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Everything posted by upton889

  1. I agree. There are certain concepts such as loadouts that are similar to Call of Duty but the game plays nothing like Call of Duty. In Halo 4 there is balanced gameplay and, most of the time, you have a chance to shoot back and use your skills to kill your opponent. In Call of Duty you are killed before you can even turn around and none of the game is balanced.
  2. I agree that there should be a slight change in those weapons but for the most part they are pretty well balanced and it doesn't really affect the balance of the game.
  3. Haha very true. Other than that I don't see why they wouldn't want people playing their game.
  4. I will play Halo 4 any day, for so many reasons that I won't even begin to explain. I won't be purchasing Black Ops 2, needless to say. Though I do love the Call of Duty campaigns.
  5. 343 will be utilizing playist updates and title updates to implement more playlists and solve some of the issues here soon.
  6. Halo 4 multiplayer blows Reach out of the water in my opinion. I do agree that the grenade could have just a little extra kick to them. They don't seem to do as much damage as in previous Halo's and for any major damage the enemy must be in very, very close proximity to the grenade.
  7. I think the DMR is quite balanced with the other weapons. From what I've seen so far, the BR and DMR are most used. The BR is more of a short-mid range gun and the DMR is more of a mid-long range weapon and both are balanced and there are lots of great gun battles, not like CoD where you don't even get the chance to react. As far as the playlists and connection problems, there will be title updates and playlist updates in the near future to implement new playlists and fix the glitches and connection problems.
  8. I personally don't think it's necessary to have joins in progress but it could work both ways. It helps the people who are playing the game (solves quitters) but can potentially hurt the people joining the game (come out with a quick loss).
  9. 343 will being making a series of title updates and playlist updates in the not-to-distant future. No worries, I'm sure they'll put the great playlists in here soon.
  10. I'm guessing regicide? Could be wrong. I love all the Halo multikills and once again the voice is great. Little things like that are what makes Halo special.
  11. There are so many ignorant people in Halo who's idea of "fun" is to simply waste their own time and energy, as well as their team's, and just shoot you and/or betray you just for the fun of it. Friendly fire doesn't add a whole lot to the game so I don't see why 343 can't take it out to avoid such these unnecessary incidents.
  12. That would be a complicated setup for the hologram to avoid sprinting off, running into walls, etc. but if that could be done (which I doubt) it would be a cool idea!
  13. If ranking isn't important for knowing where someone stands then why would they have rankings in college football, the military, college basketball, etc.? Those rankings are to know where one team/person stands among the rest, and rankings are important to many other subjects other than those I listed. Do college teams strive for a top 25 rank and even a #1 rank? Of course they do and the same goes for people striving to go up the totem pole in workplaces and the military. I'm not comparing Halo to college athletics, the workplace, or the military, but the concepts of rank in all of those are essentially the same.
  14. For me, this is the greatest news 343 has released thus far. If you're a casual player you're not forced to view your rank and if you enjoy the ranks you can just log on to Halo Waypoint. This was one of the main factors Halo has been missing in recent years and now that it's coming back, it feels like a weight has been lifted. It's great that 343 has responded to the community and satisfied both parties of players. My wish list is now complete for Halo 4 and I am extremely pleased. Shouts out to Tallgeese for delivering this!
  15. I'm not asking 343 to only cater to the competitive gaming community, I'm simply asking that they cater too both. Social and ranked playlists have always seemed fairly successful in the past in regards to separating casual and competitive gameplay. There's no reason 343 can't compromise and do it again. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but SR-50 is the level you start unlocking specializations and SR-130 is the level at which there are no more specializations to unlock.
  16. You're right. That may not be the sole reason but it was one of the main contributors. The combination of a lack of competitiveness in the game itself along with the ranking system ultimately lead to the failures of the game.
  17. Look at the numbers of players who played long after Reach's release compared to the number of players who played long after the release of Halo 2 and 3 and you'll find your answer. I admire your understanding TECH. There are too many from both gaming parties that don't even attempt to understand. Whether somebody is a casual or competitive gamer, everyone can agree that both parties could have been easily satisfied in this case.
  18. No flaming here but I'm not comprehending why 343 couldn't satisfy both parties of players. Specializations will run out and those incentives will become extinct after a while and most of that is very similar to Halo Reach, which was a massive failure. If I'm ranked I want to know where I stand. Isn't that the whole point of rank as shown in the military, college basketball/football, etc.? That is hardly a ranking system. That visual representation of skill gives something for people to strive for in every playlist and that not only sufficed in previous Halo's, but thrived. The old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
  19. That changes my opinion completely. I'll stick to my first edited post in saying, why even have ranks if the player themselves cannot see what they are ranked? Players will now have little motivation to play the game after campaign and spartan ops are through. To be blunt, this sounds like Reach Matchmaking 2.0, which didn't motivate players to keep playing whatsoever.
  20. So let me get this right, skill is placed but there are no numbers whatsoever? Even a number that is only visible to the player?
  21. Post: Edited from original. What is the point of rankings if we don't know our own rank and have no motivation towards the next rank? This setup seems illogical and counter productive.
  22. Noone in the competitive community, from my understanding, has said to take out the progression system and implement a pure-skill system, as you are implying, they just want to see a ranking system implemented. I actually think the progression system is pretty cool for unlocking armor and what not. Everybody has a right to their own opinion and the people who have played matchmaking from Halo 3 or it's beginning in Halo 2 know what the ranking system means. I hate to tell you but matchmaking is the house that competitive players built, starting all the way back from it's start in Halo 2 (which in my opinion changed Halo multiplayer and changed Xbox Live) and both Halo 3 and Halo 2 were indeed structurally competitive, both in ranking system and in the games themselves. Very seldom people are crying or whining that they don't get there way but many people are simply asking that they implement a ranking system to give that great motivation to players and to achieve long term success by avoiding having low numbers of post-release player numbers like in Halo Reach (which was a massive failure). I've never said I wouldn't buy the game if a ranking system isn't put in place and I hate that we have bad representatives of the competitive community as well as the casual community, but just because people want to see a ranking system doesn't mean they aren't a true fan of the game.
  23. I'll only say that I prefer a ranking system because it promoted almost endless motivation and more exciting gameplay and leave it at that. As far as boosting goes, I'm with you, I never saw that many boosters in Halo 2 or Halo 3. I know plenty of people who have made a temporary account or two in order to have another challenge in ranking up from scratch and if that is the type of so-called boosting data that 343 is speaking of, that is very misleading. Do I consider that boosting if they play with other players? No, of course not and that was the right thing to do for those players if they wanted that challenge because they could have just as easily deranked, which is not the way to go and is without a doubt, immorally and illogically unsound.
  24. Halo 4 should definitely bring this back. It's almost a tradition and it's fun to see gamers from all different eras of Halo. I would love to get the Halo 2 title if 343 brought it back.
  25. You must be playing with the wrong people because my guess is those numbers are a lot lower than 85%. You're going to have your idiots any game you go into, with any gender. More so in Halo Reach because there is no incentive to compete and the game itself is not designed for competition.
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