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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. Pretty much this, I have faith that 343i will deliver what us average, above average and pro's really want on Halo 4's multiplayer. Can't wait to play some multiplayer! >_<
  2. The ranking structure should be inbetween Halo 2 and 3. Of course, anything 343i would like to add to make it better would be great aswell. =P
  3. I would love to see this but then you have those people who may make the Nazi sign and use it as their emblem. The stupid people kill this idea but I do agree that it would be cool to have something like this. I think for Halo 4 343i should keep it simple but give us a load to choose from.
  4. I couldn't agree less with what you just stated, just because Bungie wanted to have change in a new game for the next in the Halo series (Which was Reach at the time), you don't think it was good enough? Yea, keeping in mind Halo Reach was before Halo: CE, keeping in the BR would have been a bad idea as Reach was clearly going in a different direction, personally I think the DMR is fine, people who can't use it would complain about it. Halo 4 is obviously continuing from Halo 3, so now they've brought back the BR. Be happy that there was even a Halo game, if you don't like it then sell your Xbox, we wouldn't care, so why just not complain about Reach and anything new 343i will add to Halo 4 and just wait and play it. Why did you compare Halo Reach's spawn system to Call of Duty? CoD's spawn system is ruined but Halo Reach's seems to be doing well for it's self. Sure you may spawn in a stupid part of the map but that's not an excuse to throw down Reach. and then you state that both Xbox and PS3 are pretty much trash. Sell your Xbox and play your PC games rather than complaining about it on the Halo forum. Jeez...
  5. That would be a fail moment, but couldn't imagine being happy if that happened to me.
  6. Yea, I see your point, I guess it would be 10 times better than just having it in forge and of course not multiplayer. =P
  7. I'm not sure what to think of it, one side of me thinks it's good but the other side of me thinks that there could be a better cover. I mean this is Halo 4, i was expecting a well designed cover but either way I'm not going to let that stop me play Halo.
  8. ShockGazm


    Yea, I getcha. Hopefully 343i at somepoint, will tell us that there will be new emblems added.
  9. It's official, Dr. Pepper is my addiction!

    1. FIREN4


      Lol, that is a nice soda

    2. ShockGazm


      Can't get enough of it, lmao. =P

  10. Customized or not, Halo 4 should have emblems more in depth or MORE choices. I was a bit disappointed in reach's emblems. Halo 3's emblem were ok, as at the time it wasn't really manditory to have a large selection. Personally, Reach disappointed me with their choices, so now I really hope and believe that 343i will bring us more options than before. What're your opinions on said topic? =P
  11. Yes, it should be a forge thing only.
  12. ShockGazm


    I'd rather customize my own unique armour set, and since we're on this topic I'd also love if there were way more emblems in Halo 4, I was a bit disappointed in Reach, going slighly off topic. =P
  13. I can't wait to play AC3. At first I was a bit scepticle but then I realized I'm a huge fan of series, so I can't wait to see what new additions will be added.
  14. I miss the black pistol from Halo 2. The magnum is an 'ok' weapon but it wouldn't have really make a difference to me if they did take it out.
  15. Hello! :3 Yes, I think most of us are here for Halo 4, my gawd I'm so excited for that game.
  16. Looking for a fun gaming community to join? Want to meet new people? Would you like to participate in our fun filled gamenights? Want to win prizes by participating in out Sign up today! http://www.blackwaterops.net What can BWO offer? PRIZES! Now and again we host contests so you'll be able to win random prizes, it can range from a video game, to a poster or even a custom Sig/Avatar. There's a lot more prized to be given out but I won't go to much into it. That's really all I need to say about that. Our Forum! When you check out our website you'll see that we've a forum much like bungie.net and 343i except a little bit different. We have thread for the community in general, off-topic or flood, console related threads and threads based on some games such as Gears of war, battlefield, Call of Duty , Halo (Of course Halo :3) and more. There's also a forum for the artistic side of members, who have skill with photoshop, drawing, photography e.t.c We have special "Ranks" for those who help the community, comment, make threads (There are many ways to Rank up on BWO.net) e.t.c There's a lot more to BWO but you'll have to check us out first! We would love to see you aboard. BWO Gamenights: Every weekend people host Gamenight for a variety of game, but a lot of the time it's Halo. All you'd need to do is simply comment saying something like "I'm in" or "Sign me up". Quite simple really, anyone can host a gamenight and a bundle of joy. Forge Team: Our forge team is simply amazing, I wish I could forge like them but I can't. If you think you have skill and wish to join the forge team then please sign up and contact someone on the Forge Team. Strike Force: If you think you have skill in Halo then maybe you can join the "Strike Force" but only if you're good. The Strike Force is there to take on anyone who want to have a good, clean clan match. Just think MLG when you think about the Strike Force, think pro players and don't forget be serious but have fun. Joining: If you would like to join BWO either MSG me here on Bungie.net (ii IE n z o), send a MSG to my gamertag: ShockGazm or Sign up to the BWO website and go to the "Introduction" thread. I will get back to you ASAP! READ: If you have choosen to make an introducion please state that "ShockGazm" as in me has recruited you. Thank you. Link to forum, "Introductions" is at the top once you have clicked link taking you to our website. http://www.blackwaterops.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=86 We hope to see you active in the forums and online! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Forum Rules Here are the forum rules, quite common amongst gaming communities: http://www.blackwaterops.net/forums/rules.php Meet our staff! As stated here are the staff of BWO and it's website. http://www.blackwaterops.net/forums/staff.php I hope you check us out, even if you don't want to join. Feel free to MSG me. See you on the battlefield!
  17. Oh wai thnx! I plan on sticking around.
  18. How refreshing to see some info on Halo 4. =P Nice jurb finding this.
  19. I'll cry if they did, but I wouldn't expect it to go down for at least another 3 - 4 years (My estimate, could longer). They better not disable Halo 3 online multiplayer!
  20. Never was a fan of the Elite. I wouldn't mind it but then again, I hardly play infection.
  21. "How you doin'?" - Nice joey quote there, for those who don't know. I'm just some random on the internet trying to have a fun time, so I thought I'd check out the 343 forum and chillax in the forum. I'm Scott, I love Halo (You're a crazy person if you don't), I have loads of interests going from Anime to drawing and running. I'm from another gaming community that was quite popular around the B.Net days, BlackWaterOps.net. Heard of us? Anyway, this is dragging on, I'm new and here to have fun. Peace out, see ya on the forum.
  22. No, it would make the game unbalanced and would definitely anger a lot of people. It's all about the skill as someone on this thread stated, giving the bad players a boost isn't fair to those who are skilledat the game and clearly play it more. New players should just play the game more and get good at it. The only armour effect I'd like to see back in H4 is the sprint, the others were just terrible (Evade was ok), I mean invisibility with radar jammer... really!?
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