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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Yo dawg! Write us all a story, go on do it... I dare you.
  2. I highly doubt they'd get rid of Halo 3 multiplayer, it was a different story with Halo 2 since Halo 3 was pretty much Halo 2 except Halo 3 was better. That's my view on it anyway, sure people may have loved Halo 2 more but the mutliplayer would have been pretty dead. Halo 3 was and still is one of the best games ever made, Halo Reach was awesome aswell but they both go in different directions with both Multiplayer and Campaign. Personally, I'd give Halo 3 another 3-4 years maybe before the server gets shut down but maybe they won't bother for another 10, who knows it's anyones guess.
  3. The AI deserve to get shot, the do absolutely f*** all to help out. :wallbash:
  4. You people need profile pictures... just saying.
  5. ShockGazm

    Halo 4 on PC?

    Wow, arn't you a nice guy. If you looked at my reply back at "Twinreaper", you'd understand that there was really no need to call me an "idiot", people make mistakes. Yes, I have played PC games actually, I made a mistake and you decide to call me an idiot for what reason? To show superiority over me? The fact I made a mistake which automatically made you think "Oh, I'll show this guy my knowledge on said subject and call him an idiot". You're pathetic, read through the comments next time.
  6. What would you typically eat for breakfast? if you have breakfast in the mornings that is. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Spectral Jester

      Spectral Jester

      sausage, bacon, egg, tomatos, fried bread and a little bit of black pudding

    3. Azaxx


      jealous of SJ

    4. CandiBunni


      I enjoy toast, bacon, eggs with cheese, cereal, or just whatever is lying around. I'm about to get a leftover taco from Taco Bell though.

  7. Welcome! :3 Take this..*Throws cookie at screen*
  8. Totally forgot, just added my reply to his question. I prefere Apple products, don't know anything about android since it's not really in my ball park
  9. I'm just going to say I think we should keep Ranked and Social seperate, it's for the best of both worlds.
  10. I was 9 when I got Halo CE, I just had the game for christmas and that's really all there is to it. Best game I ever played, glad I got it.
  11. ShockGazm

    Halo 4 on PC?

    I wasn't aware of that, I was sure that the PC is well knows for mods and hacks of course I get that games for xbox also get hacked. I guess you're right, I totally forgot about the fact people hack gamescore, games such as call of duty and so on. Fair point you made.
  12. EDIT: Blue flag, yellow cross. that's all I know about Sweden. =/ Which do you prefere, The Walking Dead or The Mentalist?
  13. It's only a "strategy" if you stay in one position for a short amount of time to come up with a plan of sorts, if you just stay there for ages then clearly it's not a real "Strategy", your just not good enought to play the game properly and are to scared to help out ou teammates, so you hide. If I camp, it would only be because I'm either underfire, I'm waiting for my teammates to get closer to me or I'm waiting for an opportunity. Though keeping in mind I don't camp for long, 20 seconds max.
  14. I'd jump back onto Halo 3 if they had double XP.
  15. ShockGazm

    Halo 4 on PC?

    343i would never making it possible for Halo 4 to be available for PC, it's susceptible to hacks and mods.
  16. What is your favourite soft drink? Personally I think Dr. Pepper is just heavenly, espesially when it's ice cold. :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Vitamin Pwn
    3. Father B

      Father B

      When I eat at Subway I enjoy a Sprite-Fruitopia cocktail.

    4. Azaxx
  17. He now lives in a 2 bedroom flat with his turtle, that's as much as we know so far. Some say he went to work at a stripclub but we don't know that for a fact.
  18. What would youu consider to be a good snack? lol, I'm hungry and want some ideas. :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ShockGazm


      @Aztec Interesting idea, lol never heard of those cheetos before.

      @One That's too much effort. :( But, I agree that is a manly snack, one must kill a bear first to prove that you're worthy of eating the boar, the ultimate of all bacon. =P

    3. Azaxx


      I just everything in my pantry, then there isnt anything left :(

    4. ShockGazm


      I feel you bro, I tend to eat everything one day and the next day I'm like "Why is there nothing here!?". lol

  19. PS3 is better, except when it comes to party chat and multiplayer... that is all.
  20. This isn't Call of Duty, this is Halo. Halo doesn't use "Killstreaks", it's more of a "Select a class" type of thing as you may know. You should explain yourself when you say "Killstreaks", what exactly do you mean by that, are you talking about those perks such as sprint, jetpack e.t.c?
  21. Terrible advise and no my aim is fine most of the time, it's rather the fact it's annoying trying to shoot someone who's coming at you at a high speed, especially when you spend a good few second shooting an enemy from a distance and he evades behind cover. It's got nothing to do with aiming or skill in general, it's more of a question about relevance. Evade is pointless, it gets in the way and has no purpose (Fact).
  22. Google is your friend, and to answer your question I have no idea.
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