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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. You'll get braindead opponents when parents buy 15+ video games for their children, hah.
  2. Ahh, good times. Loved watching HLG videos, I didn't really bothered to pull them off because it was too much effort but it's still class.
  3. Haha, love assassinations! I'd tend to beat down when I was really trying to assassinate, quick trigger fingers, haha.
  4. I used to play a lot of Gruntpocalypse on Beachhead and Courtyard, these were my favorite maps to play on. I got a lot of credits by doing this over and over. It may get a little repetitive but stick some music on and keep killing grunts, eventually earning accommodations that give you a descent chunk of credits. The more you do this, the more credits you get but even thought that sounds good be warned it takes time and that goes for most gametypes in general on Reach.
  5. Just trust in 343i, they'll look at what the community wants and well, of course 343 themselves. The ranking system will definitely be different, Halo 4's Ranking System I personally thought was lazy and pointless. Don't get me wrong I loved Halo, but 343 will definitely improve this, especially now that next gen is out, I can't wait to see what they do with Halo 5. I would love Halo 3's Ranking System to make a return but with a new twist, or new look. I would like Social Games and Ranked Games back, I think it's what a lot of people want but all we can do right now is wait and see. Oh and I don't think the Assault Rifle is at all OP, considering the Battle Rifle and DMR, are the best weapons to use (Long range, medium range and powerful etc), the Assault Rifle needed to be on par, the Assault Rifle is close range as most of us know, so it's not OP.
  6. I love all of the Halo's (Not a fan boy just really love the Halo story and games), regardless of where they are going, I think they've done a bang up job so far. Of course I have my likes and dislikes but when you love a story to a video game, it's, well for me difficult to dislike it. 343i is now taking on this big responsibility with continuing the Halo series and I believe they'll look at what people have said about Halo 4 and improve. Not just that but they have good knowledge of the series and I believe Halo 5 will be amazing. Halo 4's Multiplayer was fun too, yes a lot of online games have some issues and what not, but I though the multiplayer was fun.
  7. I know I won't be able to play the beta but I'm looking forward to seeing some gameplay on Youtube. It's gonna be class!
  8. Oh I don't doubt that for a second. Destiny could do better than both Halo 4 and 5 combined. Only Bungie can out-do their own game, haha.
  9. - Let us explore more of the map, add more missions within the main mission. Rather than completing the main mission, add a little free roam and let players do their own thing (Of course objectives would have to be added for it to be worthwhile and so on). - When playing the Campaign in Co-op allow players to use their character to be the main protagonist. So basically you'd have Single Player: Play as Masterchief and Co-op: Play as your spartan with other friends.
  10. Hmm, interesting idea. Can't say I'm a huge fan of it but I think it would be a nice addition, but I can't see it working out or ever happening. I think it should be simple, get 150 kills and unlock this armour piece or weapon skin. That's just me, your idea would be really interesting to see even if I'm not big on the idea.
  11. I mainly want 343i to keep multiplayer simple, amazing and have a hell of a lot of customization! And, for it to work on day 1 too, haha (Not that remember experiencing issues when I got it but it's next gen so who knows).
  12. I don't understand why people when on a topic say "5 things we want", it's as if you're speaking for everyone (In this case) who has ever played Halo, the title should be "5 things I want".
  13. I want to know what happened during the 4 years Master Chief was in stasus, I want to see what the Arbiter was doing during that time. Cortana "A lot can happen in 4 year", I hope Halo 5 tell us what happened. To answer the question... hell yea I want to see him back.
  14. I think that depends on what happens to her in season 2 of Spartan Ops. But, I guess it would be okay if she somehow became what Cortana is, maybe. I'm not a fan of her to be honest, not that I hate her character just not bothered. EDIT: Or, maybe Halsey became some kind of mutated being, became half Alien herself to survive and gained great power. Who knows.
  15. The flood were in Halo 1,2 and 3. It's the Promethean's turn to wreak havoc upon the universe and what not. But, I do like the flood, it's zombies... what's not to like.
  16. Meh, personally I thought Spartan Ops had a lot of rinse and repeat missions. I loved the cutscenes, that's mostly the main thing I liked about Spartan Ops, some missions were cool to play with friends but that's it. Still looking forward to Season 2, loving the story so far.
  17. This pretty much. Don't think I'd bother buying it to be honest but hey, christmas is around the corner.
  18. It would be pretty badass if they made a Samurai armour for Halo 5, wouldn't mind if they changed or kept the name but they shouldn't just not remake the classic armours from the old Halo's, remake them and make them good lookin'!
  19. The fact this is happening on Halo 4 and not Halo 3, makes me on edge with 343i.
  20. This thread still won't change the fact that people will look the other way and complain about the change. Those who keep saying it's like COD can go burn in a fire, arrogance is not needed but people won't stop because they want the pointless attention.
  21. They better make it one hell of a noble death, that's if he does die.
  22. I'm jealous! I can't wait to play me some Halo 4, the waiting is killing me but at least I can still look more forward into playing Halo 4 than the people who have already played it.
  23. Helloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Welcome to the community.
  24. Yea, I think it should be implimented. I mean they done it in Halo 3 and Halo Reach, I can't see why it wouldn't be in Halo 4.
  25. There's no point in attempting to get your idea out, 343i know what they're doing, it's very unlikely that they'd impliment some change from a fan. Just stating the solid facts, I'm sure there are a lot of us that want something specific in Halo 4 but we don't work for 343i, thus our thoughts/ideas arn't important. Hmmm, I don't think a map 3 times the size of forge world would be good at all. I'd rather a map a little smaller than forge world and the ability to use 5 times the budget. Anyway, if I had an idea I guess the main element I'd like to have in Halo would to have a lot more choice in forge, with structure, vehicles, buildings... more of everything!
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