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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. I'd give him a swift kick to the gentleman's area for that. Yeah, Halo 5 is supposedly going to really take advantage of the new gen systems, it would be silly to release it for old gen. The new Halo game I believe will make or break the franchise, not to the point of complete failure or anything. They need to focus on new gen, not old... which is what they're doing unless they change their mind. But, it needs to be good if they are to take over from Bungie. I have complete faith in 343i, of course but I think many will agree that Halo 5 will need to live up to the hype and expectations. Not to sound demanding or anything, I love Halo and always will. It's just, I don't want them to go too far off road with implementing a variety of new things that could turn the new Halo games into something less Halo and more, lets say COD like (I hate referencing COD). Man I do have a tendency to drag on, haha.
  2. Not really interested but only here to say, Welcome to 343i Community Forum! Of course feel free to make an introduction if you want to, if you're just passing by that's fine too.
  3. I have a free weekend to myself so I may actually join up for this one, even though I said I wouldn't be attending gamenights anymore, I get bored when I have the house to myself so sign me up. I should be able to make it, if something comes up I'll pop back to this thread. Oh and my gamertag is ShockGazm, almost forgot.
  4. Cheers mate! You're the type of member this place needs, there are so many great members here and having you aboard this community among those many other members here that makes this place what is it, truly makes this place the best to be apart of. Keep up the great effort!
  5. I'm bored of Battlefield 4 already, so I won't be bothering with these servers anytime soon... well, ever to be honest. The fact those who want private servers have to pay to get them is unbelievably ridiculous to me, EA are simply and forever will be the worst company... I'm at the point of despising them but I do like Dice, mainly for Mirror's Edge. I'm very excited for Watch Dogs though, I'm bored with a lot of the PS4 games that are out now, not including the arcade games , those I don't mind and do enjoy. I am yet to play a next gen game that makes me want to keep going back to it, all I play now is FIFA 14 (Mainly clubs with friends mainly to laugh at how s*it the game is and have fun in the process) and that game is garbage but I bloody love football. I can see myself pulling a Skyrim with Watch Dogs, and by "Pulling a Skyrim" I simply mean throwing hours upon hours upon hours into the game.
  6. Well done there buddy! I'm sure it's well deserved, enjoy the pinkness!
  7. I'm at the point with Call of Duty that I just don't care anymore, I just take a gander and move on. But, saying that, I hope they pull something off with this somewhat new Call of Duty game. I loved Call of Duty 4 and I thought Modern Warfare 2 was really good and fun for the first few months (Until the game was hacked to shreds), but for me it went down hill from there (I didn't mind Black Ops, just to put that out there). MW3 was the game that killed it for me and not in the good way. COD Ghosts was the game that buried the franchise 20ft under, just a completely average game and the multiplayer was to be put simply, a bad and frustrating experience, at least for me it was (Not regarding skill, I'm a pretty descent player but everything about it was just "Meh" and boring. I won't bother going into specifics because we should all know them by now). Getting back to the point, I hope they pull something out of the bag with Call of Duty... whatever they call it. Personally, I think a Call of Duty Online should be made, rather than wasting time on the campaign, as it doesn't have the ever lasting quality Halo and Mass Effect has (Upon many others but I went with well known games with an amazing storyline). I don't understand why there needs to be 2 or 3 different companies working on the same series, it's unbelievably silly and stupid. If they worked together, they may actually be able to make a game that ticks the correct boxes, mainly a game that's actually really good and not the same thing every year. Just some thoughts of mine I thought I'd throw out there.
  8. For the Original Xbox I'd have to say Halo CE. I'm actually not sure if it was Crash Bandicoot or Project Gotham Racing which was my first but I'll stick with Halo. And, for the Xbox 360, FIFA 07. Yeah, not Halo 3 surprisingly but that would be my second. I played FIFA for about an hour and then I forever played Halo 3!
  9. At this point asking for something to be fixed in Halo 4 is pretty much like asking Chris Angel to stop doing magic... it's not going to happen. The internet or the gaming world is filled with a**holes, I said this in another thread but really all you can do is deal with it and move on. Play another game type or another game, if it has put you in a bad mood, go on Netflix and indulge yourself with the goodness of TV shows!
  10. The internet is full of a**holes, that's how it is, sadly. The world will always be filled with them and there's no stopping it, unless Godzilla arises from the ocean... then things might change.
  11. Aside from Destiny, I'm really looking forward to this game! This has been one game that I've really been hoping is the type of game that could achieve game of the year. I want it to be that good.
  12. Of course the image they release will look graphically on par with what next gen graphics should look like but when we play the game I bet you the graphical detail will downgrade a little. Not that it matters because at the end of the day it's about the content and the quality of the game, Call of Duty is still yet to show that. Well, that may be my biased opinion but as an example, has anyone played COD Ghosts and said, "This game is amazing and it's so much fun to play"? Be honest. Well, if you're messing around with friends it's completely understandable but not so much when you play on your own but even with friends the game can be hard to enjoy. COD Ghosts was over hyped and was overall terrible. Regardless of those good bits and pieces, the game was a failure. I have yet to play a Next Gen game that has great re-playability and by that I mean a game that I can put hours upon hours into and actually enjoy it. Not that I haven't been satisfied by some of the Next Gen games that I've played, Assassins Creed I thought was really good, but for me personally it doesn't leave you wanting to keep playing, unless you really love the multiplayer and like to 100% complete the game. I may be going off track a little but as I said I haven't been overly impressed with Next Gen regarding having a game I can put many hours into, much like Skyrim. Another example, Killzone when it came out I though was very impressive, it really showed off what the PS4 could do, once I finished the game I didn't see much point going back to it. This has been my attitude to these Next Gen games so far, I'm actually starting to worry. I feel Destiny will be the game that will define a real video game this year that's ticks all the boxes regarding the Story, Graphics, Customization, I could go on but more importantly Re-playability. I really think Call of Duty should just make a COD Online. Who really cares about the Story to COD anymore? Most people pretty much get the jest of it and it's getting boring. Or at least it's entertaining for a little while and then it's just there to play when you're bored. If Infinity Ward and Treyarch focuses more on creating a multiplayer experience that actually works, maybe then the series can go back on track to being good but then, how can they do that if they keep making the same thing over and over again. Now that Next Gen is out, I hope they can really surprise us this year because honestly, I'm getting sick of hearing about another Call of Duty release. I don't care about Call of Duty, so don't think it bothers me but I felt I needed to rant a bit about the this some what new COD game. Of course this is my personal opinion so by all means point out something you don't agree with. I'm also typing this at almost 3:00am, so I hope it makes some sense, haha. Nice post by the way!
  13. Well done guys! I don't doubt it's well deserved.
  14. Nice to see this hasn't changed...
  15. Ahh, nice little read, well done!
  16. Thank you for that Twinreaper, I can honestly say it's been nice having those difference of opinion talks, it's what makes us different and unique from each other. What you said is already perfect so there's no need for me to say much about our talks because all has been said perfectly. Soon for me there will be more topics to discuss and I'm looking forward to it when that time comes. Whenever I'm feeling down I will definitely come back to this thread to get the motivational push I need, I never thought I would get such amazing and in a way unique feedback by my announcement of having to leave. I wish I could express how much each comment has made me happy and has definitely helped motivate myself to get better as a person and to help push myself to get to a point where I'm actually happy in real life. I can't thank you guys enough and I can't help but make another comment regarding the newer comments that appear in this thread. Today will be the official day I leave, I will come back for the occasional visit to see how things are going but ultimately it's going to be sad when I realize I have to stop myself from becoming an active member as I have more pressing matters to attend to. I hope to return as a better member and person, only time will tell but until then, Au Revior!
  17. I did say that my above post was my last message but after reading these comments I have to say I've absorbed all of what you guys have said to me and this is exactly why I love this community, you're all great members and very kind people! I really do appreciate the support, I know this isn't the first time this has happened and I'm sure very soon another member will have to leave due to reasons relating to mine. To those also having issues regarding their real lives, I truly hope you find a way to solve your issues or at least manage to stabilize your life to a point where you are happy. I know it will be difficult, I think we have all dealt with these issues at some point in our lives and I'm sure there are members here that are having them now. Stay strong and march your way to victory! Finally, I'd like to say keep up the amazing work here at 343i and next time around I hope to be a more spontaneous member! Until next time.
  18. Peace out 343i Community Forum!

  19. Goodbye 343i Community Forum I'm leaving 343i Community Forum for a long while, not sure when I'll be returning, it could be a year or even longer.. that's if I return at all (But, I couldn't imagine not returning). I hope you all have a great life and/or future and I hope you can all reach your goals regardless of how big or small! Peace out, gonna miss this place, this is the best community I've ever been apart of and I've been in various communities over my 7 years of online gaming. First, I want to especially thank those who have spoken to me or even in the slightest interacted with me via over the Xbox or on the forums. Also I want to shout-out to those who make this forum what it is and I hope this place lasts a along time, the Mods have done an amazing job with this website and the members/Mods bring a lot of character to this place, that could also be called a second home. Almost forgot to mention why I'm leaving, I don't see why I shouldn't give an small explanation. I won't go too into detail but I think it's simple enough to pick up. At the moment I'm having issues with my life that need to be dealt with, this relates to fixing my relationship/relationships with my family and my real life friends whom I've become distant with. It also involves fixing myself and I feel I can't do that if I keep playing video games and trying to meet new people at gaming communities etc via why I joined 343i Community Forum in the first place. Personally, life isn't as easy as it used to be and times are changing, I think it's only taken me now to fully realize that. I can't keep hiding away from that by playing video games everyday. I need to sort myself out and I've decided that now is the time to act. I'm not going to be using my Xbox anymore either, so I will be removing all from my friendslist, even my friends in real life (This is something I have to do to stop myself from going back to it, that's just how I work). I hope to eventually return here and by that time I hope to have a new username but of course for now, I'll stick with ShockGazm to hold off confusion. Though I wasn't a very talkative member here, I'm still gonna miss you guys and this place. I will officially log out when this weekend is over, after that it will be an occasional visit every now and then and this will be my final post here. After typing all this I'm actually quite sad, I going to miss this place, especially you guys. In advance I'd just like to say thanks for your kind words, they will definitely motivate me and to those of you I have never spoken too or didn't speak to much, I hope to come back here sometime in the future and change that, I wish I could have spoken to more of you and play games with you! And, to the new members who manage to come across this thread and/or members that haven't been here that long, I hope you stick around this forum, when you stick around for a little bit you'll eventually start to love it here and also get involved! Go to the fun gamenights, chat with fellow members and overall have a great time here. Take it easy and peace out.
  20. Defo downloading Hitman!
  21. Welcome to the Community Duke and see you around the forums. I think you'll like it here, it's friendly and a fun place to be.
  22. Skyrim is one of the greatest games I've ever played and has reply ability which can't be said for a lot of games... damn it now I want to play Skyrim! Nice review by the way!
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