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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Yes, I guess we're both right in a way. Not 100 % since it's our opinion but I agree that both posts conclude truth.
  2. Amazing, the graphics are well realistic.
  3. Sorry, this is a bit long but this should give you an idea on what I'm really trying to say. I should have re-worded some of what I had posted. I shouldn't have said everyone who plays MW3 is stupid, as it's not true so that's my bad. But, what I stated isn't exactly false either. Aside from me calling everyone stupid, I'm not going to go back on what I said about the game. I believe MW3 is poison, and here I'm going to explain why. But first I'd like to address what you said here, "It's not destroying the multiplayer games whatsoever", sure everyone has their opinion and I'm not going to state what I say is correct but it does make sence. Take games like Ghost Recon advanced warfare, Bioshock 2, Halo 3, Gears of War 3, Fear 3, Rainbow six vegas 2, the multiplayer in these games are brilliant and fun (I guess that's my personal opinion since I've played them all). Now, when I say MW3 is a poison, I'm trying to say it's simply taking people away from games that are in general better and should be more deserving. Infinity Ward, like EA are doing it for the money and not for the community aswell, (As do all but other companies actually take pride in their games and especially the companies that listen to their community) but looking at the game, it's boring. A lot of the game is recycled, most of the maps are terrible, the weapons sound the same, the story isn't that exciting and rather it's mostly full of dull colours and a mass amount of explosions. For those who bought/Pre-ordered MW3 may have thought that the game would contain a lot of changes compared to MW2 (Other than those who just play games, regardless of how good or bad it is), which really there isn't. When you said, "The lack of meaningful change between each entry, The increase in popularity of the series since Call Of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, The potential unbalance that the game presents because of a possible lack of thought or polish put into certain aspects of the game" I couldn't agree more with that but I'm just trying to say that companies like Infinity Ward will not listen to their community and would rather just ship out another copy of the same game with little change and add a different number on the cover. I'm was looking at MW3 at a logical point of view, I understand that activision are quite demanding but looking at Treyarch, you can see that their really trying with their games, by that I mean their graphics engine is a lot better than Inifinity wards. Yes, people have different tastes but as I said I'm looking at it from, let's say a buyers point of view or even a more professional point of view. My first post was a bit bland and didn't explain much but that's how I think of a company that doesn't care about it's fanbase and doesn't have that spark to make change to give people what they really want from Modern Warfare. I could go on all day but this isn't a CoD thread so I'm going to drop this and just never mention CoD on this website again. Unless it's actually about the game. Again, what I said can be argued against but hopefully this make sence to you.
  4. Stupid people decided to jump on MW3, that's why. Hardly anyone has the braincells to understand the difference between an amazing game and a game that's the definition of S*** (Which in this case is Call of Duty MW3). I play Halo 3, but I don't have fun playing the game by myself anymore. If I'm with friends it's awesome, but other than that I put the disc in and 10 minutes later, I'm on a different game. Well of course what I said at the start can easily be argued against, there are loads of amazing games coming out this year and of course Mass Effect 3 being one of them. I'm just trying to point out that Call of Duty is poison and it's destroying the multiplayer of older games, or game companies that are adding multiplayer for the first time i whatever game and I feel it's killing the opportunities for people. That's my opinion on the matter anyway, blurp.
  5. I loved the cutscenes, didn't like the game. It's just not my style or not to my liking.
  6. I bloody hope not, it's not the worst armour ability, but still I'm not a fan of them at all. Good riddance I say.
  7. I finally bought a copy of one of my favourite video games when I was a lot younger. I love this game and it's a nice break from all those FPS games out there, if you haven't played this game before or love the game but haven't got it, GET THIS GAME ASAP! =P That's all I wanted to say, it's nothing interesting but I though I'd share the fact it's a fun game to play (Little annoying at parts, but that's ok) and it get's the mind off rage game like MW3 and Halo.
  8. Yes, I also love DoA! I can't wait untill it's released. =P
  9. Yes, It's the most annoying and stupidest situation to deal with online. In Halo 3, randoms shoot me for no reason, which results in a game loss. People shoot me when I grab the Sniper Rifle, then killing me (That right there pisses me off!). People are stupid, that's something we're going to have to deal with as a lot of us have been throughout the years, real life and gaming. They should make sure to add something that doesn't allow teammates to hurt eachother.
  10. You were given misinformed information.
  11. Thinking about it, 343i could just make you walk faster, that's if they don't put sprint back in. But, then again I have no doubts that stuff will be added to multiplayer.
  12. Yes, that's one hell of a mission to complete on legendary. I had trouble completing that level on normal, due the mass majority of flood coming at me.
  13. Would be a lot easier that's for sure.
  14. Just terrible, I'm surprised such a game is popular. I'll add more of an insite on why I dislike it later.
  15. In my vision, I can see loads of threads based on what you've just stated. P.s Wrong forum.
  16. I'm not sure, I don't think you can even get much credits offline anyway. But, that's as much as I know, I've never tried to get credits offline or know how much you'd get anyway. I know that if you're a recruit you get a nice amount of credits when you play through the campaign (I'm pretty sure), but that's all I know. Maybe it's a patch just so people play online more, I can't really help you on this, sorry.
  17. ShockGazm


    Yes, I think this forum is now better than B.net. =P I agree, it is a shame but I think some of those who do complain will eventually realize there's no need to start an argument or a flamewar. If 343i wants to use some small ideas from another gaming company, I'd be totally fine with it.
  18. I have a simple answer, stop playing Halo. There we go, your problem is solved.
  19. You should go into more detail, a lot more detail since I don't understand your point, and it did feel like a Halo game. I loved Halo Reach, especially the campaign and it's kinda annoying people keep saying "Oh, it wasn't good enough". Gosh, Halo gives me a great feeling aswell, which personally make my life easier to deal with (I'm not going into detail with that) but your not making sence.
  20. The market isn't up there for adults to be exact, it's mostly teens. Yes, I hate armour abilities too, except for sprint. I doubt they'll stick them back in, Halo Reach was a totally different game as it was a story before Halo: CE and now after Halo 3.
  21. I think that would be too difficult to pull off, it's a good idea from a creator point of view but realistically speaking I don't think it would work out. I doubt this would ever happen anyway, can't say I'd use it to be honest.
  22. Not bad, not bad at all. Better than what I can do anyway, lmao.
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