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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Finally, a thread that has sense! I do believe Halo 4 will be awesome, hearing new things that are going to be implimented into Halo 4 and bringing back some stuff from old games can be a little scary when you think into it but I have faith 343i will deliver.
  2. Why does it matter? There's no point saying "Oh, I want them to change this" since NOTHING will ever happen. First Strike is a perfectly fine medal, the first one to get a kill gets a small medal reward, as to say "Well done, you've got the first kill for your team".
  3. I don't understand why threads like this are kept open, why? It only causes arguements, just lock it so the educated people don't have to waste their time/breath explaining to idiots about why Halo WILL NEVER be like COD.
  4. Not once did I say anything about you not playing a Halo game, stop throwing bulls*** around and stick to being on topic on what I said. I don't give a s*** about what your likes/dislikes are, I'm saying stop complaining about a ******** game that hasn't been released yet, don't automatically assume it's going to be terrible. You think you're speaking truth, when really your statement has hardly any logic to it but rather it's your brainless outlook on whatever you were preaching about. "COD was successful and stays successful because they found something that worked and didn't change the entire game every 2 years" That's not fully truth, that seems to be what it can look like but really it's because it's a fast paced shooter. It was one of those games you could stick in and get on with. A game that you don't need a brain to play, so it's not the fact they stuck to one thing and it that made that whole game "Work". I'm not wasting my time explaining why COD gets loads of money, I can tell you now it's not because it's an amazing game, it's one of the most worst hyped up games in history. I'm not trying to say COD is s*** but how can you look at it and think "Wow, this game is amazing", it's multiplayer is terrible. Even top youtubers such as BlameTruth get that the COD series it terrible. Finally, I'd just like to say if games don't impliment change, then games get boring. Change is good, deal with it and stop complaining like a f***ing child. I'm not angry at you as a person but I find your lack of understanding pathetic. I can't believe I just wasted 5 minutes of my life trying to explain to you what you said was complete and utter bulls***, it's not like it's going to get through to you anyway.
  5. I didn't mention this but if I seen another thread like this I'd launch a crow bar to my balls. Now, I can hardly walk.
  6. It's funny how people can think that, I mean look at Halo Reach, that was a big change from Halo 3. The "Haters" should just go back to playing their MW3 or S*** as I call it. Some idiots we have on this site will ever stop complaining, they just need to find common sence and understand that it takes time and effort to make video games. Also, the fact they have to think about sales, a big game needs to make a lot of money.
  8. The only thing I can agree with is what you said about COD being the same s***. But, everything else you just said in incorrect and stupid at it's best. You don't know how this new HALO game is going to work, and yes it's a HALO game. Once we see gameplay, no doubt we'll think differently. I'm not sure what to think of Halo 4, though I'm excited. But, I'm not going to bash this game with stupid reasons. If "Literally NOTHING that i was hoping to see returned in halo 4 has happened" then don't buy HALO 4, clearly you're not a real Halo fan if all you do is complain. I'm guessing you just signed up not to meet people but rather complain about Halo 4, a game we clearly don't know a lot about.
  9. That's all I have to say.
  10. Personally, I love Johnny Bravo. But, I loved both equally as a child. Ahh, the good days of REAL cartoons.
  11. Hmmm, there's a small part of my brain that has a bad feeling about Halo 4. But, I'm not going to judge, maybe all these things I'm hearing are actually going to work/be good.
  12. And, it would be mad is you got so into Assassins Creed with the whole Kinect thing and you actually killed loads of people. O_O
  13. I'd give myself a heartattack if I played Assassins Creed with Kinect, would be pretty badass though. That heartattack... worth it.
  14. I think this thread should be locked, this thread is stupid so I don't see anypoint in keeping it open.
  15. Everything you just stated above is beyond wrong and oozing of retardation. Leave, leave this community and never return. I would highly recommend trying to find your brain, if that's even possible. Lock Thread?
  16. I'm not going to judge anything that may or may not be implemented into Halo 4. I'll only give my opinion once I've played the game. Though I'm having a bad feeling about what I've been hearing, I really have a bad feeling about Halo 4. Confirmed Halo 4 information, I personally hope it's not all true.
  17. Well, I can't see it ending tbh. I think there will be a good few more episodes, but that's just my guess. Bleach is an amazing anime, I'm sure there will be more to come. If this is in fact going to be the last season then... I WILL CRY!
  18. Wait, the guy then posts that he was wrong and that information is correct. I'm not sure if I'm wrong (I want to be wrong) but the guy stated that most of what he said was false and that the information could be true (In his case it's true). Look at the link at the top, if you read this.
  19. I'm not reading those large paragraphs... too much effort. But, as Biggles said don't believe in anything you hear unless it's from a 100% trusted source. And, just to point out from what you said right at the start and I'll make sure it's crystal clear... HALO ISN'T EVER IN A MILLION YEARS GOING TO BE AT ALL LIKE CALL OF DUTY.
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