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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. I haven't made a thread in a long time, so I though I'd start one up. ^.^ My question is: What medals have you been proud of getting in the Halo 4 Multiplayer? This question is different for everybody since a lot of players are at different levels so that's why I think this question is interesting. I'm level 60 (I think) and I got a Slice 'n Dice in Grifball a few weeks back, which is crazy to get. I was playing with a friend and I though it was funny that I managed to get it.
  2. Duel Wielding needs to come back! The one weapon I meanly want to duel Wield with, and that's the Halo 2 pistol. I just loved them! I have an idea for a new type of duel wielding. In your left hand you have a devise that allows you to evade in the air, not so much the dive but take off in a vertical direction quickly. And in the right hand, your weapon of course, that being your sidearm. Just throwing out ideas but who knows it could work and be fun to use. If you could Duel Wield SAWs it would remind me of that scene in Rambo when John Rambo has the 50 Cal. Machine Gun and is just mowing down everything in site, haha.
  3. I would like a new A.I. An A.I that's sarcastic at times, can be serious but also has a little humor. It would be refreshing, aand I think it would be cool to play as an A.I for a little bit for a mission, it would be a new experience. Also on a side note I'd also like to be able to play as someone other than chief in the campaign, I'd like to play in different situations with new characters.
  4. That would be awesome! I can just see it now, the assassination animation kicks in, you grab your grenade and... hmm I was going to say stick the grenade into the hunters mouth and watch his head expload but a hunter doesn't have a mouth. Hmm, I'll have to re-think this, haha. EDIT: Thinking about it, when the armour comes off his back, I'm wondering if the hunters skin is soft enough for you to simply punch the grenade into it. Haha, that would be cool!
  5. This thread reminds me of the days I used to watched T Squared's tutorials for Halo 3.
  6. It's bound to get cheaper down the line, I don't know when Halo 5 comes out but it won't be out for a while. Xbox One will go down in price and that's the best time to get it. But, as stated above it's all down to how much you love Halo, how much you love what the Xbox One is offering and if you have any interest in the games they've shown you (Exclusives wise).
  7. In Reach as you know, when you shoot the hunter enought times the armour plate that protect its back comes off. Now, I think once that comes off, you should be able to assassinate the hunter. That's how I'd do it. I'd love to assassinate a hunter, would be so badass!
  8. It would be nice. I want Ranked and Social games back, give players who like to be competitive their Ranked Games. And, give softcore gamers social games. It's the best of both worlds. Well of course anyone can play what they want but I'm just saying competitive players and softcore as an example.
  9. People wanted to see it and 343i gave the best of both worlds. Shown those people what he looks like by showing gamers his eyes and only showing his eyes to those gamers that don't want to fully know what John looks like. Honestly, I can see why people would complain but you can't satisfy everyone. People should be happy that there even is a Halo 4.
  10. Wow, 10,000 for an Xbox One. Bleh, not a fan of gold. White on the other hand...
  11. I think Halo 4 is a good game but it didn't make me want to come back to it after a few weeks of playing it. I simply got bored with it. Especially online, I mean you play some games, level up and unlock some not very appealing armour. When I play online I want to unlock cool things, I want lots of customization to keep me interested and a ranking system that will reward me for the many hours I'd put into it. Halo 4 didn't really do that, so that's why I don't play it. Hell it's not just I don't want to play it, I just don't find it fun. But, that's just me.
  12. That's why I don't buy DLC, unless it's for a game I'm really loving. The last DLC I bought was for Borderlands 2, within 2 years that's all I bought. Knowing that feel bro! I'm not really sure if the DLC is worth the money because I haven't seen or played them but I've been there. When it comes to DLC Battlefield seems like the worst (I could be wrong but it's EA, quite an educated guess I'd say, haha).
  13. Huh, I also thought he was older. Considering he's a Spartan that could also bump up his life expectancy... but then again, he's been through a lot. I doubt John would last too long, not so much age wise he may have a good 20 years before he has to slow down but as in sacrifice himself to save the universe and all that jazz.
  14. Hah, it's got to be the Battle Rifle, but I also think the pistol. Loved the pistols in Halo 2, I think they were the best out of all of the Halo's.
  15. He just does. Pretty much like how John Crichton from Farscape understands all Aliens, haha.
  16. Banned for sticking chocolate into a ham sandwich. WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!?!?!
  17. ShockGazm


    Only advise I can give you is for you to check out websites that give advise to those wanting more knowledge on security for their consoles (Accounts) and what not. I'm afraid you'll have to re-buy what was taken from you.
  18. I didn't know or speak to you but when someone of great stature has to leave/retire, it's always a sad moment. I've had my share of having to leave people I used to hang out on Xbox live back in Halo 2, had a nice close community going which includes a website. We always played Halo together and had one hell of a time. And, now I don't speak to them anymore. Sadly, times moves on But, the best thing about it is knowing you'll have those memories to look back on. Have a good one dawg!
  19. Well, if that is in fact your work, then nice job!
  20. I like quite a few but one that stand out for me is on ODST, the OST that plays in the background when you're alone in the big city. Also, the song that plays when Kat dies on Halo Reach.
  21. Yeah, I wouldn't say Halo 4 on legendary was really easy. There are definitely moments in the game that drove you crazy but I guess in a way it was sorta easy. I don't doubt all of us at one point had at least 1 difficult moment in the campaign. If you played legendary on Co-op then I agree it's easy but not on your own, it's definitely more of a challenge but at the same time it was sorta easy as I stated.
  22. It was okay. The boss battle wasn't even a battle but I'm not going to complain it made me completing legendary even easier, haha. But I loved the campaign, sure I would have wanted something different to happen throughout the campaign but all in all I liked it. I guess the ending was sad, Cortana dies, Master Chief doesn't know how to react because he's used to being with her and he's a killing machine ultimately. And, when he's in space floating around, still in space it just oozes of loneliness and sadness. He just powers through all of the lose in his life and keeps on fighting. I also think Cortan will make a return, not sure how they'll do it... that's if they do it.
  23. ShockGazm

    The Flood?

    Yeah, the flood will always be around. Who knows if they'll make a come back.
  24. I want Buck to return to Halo 5, Nathan Fillion is amazing! I want him voice acting in Halo 5 as buck, hell even being one of the main characters would be class.
  25. The fact you were finally able to fly the Pelican in Halo 4 was good enough for me. I the Pelican looks good, improved if anything.
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