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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. That's pretty cool, love seeing how each weapon has gotten better over the years, graphically speaking.
  2. Might get it by pre-order or I'll get it when I next go into a shop.
  3. You are officially the king of pointless posting!
  4. You earned that reward. ...Well done.
  5. If you feel that way, then tell my why you made this thread? I have to say KSI is one of the worst gaming communities around.
  6. That's fair enough, I don't doubt that there's a lot of good in the bible. Though I'm sticking to my opinion about religion, I must say the bible is a pointless thing to have in the first place. There's too much Bulls*** in the bible, people tend to take it all down as a fact even if it doesn't make any logical sense.
  7. I don't believe in anything (I mean anything) but I do like the thought of having a place to go when you die and I'd like to think that when you think about someone who has passed away in your life who was important, that the person is somehow still with you. Of course I'd like to think that but another part of me knows it's crazy. I personally think that the bible is a bunch of bulls***, I mean people take every word in that book and throw it out there as if it's a fact. I'm not going to bash religion but religion is a main factor that has played a big part in this world with causing conflicts against eachother, as in death. Us humans came up with the bible, it doesn't mean that anything in that bible is truth, for all we know it's a bunch of made up stories. Note: If you don't like anything I said above don't go getting all pissy with me, it's my viewpoint of the said subject.
  8. If that was suppost to be an insult then I'm going to give you a very... VERY slow clap for that (Future me speaking, I never did clap to that). And, no I'm clearly not 5 years of age.
  9. Lmao, that was pretty much the only thing I drank back in the day. Pop and junk food!
  10. Well, I have favourite words... "Piss off I'm sleeping".
  11. I can't wait to listen to all the Halo 4 soundtracks, I'm excited to hear what they've done.
  12. I hate the name, "Spartan Ops" just seems a bit, bland.
  13. You can't change something for your sake, and the fact it's a pointless thing to find annoying in the first place.
  14. Macros? Oh, and 343i are not stupid at all. People who judge the game and call it s*** are the stupid ones, namely you every now and then when you comment.
  15. That's fine and sure I have been complaining a lot. But, that's only because of people complaining about Halo 4 continuously, saying "Oh Halo 4 is going to be the next COD". I thought he was trying to spoil the campaign, that's all, I don't like knowing too much about a game before I have played it. Well, my bad. We all make mistakes, I take it all back.
  16. I know what you mean, it's hard to pin point what the flavour is.
  17. Why are you trying to ruin the experience for everyone? Sure some of use have an idea of what is going to happen but i'd prefere not to see spoilers as I'm sure most of us here can agree.
  18. I personally think... IT'S FAN ****ING TASTIC. :
  19. Yup, thought I'd be a helper and subscribed.
  20. My birthday is in 3 days, in which the date is going to be Friday the 13th. That's the closest I've gone.
  21. Meh, never was that much of a fan of Elites. Wort Wort Wort!
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