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Everything posted by Zamio

  1. I think your being kinda paranoid. I can understand some of your concerns, but A Halo game does NOT need the Covenant to be a Halo game. I think everyone is just cautious because someone new is making a Halo game. Everyone will adjust later.
  2. But, when Halo was made, it was for the prime purpose of having fun. Not to get better at Halo.
  3. I cant see why not. Some armour allows you to carry a couple of extra clips for a sniper rifle, another lets you move slightly faster, why is there an issue with this?
  4. Pistol from Halo Reach. Massive Armoury An narrative Invasion gameype
  5. Some of it sounds good. Some I think only matters to the competetive guys. Anyway, I would love to see more great maps. The foreruner map was awsome, but I wanna see better.
  6. Just stop talking. You've already proved yourself to be an immature indiviual. I swear, Halo is about having fun, not having a competition to see who is the best.
  7. I would love for the pistol not to be as strong as the CE one, but still pretty strong.
  8. Halo 3 was not perfect in anyway. Spawn killing was a massive part of it. If someone won, it was because their weapon was awsome and they had the power weapons. If they got the tanks, they could be killing machines. In Halo Reach, you were given a weapong to stop those tank hoggers. One use of armour lock and bang. Dead tank.Everything in Halo Reach was needed in Halo 3.
  9. All your doing is making massive assumptions to what is happening. How do you know you will be able to pick a sniper rifle to spawn with? You dont. So dont guess. How do you know what the perks are? You dont. So please, please, dont say stuff like this with no backing.
  10. Zamio


    Customization is going to be massive. Hopefully as big as Reach, or even bigger!
  11. Yes. It would be silly for someone to make an air drop from a Falcon(if they are in Halo 4) and not be killed.
  12. All of this. Well done man, you really put this guy in his place.
  13. This sounds awsome. Placable AI's would be great. Being able to tweak stats for AI's, even better. If Bungie lets 343i have forge however, we will see.
  14. Hello people. Im just a guy that seriously enjoys Halo games. I love them all really. My favourite species in Halo is the Elites. Those guys are awsome. Also Im here partially because of Halo 4. Best belive it.
  15. Do you want to know WHY Halo 2 and 3 dominated their time? Because CoD was not as popular then. Right now, CoD is at it's peak of popularity. Half those guys who played Halo 3 moved to CoD. Thats why Reach did not have as many people playing it. Not because It's a bad game.
  16. I doubt any armour improvements would be major. Maybe a few more round of ammo, 2% more health, but nothing major.
  17. Space Fights. I would love to take the fight against this mysterious enemy to space. A narrative Multiplayer. Not for all the gametypes but for at least one. A bit like Invasion with cutscenes and stuff. Lots of imaginative gametypes. Not just the ones that make sense but them ones that say" Why not" And arm everyone with golf clubs or something.
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