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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. *Looks at thread title* I'm not going to waste my breath.
  2. I want more bloody vehicles... that's what I want most of all. I might add other stuff and things later on.
  3. ....Wrong forum, lol. Anyway, welcome to this coolio website!
  4. My option isn't up there, I simply grab a grunt, stick a grenade up its ass and throw it at the enemy. Sure, it's more work than simply firing a weapon but it's sooooo worth it. I know it's not technically a weapon but it's somewhat in that general area.
  5. ShockGazm


    People say he was at a stripclub, getting some ass if ya know what I mean.
  6. I prefere Halo Reach's health bar, you die to fast in Halo 3.
  7. Don't know what to think about this, it could be good, it could be bad or it could be an april fools joke (Not a very good joke if that's the case).
  8. OH YES! Great idea, I'd love to wear a grunt backpack around college. And, of course stuff him like a teddybear, maybe put some colourful light in him to make it look pretty when you turn him on.
  9. I'd just like to add that if there were to be a sandtrap re-make I'd only want it to be for a some what forge world of BTB. I don't think it would really work for anything else.
  10. Exactly, haha. He could have saved himself a lot of effort that's for sure, funny how you don't see any parachutes in Halo at all (As far as I know anyway).
  11. I'd steal the Grunt itself and stuff him up. He'd look goot next to my TV, may even dress it up.
  12. Sandtrap was a good map... for Halo 3. It really depends on what changes 343i would implicate if they actually decided to bring back sandtrap, I mean I wouldn't like to play on a giant blank sand map... actually come to think of it that does sound interesting.
  13. Sounds like an ace plan, but if I'm being totally honest Halo 3 doesn't excite me like it used to, I've played the hell out of that game.
  14. Can you imagine if there were parachutes in Halo 4, would be so fun!!!
  15. That's why I'd prefere to only use the Recon chest piece, and just default for everything else. I kinda wish they didn't give it to everybody but I understand that there was no point in not giving the armour out to all since Halo 3 is quite an old-ish game now.
  16. Yes, haha! I think it would work really well in Halo4, but, who knows.
  17. Yes, pretty much jump hight. Press a button, gives you a big jump boost and then the thrusters on your back let you down slowly. Hmm, that to me sound like a fun thing to do, but I think it's also a fair trait to have in multiplayer. You get an advantage as you get a bigger jump boost, throwing the enemy off and then slowly setting down on the ground making you quite vulnerable to a quick death. That's what I think anyway, who knows if this would even be implimentied into Halo 4 multiplayer, to be honest I wouldn't have a clue if that would actually work in multiplayer at all but I'd prefere that over jetpack.
  18. Looking at it from that perspective... I want thrusters on my back!
  19. I only had one vidmaster left and that was to complete the Halo 3 campaign with 4 people on legendary using the ghosts (I think). Nobody on my friendslist really played Halo 3 as much anymore (Nobody wanted to do vidmaster), so I couldn't do it. At least now I can get it but I would have prefered to have earned it as I feel it shows accomplishment and by that it makes to you feel good.
  20. Personally, I don't want jetpacks in multiplayer (Overall I only want sprint to return), but I'd happily love the jetpack to be implicated into the campaign, forge, firefight (If they have it) and so on.
  21. Well, if it was a joke then really it doesn't come close to being at all funny.
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