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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. So, is there any relativity to this thread? I'll answer... not one bit.
  2. Welcome Mr. Magoo! ... *Nods head* Noice name ya have thar.
  3. White... Awwww Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Other colours I like: - Cyan - Red - Orange - Black - Grey
  4. Yes, you were correct! I guess, RedStarRocket.
  5. lol, that's a weird problem to have. Can you see this better now?
  6. Hmmm, let me think. I guess, I'd go with the voting system since there's more choice with selecting what maps/gametypes you want to play on, rather than veto-ing in which you skip a map/gametype and hope for the best.
  7. Yes, because it expresses how I feel when people post with a dull (Personally, I find a some of 'em idiotic) reply or create a topic which doesn't make sence. Hence, why I use that image.
  8. I do miss those duel black magnums... oh the good 'ol days.
  9. ...No, no it wouldn't. I don't understand why as soon as a gaming company (which in this case would be 343i) decide to add change in to a NEW Halo game, people jump up only to say it's going to be like Call of Duty. Reguardless of what some people's opinion are on the matter, the fact shows how some people have no intelligence on topics like this, whatsoever. And, I'd just like to add, why would 343i want to "Announce" another Halo title when their currently finishing Halo 4, a game that hasn't even released and your wondering why they haven't said anything about Halo 5... *Mind-blown*.
  10. Isn't it obvious? Well, to answer your question there's a 99.999999999% chance there will be a booting system in Halo 4.
  11. I'm not even going to bother adding a long paragraph about how stupid that post was...
  12. There is absolutely no point of this thread, it's beyond pathetic. What makes YOU think that anyone here gives a s*** about your hatred about Halo Reach? Your view points are shrewd and not even close to intelligent. If you're having such a big problem with Reach, then don't play the bloody game and move on. As I was saying, if people don't experiment with CHANGE we "CAN'T MOVE ON" in the gaming industry. Some obnoxious people we have on this website, it's unbelievable.
  13. If the ranking system was the main element that kept people playing Halo 3, then my god that's a stupid reason to have kept playing. I get that getting a high rank is a challenge but it shouldn't be a key aspect to a game. If your talking about the Halo 3 multiplayer, rather than Halo 3 as a whole then I guess it makes sence but it doesn't make sence that some badge kept people playing. I played Halo multiplayer for fun, to play with friends and of course to get into a game I can get good at... not for rank (For me personally anyway).
  14. Well, it's not like he made that clear but either way it's not expensive to pay for a 1 year and not ask people for codes. If a person replies to me saying "Maybe he doesn't have the money" then clearly the only thing you can do is work/get a job of some kind. Just saying.
  15. FINALLY! I would say maybe now Infinity Ward have a chance but I really do hope they burn. Give Treyarch all the money! (To create good game of course, since I prefere Treyarch to IW)
  16. Nobody gives a s***, hope that helped. I have 4 '1 month codes' but precisely why would anyone want to give you a code?
  17. Hello der, welcome to this community of awesome!
  18. Pointless post... not trying to be mean but why did you post this? Does this mean I should post up a thread saying "Halo 5?", come on now.
  19. 1st person assassination wouldn't be good to impliment in to Halo at all, 3rd person is way better since I actually see what's happening. Though, it would be a nice addition to people who work with the whole machinima deal, it's video game movie making gold. I'm not a fan for having it in 1st person but I don't see why it couldn't be a matter of choice, just a press of a button to toggle the assassination to either 1st or 3rd person, I think it would be a good idea to impliment both but that's just me.
  20. If Halo kept staying in the same spotlight, eventually most of us would get bored with it. Sure, Halo Reach added Armour Abilities and I do believe they were too overpowered and very annoying. But, saying that it was "new", inventive and was a good way to impliment change in the Halo franchise. I don't want armour abilities in Halo (other than sprint since that was useful) but at the same time I want Halo 4 to be a bit different, hence the point of the word "New". Halo 4 is going to be "New", so people should deal with changes and stop worrying about "Oh, 343i please don't do this, please don't do that". At the end of the day the only way to move forward in the gaming industry is to have "new" additions implimented into that game, as that's what makes it fun (Not including any game made by Infinity Ward).
  21. I like the way you think... ...On a serious note I do believe there should be a system put in place for those who shoot teammates, even by accident. The player should take the damage, this should go about with a lot of games today and for future reference since it would stop this annoying betrayal situation.
  22. Gawd, are you seeing things again? ...Well just though I'd add to this thread, I remember before at some point when I was young that there was a giant army craft carrier plane thing flying quite low down before when I was around 15... still not sure if I imagined it or if I was actually telling the truth.
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