Covenant? Im guessing Brutes with a few Grunts they enslaved. Compared to the new enemy, I doubt they'll be any threat. But imagine...Fighting Brutes and then suddenly, BOOM a Flood ship crashes into the ground near you and releases its troops on both you and the Brutes. Then you and the Brutes momentarily work together to vanquish this new threat. Obviously the Brutes die.
Did I attack what you said? No. Read some more. I just said that Ranks going down, is stupid. Whenever I say that, it somehow offends people. Sorry if I hurt you.
1. Will never happen. Stop talking about it.
2. Would be alright...Like Cortana says, that you can move from an area when you want or stay and search for stuff from the frigate. Would be nice.
3. Nonononononoononono never gonna happen.
4. Above.
5. yesyesyesyesyesyesyes! Making the maps and then what enemies would appear would be awsome.
6. Eh..A training area with bots would be cool.
The Flood CANT be freindly. There are too many reasons against it. Unless someone tried to light the rings again, both the Flood and the Cheif dont want that to happen.
Good for 343i doing Halo their way. Why do people want them to imitate previous Halo games? For all you know Halo 4 could be the best Halo game ever. But no, the only way Halo 4 could be any good is to copy Halo 3.
Am I the only one who thinks its retarded that people should lose rank because they lost a game? I used my time to get to that rank, why should it go down because I couldent beat that guy?
...Why the HELL do you people want boats? It makes no sense whatsoever! Why does Halo require boats in Multiplayer? You havent gone in a boat in Singleplayer, so why do you need a boat?
You really dont know what your saying do you? Adding more things requires you to change your tactics and requires skill. Advantages? In Halo 3, get a Tank and you win. In Halo Reach, You have a Tank? ARMOUR LOCK.
I voted yes and No. Halo 4 PC would be plauged with hackers. But mods would be intresting. Thats my other topic. Mods.
Lets face it right now. The only real reason you want Halo on PC is for mods. You would pay a lot to upgrade your PC to play Halo 4, much more than you would pay to play it on Xbox 360. Just go mod Halo 1 and 2. Just quiet down about your want for a PC Halo game. Theres no point.
It would be cool, but it's not neccessary. I dont understand your burning desire for a PC version. Oh wait, for Mods. You dont buy PC games for their quality, you buy it for the mods. Not saying thats bad. Lord knows, I do it too.
I think the only aircraft that should be used are the ones like in Reach. Passenger seats are outside. There should be quite a lot of vehicles in mulitplayer. Forerunner ones.