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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. I'd like to think I'm rather talented at Sleeping. Many would say that's not a talent, but I beg to differ! On a serious note, I'm pretty descent at playing football and I'm good at poker, though it has been a while since I've played it. I can hold my own when I'm drinking with friends and I'd like to think I'm good at playing video games (If that counts, haha), mainly me adapting to various genres of games and being a quick learner on multiplayer. Oh and Monopoly, son! Oh and as for Secret Talent... I can sorta make a Donald the Duck noise with my mouth using air and my right or left cheek. That's the best I can describe it. Noise happens = Sounds like a Duck.
  2. This isn't so much of a complaint but more of a I would like this to be an option. With single player there should be 2 options, Play campaign as Master Chief (OBVIOUSLY) and for the new option, Play Co-op with your online character. It could even be a separate playlist for Co-op itself, maybe even a Co-op playlist which involves everything that's going to be Co-op in Halo 5, which of course would include Firefight etc. If you want to play the campaign as the main protagonist, that's cool. But, I don't see why we can't use our own online Spartan as a playable character in the campaign too, this maybe for Co-op only, using you online character to play on your own would be a bit pointless, but I wouldn't complain if it were there. I'm just spit balling here but for for re-playability, I think Co-op Campaign with friends, using you own online character would be awesome.
  3. I didn't mind it. Well, I think we're all on about legendary, otherwise I wouldn't say any missions were too difficult. Anyway, I think with Library it was more of a, "GOD DAMN IT, ANOTHER LEVEL?!" And, "OPEN THE DOOR ALREADY!" type of situation. "
  4. Plenty of other game-types to play, I play a lot of flood... A LOT! Well, I used to anyway.
  5. Support! Primary Weapon: Battle Rifle Secondary Weapon: DMR Grenade: Frag Armour Ability: Promethean Vision or Active Camouflage Tactical Package: Fire Power Support upgrade: Ammo or Dexterity All about the support! But I can change it up if I feel more run 'n gun.
  6. Yup, a knife. Depends, you could stab it in the neck, if nothing is protecting that general area. I doesn't really matter, I doubt they'll bother with adding assassinations to a Hunter, but it's a nice thought and of course there's still the possibility... but it's doubtful. Thinking about now, maybe the assassination can only be triggered if you have a grenade on you, if they brought fire grenades back, my god that assassination would be badass!
  7. Oh, Spartan Ops. Loved the story, got quickly bored of the missions and Legendary wasn't that challenging but it was descent nonetheless. Also annoying that we had to wait weeks to play it after release, which I can understand considering the animation took so long. But, if they do bring it back or still use it, they really need to focus on making the missions, feel like a mission. Sorta not sure what I mean myself but I'm trying to say, bring more variety to the missions, give us something else interesting to do rather than press some buttons and kill aliens. Basically, that's what I'm trying to get at. Not saying Spartan Ops was bad, I'm glad they added it but it needs work but because it was 343i first shot at a Halo game, it's fair enough.
  8. ~ Come up with a good ranking system, preferably Halo 3's with a twist. I've said this already on the forums, a few times but this has to happen. ~ We should want to be able to use all weapons, not just use the BR and DMR because it's the most effective. By that I mean, all weapons need to be similar, damage wise, otherwise there's really no point in adding weapons at all. Note; Side-arms I differ from the Assault weapons. ~ Bigger maps needs for Vehicle use. ~ Armour Abilities people will actually care about, most of the AA were simply "Meh". Either remove them or improve them (New ones are preferred but keeping 2 or 3 is acceptable) ~ I didn't like the Spartan customization that much, I much preferred the way Reach did customizations. Customization needs work, not saying all of the Armour types were bad, but they got boring for me. ~ Emblems should always be available to the user, I don't want to keep leveling up to unlock basic patterns, shapes etc. ~ Forge was boring, simply copy and paste from Halo Reach's forge world. Need a lot more variety, mass variety in forge is key. More lighting effects, more buildings, vegetation, Weather changes or having active weather being a forge-able option and what not. So much more but that's just a quick run down. ~ Weapons sound effect I personally think need to sound better, Magnum and Sniper sounded like tin cans. That's it for now, I sorta rushed this but these are basically the key thought of what I think needs to be improved in Halo 5.
  9. It's going to be the best game EVAR. That's all that needs to be said. I <3 Bungie.
  10. It would be crazy if they're announcing another Saints Row already, it hasn't long come out, haha.
  11. The level "Keyes". The part where you see Key's body within the form of a flood, right after it when the elites come in I'm just like, "Oh my god, leave me get out of this f***ing room! Yea, that mission was annoying, especially on the ground with the mass amount of Aliens and Flood. The library came close but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, still annoying to complete though... and long.
  12. Haha, Unfrigginbelievable and Smooth Moves, sound crazy! Never heard of those before.
  13. You should go to the General Discussions page and look for the The 2013 Christmas Tree thread! It's more fair and fun that way. Well unless your selling it or something, not sure if your giving it away or not? The 2013 Christmas Tree!
  14. Yeah, I guess you have a point there. I did forget to mention the strength of the Spartans themselves, too. I can see where you coming from now. Maybe a quick stab in the back and jump back animation (When the hunter is at the lowest of health and has hardly any armour left on it) will work the best if it's implemented, considering the size of the hunter that could be the best animation to use for it.
  15. Yeah, it would be difficult but it depends really. It's easier if you have allies near you, as it's attention will be drawn and of course on how good you are skill wise (Includes knowing how to evade at the right time, dodging shots and throwing everything you've got at it within good timing etc). It gives you a better chance to assassinate, but before that actually get some damage on it of course. But, a hunter is suppose to be difficult to kill, if it were easy, it would make the game seem lackluster. Air assassinations would ruin it, unless, it had no armour on. Even though a Spartan is heavy, it's nothing the Hunter can't take. The point of this topic is to introduce assassinations as an option and to talk about new ways to kill the enemy, specifically the hunter (As I'm sure you're aware), rather than just shooting it and throwing grenades. Since in Reach you could melee the back shielding off the Hunter, it does raise the question, why can't we assassinate the hunter? Once a hunter is at low health and/or is completely exposed, it would be sick if an assassination animating kicked in, that would definitely give the game deep sustenance. Halo 5 can add so much now, as it's next gen. Who knows what new kill animations we'll see regarding assassinations.
  16. If you could play as a Promethean in matchmaking that would be pretty cool, I'm sure there would be a way to work it out. Spartans vs Promethean on Invasion... I can see it now.
  17. Didn't you get the Samurai Armour when you did that? I'm fairly sure that's what you get when you collect all skulls. The first run through the campaign I looked for all the skulls... Youtube also helped.
  18. Great post! Quite an interesting interview, can't get enough of Destiny info! The customization is going to be so deep in this game, it's going to be so much fun!
  19. I LIVE FOR MIRROR'S EDGE! One of my all time favorites, there's just something about Free Running in a clean, white, city, with Ambient music in the background. Hard to explain the feeling it gives you for me personally, but I basically can't wait! I still play Mirror's Edge every now and then, I even try an get a great time in the Timed Challenges (Or whatever their called). I have it for Xbox and PS3, I prefer it for PS3 because the Xbox controller is a bit too clunky for my taste and with the PS3 it's a lot more smooth. Mirror's Edge 2 Trailer No game-play of course but if you haven't seen it, there's a link.
  20. I don't mind Invasion but it's better than Dominion... personally.
  21. Completely forgot you could play Halo on the PC.
  22. Not sure about the franchise being at stake, I mean Halo 4 was pretty good, aside from some issues here or there. They know what their doing but if 343i do decide to dumb it down with competitive multiplayer, 343i might just be digging their grave. BUT, saying that 343i had, I guess you could say got in some professional MLG players to help out with weapon balancing and whatever else they did to make online the best of both worlds. Halo has always been about competitive gaming, well as time went on anyway, getting bigger and bigger. But, I agree, they really have to pull it all out of the bag with Halo 5.
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