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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Highly doubt it, there's really no need to see his face... just leave it to our imagination.
  2. I'm 99.9999999999999999% sure SGT Johnson is dead.
  3. That's fair enough but saying it's going down the same road as CoD still isn't an excuse. I mean, why would 343i make Halo 4, into Halo 3.5? They won't, they thrive on making a game new, implimenting change but taking bits from the older games and adding them in. Doesn't necessarily mean that any new Halo game will be exactly like CoD, it's a bit annoying when people bring up CoD in general on a Halo topic (Even if the topic is stupid). Just for the record I'm not having a go at you, just though I'd add that.
  4. Hmmm, seems we're stuck at a stand still here. Combine Halo Reach and Halo 3's health bar.... that should work.
  5. Congratulations... you're stupid. I'm not going to bother having a pointless argument with you, but just look over on what you just said and you'll see how stupid that comment was.
  6. 5 years... dayum that's quite a long time. Didn't think halo 3 was that old, guess time creeps up on you fast.
  7. Meh, sound like a good idea but personally I don't care for clan support. Still, adding more to Halo 4 is always awesome.
  8. Me. Yea, I'm a spartan... whatcha gonna do about it? Reason... well, I get to shoot s*** all day.
  9. The meme says it all really, I hate the fact that DLC overall can add up to someone buying 2 copies of a game. Good example, Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC "The Missing Link" was awesome, well worth the money. Call of Duty Map Packs, are NOT worth the money.
  10. Don't really know you if I'm being totally honest but god I missed you!
  11. And you're angry... for what logical reason. Halo 3 has been out for around 3 or 4 years now, what does it matter that 343i decided to give away recon to everybody. It's not that important anymore, so there's no point complaining about such a small thing.
  12. I'm so sure there's a thread based around this topic...
  13. They both suck... and that's a fact. P.s Halo: CE AR > HR + H3 AR.
  14. MOTHER F***ING ZOMBIE! ... Oh, and welcome.
  15. Black skull with red eyes, thought it looked badass.
  16. I completely agree with you there. But, good luck getting that msg through to half the people on this here website (Or around half of the Halo fans in general), the world is full of narrow-minded people... it's something we have to just deal with. I understand that there are likes/dislikes but it's the way people portray their thoughts that really pushes it to the point of idiocy.
  17. I'm looking forward to seeing what it looks like, no doubt it's going to be EPIC!
  18. Favourite TV show/shows? Mine would have to be The Mentalist, House, Burn Notice and The Walking Dead.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. ShockGazm


      Lmao! Oh... you. :)

    3. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      Walking Dead, Spartacus Vengeance, Supernatural,and Futurama

    4. One


      Courage the cowardly dog. Man, I miss being a kid. :(

  19. Maybe, just maybe you should take a gander at the other threads before posting. Saves people posting the same s*** over and over again (Like that will ever stop anyway.)
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