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Everything posted by Anonymousnorris

  1. If I remember, Cortana says something like "well, we know where he's headed" when the sphere rockets away.
  2. It isn't that big of a deal. Any Halo fan should be satisfied with what is already given in the Limited Edition. Besides, there will always be Halo 5, and 6.
  3. Well, from this we can tell what the Hardlight Shield is, along with the promethean vision. Both seem pretty well balanced, and not too overpowered. Awesome.
  4. http://halo.xbox.com/halo4 Go to that link, near the bottom you'll see a heading that says "An Epic Universe", under that it says Characters, click that and you'll find out about the enemies revealed in the demo.
  5. My top two are Forest or Pulse. They should've done multiple color templates, since maybe I would have picked raptor if it wasn't in Best Buy type colors.
  6. The rednecks would be happy but....doesn't having an american styled armor skin call for other country styled ones? That and I never really liked how Captain America's suit looked (even in the Avengers).
  7. I hope they made the smart decision of not implementing these. Killcams + Instant spawning, will eliminate any form of tactics that are used, will remove the element of surprise, along with a significant amount of fun from any true Halo fan. From a killcam, you can see where your opponent is sniping from, where he and his teammates are moving towards, what weapons they have, along with a bunch of other stuff. The gametypes with killcam enabled will be bland, easy gametypes compared to those that don't. If 343 is so set on killcams, they need to only make a final one.
  8. Yes, but they used it only in campaign, as Bungie saw that it would cause balance issues. Hopefully 343 adjusted it so it can be fair. They really do need to release some MP footage so we can understand all the new stuff in the leak.
  9. The perks are a bad idea to me. I feel that they will make gameplay unbalanced. Also, who thought of implementing an auto-turret?! An idea that is shared by pretty much all of the FPS' nowadays, and doesn't belong in Halo!
  10. Isn't there an option to use a cloud instead of the hard drive?
  11. The Brits really messed up on that one
  12. The hardlight shield sounds pretty cool, some people think it might be something that resembles a jackal's shield(which would be neat). I am disappointed to see that they put in an autosentry, that's probably the most unoriginal idea I've heard of so far. Perks are distancing Halo from being balanced, so I don't know if that was a good idea from 343. The pictures look great, and they must look even better when they're not being taken with a microwave.
  13. No. Bringing ADS into Halo would require that other gameplay features be changed(i.e. aim-assist, team swat mechanics, BR and DMR scope mechanics). I understand the "innovate or die" fad, but this is simply a bad idea. ADS would make firefights more about reaction time, and strafing would die out due to slowed down movement. Answer me this also, how exactly would you aim an AR? If you look at it, you will notice it doesn't have any type of sights on it. This indicates that it was made to be shot using a HUD featured reticule. Your idea is too radical to be successfully integrated into Halo, without changing the experience that Halo fans have always enjoyed. From your replies, it would seem that you have only thought this through aesthetically, without greatly considering its consequences on other mechanics.
  14. It is the most convenient place, plus 343 probably didn't have any other options, as the bumpers, triggers and all the buttons have set controls already. inb4 people saying Halo is turning into COD
  15. I wonder how Armor effects are going to tie in with the whole "combat simulation" thing
  16. Read mine aswell. I'm all for a forerunner sword type thing, but a japanese Katana seems like a bad idea to me.
  17. Another explanation may be that the hilt is being hit by the melee, causing the sword to be deflected so that it only cuts into the armor so much, but not so much as to make the hit lethal. Sword Blocking takes skill and skill to prevent from happening. I agree that in some gametypes it isn't necessary, but removing it altogether just heeds to the complaints of people who can't handle missing out on a few more skill-less kills. Making an option in forge and custom games that turns it on or off, would be a good compromise I think.
  18. Perhaps, but who knows if it would do that much damage when there's armor and shields in the way. Also, you couldn't duel with someone who has an energy sword, as the energy sword would simply cut through it. It would be more logical to focus on making better projectile weapons, rather than updating swords in a war where guns are used. Just saying
  19. Read my response in your other thread.
  20. In Halo Reach, there is usually only one energy sword per map, if I am correct. This probably served to prevent the same team from gaining two swords. How do you expect there to be energy sword duels if there is only one sword? Sword blocking wasn't that bad in my opinion, as you had to be skilled to do it correctly. Anyone can rampage with an energy sword, but you have to be skilled with it to use it correctly and to prevent your opponent from blocking your attacks. Story-wise, it may be possible due to the spartans hitting the sword at an angle, at which their shields would bounce/slide it away from them. That is how it works in my opinion at least.
  21. Realistically a Katana would shatter if a spartan hit another spartan with it. I dislike the Japanese influence in Halo 3 that came with the Hayabusa and Katana, it seemed like a bad idea to me. I understand it somewhat appeals to the fanbase, but I don't think they should be doing things that don't fit into the Halo Universe. It is possible that there will be a forerunner melee weapon, possibly a sword, which would take the place of a Katana perfectly in my mind.
  22. What differences do you see between the one in the video and the one in Halo Reach? The sniper rifle looks very low-res in my opinion, probably meaning that what Rooster Teeth was using to make the video was an early build of Halo 4 where they haven't completely finished putting in the weapons and upgrading the models. Either that or they simply were given a build that was being used for commercial reasons, which was meant to show off only a few select weapons.
  23. I want to see live action Spartan IVs, ought to be pretty memorable.
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