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  2. as much as i do meant what i said when i started this post i do agree with alot of what absolute dog said, I just would be happy if i could get half the enjoyment i got with h2 and h3 in the new h4. :/
  3. are you kidding me? seriously i hope your joking...only someone who isnt good enough to reach the highest lvl in a game with a legitimate ranking system would say that. YEA BRO WHY DONT WE JUST LET EVERYONE ACHIEVE THE HIGHEST RANK, WHY DONT WE MAKE IT SO EASY THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT ON THE FIRST DAY TOO AND WHILE WERE AT IT MAKE IT SO EVEN IF YOU LOSE YOU STILL GET THE SAME EXPERIENCE AS THE WINNERS, WHY SO WE CAN HAVE A MATCHMAKING THATS WORTHLESS??? STICK TO CALL OF DUTY BRO.
  4. i agree with everything he says, Reach's matchmaking was horrible compared to h2 and h3, i can only hope h4 is more like h2 & h3 and less like reach.... thank you appreciate your comment
  5. lol ok the babe was uncalled for im sorry, let me just say I hope I'm not as disappointed as I was with reach when Halo 4 comes out even though I get the feeling I will be.
  6. Sorry babe but I still believe your dead wrong. When you add more things to the game you take out equality, which leads to advantages and disadvantages not by skill rather by what you have, this isn't the halo I know and love. Level the playing field give everyone a battle rifle and let skill determine the outcome of the game. Make it so what matters most in the game is not what you have but what you can do with it.
  7. How is this not true think about the more complex you make a game the more options and possibilities there are to play it, thus minimizing skill and elivating luck. Ex. If I'm someone who is walking on the ground and theres a guy hovering 25 feet above my head who is already at an advantage? How about leveling the playing field from the start and letting TRUE SKill determine the outcome of the game, not who was what class.
  8. Well where do I start with this post. The only way to keep a game competitive is to keep it simple, by adding different classes you are limiting equality thus making it harder to develop skill when each player doesn't start out the same. You are also potentialy limiting what each player can do in terms of individually impacting the game when you get too specific making each class so diverse from one another. It wasn't good for Reach and it won't be good for Halo 4, I am aware there are people that enjoy Reach thats obvious, but what I also think was obvious is that there were alot of disappointed people.
  9. I just wish they would do away with classes in matchmaking completely, if I wanted to play Call of Duty I would....
  10. search halo4follower on youtube I watched his vids like a week ago
  11. After seeing the release of the videos last week of matchmaking gameplay for Halo 4 my heart sank. I saw the same old jet packs, the same old speedy running guys, everything I hated about Reach's matchmaking. I absolutely HATE having classes in matchmaking. There should be two options, elites and spartans THATS IT! Make it like Halo 2 and Halo 3's matchmaking, where it was actually enjoyable. People wondered why Reach couldn't hold a population over 100,000 throughout the first year, when Halo 3 averaged well over 350,000. These games thrive on competitive matchmaking, not temporary campaign players. If the matchmaking isn't good the game fails, its that simple. And if 343 industries puts classes in matchmaking again Halo 4 will fail just as bad as Reach did. I still play Halo 3 to this day because I can't stand Reach. This is just my opinion and although I believe it will never get seen by someone important enough to make a change I couldn't help but get my voice out somewhere. Heres to another 2 years of waiting and getting my hopes up only to be yet again disappointed. CHEERS
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