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Everything posted by ShockGazm

  1. There's no information at all in this thread that regards FARCRY 4, and it's way to early to make an official thread about it. Heck, no information has been thrown around regarding any news about the game, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong but as far as I know there's nothing out there about FARCRY 4. That image alone is not proof or even close to a hint towards FARCRY 4, there are artistic people out in the world that can make that image and imprint FARCRY 4 at the bottom. If I had the skills I could make an updated look of Nico Bellic and say it's GTA 6. As Bnus also stated a source would be good, well really it's demanded.
  2. Yes. I'm curious to see what it would be like to be president. Do you like Louis CK's comedy?
  3. Well, the key word there being "planned" and didn't actually go through with it. I see your point but honestly it really wasn't necessary for Sony to mention it, if it was going to be boycotted anyway. Not to say nobody has lied regarding both Microsoft and Sony, but I stand my ground when it comes to who's more trustworthy and the better company (Just about). "I'd rather a company be straight forward with me about something they want to do... and be willing to fix it if the fans didn't like it... than a company lie about something and try to hide it from me and change it before they get in trouble with their fans." You say that as if that's all Sony has been doing. If Sony hides one idea that they then realize is a bad idea and remove it, that doesn't exactly shout out "Look at us, we're a bunch of liars and like to hide things from our fans and consumers in general". All I can say is that both companies have ideas that have been hidden away, for whatever reason and I'll leave it at that because I'm not exactly knowledgeable when it comes to what both companies have been up to. I am still a bit annoyed that for both consoles, we can't use PS3 and 360 games, I do understand or have an idea at least as to why but still it would be nice if a select few games could be playable. This is just me nitpicking, moving on. Fair point about the next gen battle, you're right that both consoles are still at the beginning stage and it's hard to say who's going to be at the top when both next gen consoles really show us what next gen is but again I also stand my ground when I say Sony is ever so slightly in the lead at the moment. You could say it's personal opinion but you know what I mean by that as I already mentioned my reason above. And, it's very unlikely Nintendo will take the lead if they did actually bring out a new console, they're not up to par with Microsoft and Sony, so bringing Nintendo into it is pointless, even thought I do see where you're going with that statement. I was already aware that both the PS3 and Xbox 360 did well but thanks for the link anyway (I'm not including Nintendo in this since we're only really talking about MS and Sony). So, I guess I'll finish by saying, lets all wait to see what happens at E3. Hopefully there, we can see some amazing new stuff for both consoles!
  4. Voice commands I think are pointless. When I play a game I don't want to shout at my TV just to make something happen within the game, that's why I have a controller. That's just me, never cared for the Kinect features.
  5. Yeah, both consoles are still missing features and what not. PS4 definitely edged out on front but I wouldn't say the PS4 and Xbox One proved themselves to the fullest, they both still need work.
  6. All I know is, when it does happen... it's going to be a very sad and depressing day. Halo 3 is my all time favorite video game.
  7. Just for future reference, there are threads in the Halo 4 forum that regard this topic. I would personally add what you said into the "What you would like to see in Halo 5" thread (It's called something like that).
  8. Not a bad short review on the Xbox One! I'm still not big on Microsoft as I used to be and I won't be getting the Xbox One any time soon. I feel like Microsoft is the father that still thinks and treats its son like a dull and clueless child even though that "Child" is 20 years old and has various qualifications. That's how I feel with Microsoft at the moment and it's not gonna' change anytime soon. I have lost my trust in the company. I feel as if Sony speak to their fans with respect and talk to us like respectable human beings. I just think Playstation has won the next gen battle, they just edge out on front regarding everything, which includes technology (even though it's similar), console looks, the dashboard, controller, games and so on. Sure, that's just my personal opinion and because I love Playstation it's obvious I would say that but I think a mass majority of people would agree.
  9. Welcome to 343i community forum! Hope you enjoy it here, and see you around the forums!
  10. I think the Gravemind will make a return in Halo 5, a different one at that. I mean, the universe is huge, who's to say there aren't any more Graveminds. Who knows, I can't say I've read many Halo books and my knowledge on the Halo Universe is average at best but I do believe that another Gravemind is alive that could possibly be more powerful than the Halo 3 Gravemind.
  11. No. I wana be invisible. I can be left alone in peace and also walk into a shop and not have to pay for whatever it is I fancy, because I live life dangerously. Are you looking forward to Metal Gear Solid 5?
  12. I thought the US Godzilla was a descent film. Sure, the story as to how Godzilla came about and what not, was unexplained as far as I remember. But, for entertainment I thought it was alright. I mean, seeing Godzilla ruin a city and hearing it's spine tingling roar sold me out to the film.
  13. Even though I don't post news of any kind, I'm all for this. When I read an article I don't want to see someone copy and paste the information that could be read by clicking the link and also having no incentive to write much about the topic itself. I want to see that member post their thought on the article and then add a link to the source. This is how it should be done. Of course information from the linked article will have to be referenced to explain the news post but as long as it's straight to the point and followed up by a good paragraph or so, about said topic... then all in all happy days. That's my intake on this.
  14. All I know is my gut says maybe... When the price goes down I'll think about getting it.
  15. I decided not to buy this game, so I watched all the cut-scenes on Youtube, haha. I'm looking forwards to other games that come out in March.
  16. Welcome to the 343i Community Forum! Hope to see you around the forums!
  17. Ahh, Well done getting that job with 343i! Welcome to the Community forum too! See you around.
  18. No. :/ Not a fan. Do you like Dubstep? (I know there are many varieties of Dubstep but basically I'm asking if you like that genre of music)
  19. Fair point, I should've also pointed that out. My bad, just trying to make out the point that Halo 4 is a fun game but of course you can be a serious gamer and also enjoy the game.
  20. I wouldn't disregard Halo 4, it's actually a fun game to play if you're not a serious gamer, it's not as bad as people make it out to be if I'm being completely honest.
  21. As adding new ideas into Halo which evidently has to be done with a new upcoming game, Ordnance's were a good idea. But, it's not Halo and I think 343i should stick to what Halo multiplayer is about. I hope they stick to Bungie's roots regarding multiplayer, I don't want to see anything like this in Halo 5. I wouldn't say they're somewhat taking ideas from Call of Duty, just because COD is a big game (Still unbelievable), it doesn't mean they came up with all the ideas but as I said, stick to the core of what made Halo amazing.
  22. White chocolate. Do you like to host parties on your birthday? (With me I just invite around 4 of my friends over, we play some poker, have some beers, maybe watch some football and play video games)
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