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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. ShockGazm

    dear 343i

    I agree with you on this.
  2. ShockGazm

    I'm done

    It was sarcasm actually, I'm not taking any of this seriously. I'm just going to stick with what I said, play a different game and stop complaining. If you want something to change, then adapt to it and not waste your breathe ranting about what "you" want. By saying "It helps the developers to make a better game by telling them what they're doing right and/or wrong", do you really thing a big gaming company is going to listen to you complain about what right and wrong with the game? They have beta's for a reason, which is to test the multiplayer matchmaking to find out if there are any glitches and/or issues with gameplay and the fact they know what they're doing. Complaining about any game made months ago is pointless, as I said adapt to the changes and move on. I mean I find GTA multiplayer to be unfair at points but I'm not going to make an account, jump on their forums and start complaining. We're not "fanboys", we just have a greater understanding and more intelligence on the subject than you. And, don't think I'm frustrated with you, which may lead to you wanting to try and annoy me because really this thread means nothing to me. I'm here to prove a valid point on why this thread isn't needed and why complaining about it isn't going to help your situation. And by the way, this isn't 343i real forum just to point out, it's a forum for people who love the Halo franchise. So, I highly doubt someone with 343i would visit this forum only to read people complaining about "Issues" with any Halo game. If you want something to change why don't you work you hardest to become a game designer e.t.c? Maybe then you'll be greatful for all Bungie and 343i have done for us.
  3. Oh well, I trust 343i will deliver even without us testing Halo 4's multiplayer.
  4. ShockGazm

    I'm done

    Woah, we gotta tryhard over here. If you want "fun" why don't you forget about your stupid K/D ratio, your W/L ratio and maybe, just maybe you'll then be able to have fun. If your as good as you say you are at Halo Reach, then stick to that and play for fun instead of MLG-ing all the time. If Halo Reach is unfair to you or in general sucks, go play a different game and stop complaining on the forums like many other people. Jeez.
  5. If anything it looks like the AR design from Reach. 343i have their mind set on getting Halo 4 done, they're not just going to re-design a weapon because people think the new BR looks rubbish, come on. I don't think they're "Big Issues" at all, change is good and it's going to happen. It's about time people adapted to it. Yes, the game looks good and I can't wait. =P
  6. This needs to be the msg shown to you bolded and in gold once you access this website. A pop up should come up saying, "Are you going to make a stupid thread about how 343i has ruined Halo and are going to compare Halo with CoD or Battlefield? LEAVE NOW!"
  7. I wasn't a fan of legendary, I felt the AI were practically useless. I was getting annoyed, so I stopped trying to get it.
  8. Hey Willy! Your name, it's full of win.
  9. Terrible attempt to make me rage, that's not the situation at all. You came on this website to ***** about the fact you don't feel Halo 4 is going to be good (Crap you may say) and that you're not even going to get the game at all over the stupidest thoughts, dispite the fact not a lot of information has been released and there's a lot more to come. You win some, you lose some and you move on. I'm an average gamer, I don't always play to win, mostly I play for fun but that's not the reason why I "bashed" you. Your arrogance towards 343i and Halo 4 is why I "Bashed" you.
  10. "Go back to Halo 3"... I still love Halo 3, I prefere not playing with randoms though, since people tend to be terrible and betray you a lot. Well, from my experience anyway.
  11. I find Jetpacks very annoying in Arena. Yes, remove themm they're quite unfair I have to say. You could argue that the jetpack makes you vulnerable to getting shot but I don't see any point in the Jetpack.
  12. ShockGazm

    Stop complaining

    In a way I guess I wouldn't want Halo 4 to change to much into any other game but I wasn't trying to add my opinion on what I want from Halo 4. I was trying to say that there are ignorant people who'd disagree and think Call of Duty has a lot of change. And, then compare it to Halo 4 when 343i say there's going to be changing and adding new stuff (Which is great, I wouldn't expect there to not have change), but then ignorant people would just think the game would automatically suck and turn out like CoD. I think you'll understand my point of view, I should've been more brief. =P
  13. ShockGazm

    Stop complaining

    I was saying it from an "ignorant" point of view, just like those who say "I'm not getting Halo 4 because it's disappointing and has changed too much". I think I worded my previous statement a bit wrong, I was trying to prove a point. I know Call of Duty hasn't changed much at all, but some people think differently and would compare both games like an idiot. Get where I'm coming from?
  14. ShockGazm

    I'm done

    By the time you've read my comment, you should have found out by now that nobody gives a s***, it's a molecule of a loss and that's that. It's good for us that you're leaving if I'm being totally honest, you're not someone I'd want on my team on Halo that's for sure.
  15. ShockGazm

    Stop complaining

    Your not a real Halo fan if you decide to say "Oh, Halo 4 has to much change it's like CoD", really the only thing I can suggest if you GTFO and sell all your Halo games. Stop judging the bloody game, not much detail about multiplayer or the campaign has come out, so wait and see! And, not forgetting HAVE FAITH IN 343i, they know what they're doing.
  16. Why are you on this website? If you don't want it, don't buy it and stop moaning about being sorry that you don't feel Halo 4 is good enough even though the game doesn't release for a good few months. Jeez... give the game a chance for crying out loud, it seems a lot of people want to do is complain about Halo 4. And by the way, it still is Halo and always will be. Clearly your not that much of a Halo fan as most of us here wouldn't just say "Oh the game is going to be terrible, this is no longer Halo", which is pretty much what you're saying. *Implied Facepalm*
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