look, it would make sense considering John was frozen for 4 years.
  2. Ahh, I can't make it. I don't have gold anymore.
  3. It wouldn't be Halo without the Covenant and also the Prometheans.
  4. This. If it wasn't for Bungie creating an amazing story to the Halo series, I wouldn't have been that big on Halo in general. It's a good job the Halo series has one of the best video game stories out there. It's also better than 90% of the movies plots that have been made too. Video Game stories are the best!
  5. I think it would be awesome to play as the Arbiter again, it would be interesting to see his story over the 4 years John 117 was in cryogenics. I also wouldn't mind if elites were brought back too, to be honest I think it brings a bit more to the Multiplayer when you have people using elites rather than just Spartans all the time, though they were taken out of Halo 4 because Elites and/or Covenant didn't play a big role in the game. But, I've also never really been bothered about the Elites in Halo Multiplayer, so I guess ultimately we'll have to see what happens.
  6. Haha, I don't care about the new year either. A few hours ago a bunch of us family members had to cross hands in a circle and do the countdown. I couldn't be bothered but I didn't want to be that guy and you know what mothers are like, haha. Couldn't wait 'till it was over, the new year really isn't that big of a deal.
  7. Is this something you're writing or is it a page in a book you really like and wanted to share?
  8. I can see myself getting this game, despite the fact you have to pay monthly. I can understand why they'd do that though, I mean if it was COD, you are bound to make a hell of a lot of money regardless of quality. So, because that's hard to compete with (Sadly), Bethesda added a monthly fee. I can see Elder Scrolls Online just being to good to pass up because of that, I mean how can we forget about the awesomeness that is, Skyrim.
  9. Most users will basically answer this, in a variety of different words being used to say that above. I won't buy Halo 5 blindly. If I did I'd have to blindly buy an Xbox One blindly, which I'd rather not do, even though I know I'll have to get one eventually. I just want bring up that, Halo 4 was a great game so I know Halo 5 will be good and a better game regardless. I loved the campaign because the story again was amazing, the menu system was really good, Spartan Ops had a great story going, the Multiplayer was pretty descent, the music was amazing (the menu music especially was a beautiful piece), Customization was good, Graphics was awesome (nice and vibrant, not depressing at all), Forge was descent aside from the fact it was a copy and paste from Reach, overall if you didn't take Halo seriously it's a fun game to play. Of course I'm not going to mention the bad point, and also why I'm making these points about Halo 4, is basically to show that I have faith that Halo 5 will be a great game for Next Gen. But, obviously we haven't seen anything yet, so we can't speculate.
  10. I can see what directions they were going in, Third-Person would've been interesting but nowadays a lot of games are FPS, no point changing the recipe.
  11. Chinese and booze, with family and friends. Get in my son!
  12. I'm also glad to hear that they've looked at quick-scoping and realized it would sorta ruin the online quality. Good to know that this doesn't play like Call of Duty, too. I hate it when people compare game to Call of Duty, it's Garbage (Personal Opinion of course, no point going into it). Can't say I'm looking forward to the game though, unless my friend had it then I'd be up for it. I mean, it looks good and I don't doubt it will be a great game but it just doesn't look like the type of game I'd play for too long. I'm not big on Microsoft anymore either, that's why I can't see myself getting an Xbox One 'till possibly next year but who knows. I'm excited for Destiny on the PS4, especially since you get exclusive content too.
  13. I can't believe people still believe and/or say stuff like this, COD didn't create the idea of Loadouts and Custom Classes or whatever else Halo has done that COD already had. People should stop thinking that video game companies steal their ideas from Treyarch and/or Infinity Ward, when it comes to online. It's false and stupid. The fact COD is so popular is down the the fact it's a simple game and easy to play, especially online (Which isn't a bad thing but it's way over-rated). I can understand that there are some issues here and there but honestly, be glad that 343i has continued with the Halo series, be happy that there are games being made. I may find the game boring but if you still love the Halo franchise, you shouldn't give up and say it's the worst game. 34i first shot at making a Halo game was great, they've done a great job and I can't wait to see what they do in the next Halo.
  14. I just find that hard to believe. Bungie wanted to go their own thing, decided to hand Halo over to 343i so they could finish the Halo series. They've been working on Halo for about 10 years, I'm not surprised they wanted to work on something else. The fact they added in such features like Armour Abilities and what not, doesn't make it that they wanted to throw Halo under the bus and finally end it. Halo needed something new, something different to keep up with the pace of other FPS games and all that jazz.
  15. I did play it over my friends house, not bad. It was fun to play but it's not a game I'd add to my list of all time favorites. Nice little review by the way.
  16. Also, the Halo 4 Menu Soundtrack. I also like that. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L3QlEgnrcdk
  17. Personally, I wouldn't get it. I find it annoying to play and just boring. But, that's just my experience. You could read some reviews on teh inter-webs or watch Youtube reviews about the game.
  18. Okay, it's official... I want a movie. Love the trailer!
  19. Art work from Bungie is always b-e-a-utiful! Loving the Destiny art, it amazes me that people can be this artistic, it's crazy.
  20. From the comments above, I reckon Master Chief will quite literally lose his mind at some point. Not so much break down but with anger, lose control of his emotion and within that moment he loses his focus on what his objective was and I guess shuts off his emotion altogether. Though, I'm not sure what he's going to do in Halo 5, I can see some interesting character aspect appearing from John 117, he needs some emotions to come through, it would give the game an interesting twist, well, mostly character wise. But, as I said he may even lose all emotion and become a machine... mentally and emotionally of course, the type of thinking that would make him shoot anything in site. Everyone thinks of John as a Spartan that can petty much get out of any situation, kill all enemies with no mercy and as one Spartan, one human... destroy all that is evil. He's a survivor, but now that Cortana is gone, the main A.I or his best friend (you could say) that was keeping him sane and human, is now gone. I'm curious to see what 343i will do, now that John is alone and with all he's been through, must suffer alone too.
  21. Welcome back, I only returned a few days ago after not being active for a year. Hope you enjoy your time here at the forums.
  22. The Beta for Xbox 360 was terrible, clearly EA have stopped caring about the quality and would rather rush out a god awful product... again. I would love to get back into battlefield but I'm not paying for rubbish. Especially when they want you to spend another £50 on DLC. They don't do a lot when it comes to changing things up, just the same thing over and over. Can't say I know a lot about battlefield but there doesn't seem like there's much to it, just rinse and repeat, except with some new guns, building that fall and bigger/newish maps. Just a little rant, of course this is just what I think of Battlefield, in this case BF4.
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