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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Welcome to the Community! I hope you enjoy being here, if you feel unsettled no worries... this place will feel like home in no time. See ya around the forums.
  2. Welcome Sparty Mcfly! Hope you enjoy your time here, quite the community you joined.
  3. I wish you the best of luck on your endeavors! <3 Peace out... for now.
  4. ShockGazm


    Welcome back pal! Never leave again! *looks for mind control device*
  5. Welcome to the Community bro! You've joined a fun community, hope you settle in well.
  6. Well done there mate! Bit late but I'm glad you're doing well here, no doubt it's well deserved. Keep up the greatness.
  7. Well, if Microsoft keep it up, that poor cow is going to look like the aftermath of a turkey on Christmas dinner.
  8. Well done to you all! You make this community a good place to be apart of, a lot of members here do their part and show how much they love the community by doing what they can to keep this place active and fun, upon other things (I won't make a big list). Well done again to those top 15, I don't doubt for a second it's well deserved.
  9. Goodbye there buddy! Hope you live a good life.
  10. Honestly, Bungie should just unlock all the armours and stuff, hardly anyone bloody plays the game anymore. I love the game don't get me wrong, but come on Bungie for Christ sake.
  11. New Pokemon (Even though it's a remake of Ruby and Sapphire, still gonna be class), Mirror's Edge 2, anything Halo and Destiny. That's my main hype so far.
  12. Both good in most situation for me. Of course when it comes to the big maps with not as many closed spaces, the DMR is great as it's the best long range weapon. Obviously with the BR, closed ranged maps, the BR comes out on top. But, that could be different for some people, but this is basically what my thoughts are on both weapons. I just pick one because I know they're both good, and do some work.
  13. I'm actually quite excited for this game! Forza Horizon I thought was a good idea, especially when it came to racing online with friends, well even more especially the Free Roam. Great racing, great tunes, Free Roam madness with various challenges and races... I hope they go full out with Forza Horizon 2.
  14. Dice aren't the problem, EA are. That's my "NO ****" reply to this thread.
  15. Another next gen game that has been delayed, whilst I'm glad their not rushing it out, this is becoming a huge **** take. Why, OH WHY, did next gen have to come out this year. Next year would've been fine. Oh, of course, both companies ***** got wet from thinking about the money they could milk out of 'em.
  16. I wonder how they'll **** it up this time. EA are going backwards I swear, FIFA 11 and 12 were absolutely class. FIFA 13 AND 14 are complete *****. The music needs a big change mainly aside from Ultimate Team (Well, Ultimate Team needs some tweaks here and there), FIFA 13 and 14 had bad songs (Maybe 4-5 descent ones), the type of songs that just don't give you the football vibe or a tune that even fits a football game, really. Darn, I could go on. I really could but for the sake of not popping a blood vessel, I won't. Oh and don't get me started of CLUBS, what a huge pile of **** that game mode is. I have a laugh with my mates because of how stupid it is, but in reality as I stated... it's ****. EDIT: I'll still buy it and **** money away on Ultimate Team most likely, I hate myself for doing it but that's what happens when a company like EA takes advantage of one of the world best and most popular sports.
  17. I don't have a gaming PC, so... no. :'( Do you think Watchdogs is a good game? Or if you haven't played it yet, are you looking forward to playing it?
  18. "Wakeboarding"... never heard of that. Welcome to the Community! Oh and FOOTBALL! <3 Well, European football anyway (Unless that's US Soccer you're talking about, no idea why it's called that), not handegg. :L Yeah, hope you enjoy it here!
  19. Huh, well this is new. Welcome to the Community! All ages are welcome here.
  20. Can't say I've ever been good at saying goodbye to people whom I don't or have never spoken to. There are a lot of members here that I don't have a connection with, and when someone leaves sometimes I think why didn't I try to know that person or even play games with that person. It's sad to see you go, like me I was here for the game nights mainly, but I eventually stopped and now I just hang around the forums posting every now and again. Moving on, I understand what you're getting at, especially when it comes to humor. Over the internet I'm just a normal-ish guy responding to threads but in reality I'm someone who says the type of things Louis C K, Ricky Gervais, Jimmy Carr and Frankie Boyle would say at a comedy gig but not all at once of course just whenever I'm around my friends I make jokes and stuff. I guess you could say I have a devil-ish sense of humor in real life but over the internet I'm just the opposite, sorta. I don't know where I'm really going with this. I'll stop myself before it becomes 8 paragraphs, so I'll just say that I hope you achieve your goals in life! Good luck! Wish I could have known you just a little bit better. I would say something like "See you around" but I doubt I'll be here for much longer, though I've already made a goodbye thread I only really come back here because I just have more spare time than I originally though. I'm just not as into online communities like I was when I was a teenager.
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