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Everything posted by valyou3

  1. @SykoWolf Yes screen writer is a script writer but we add the actions of where their going/doing and how the camera is going to act/react. You do not need XBL or even a xbox to become a screenwriter due to it only being people chatting over skype writing the script and coming up with ideas.
  2. @RainbowDashJay do you have any pictures/film of your maps I can view?
  3. @Minuette loving the voice acting especially with the effect! You have been accepted & added onto Skype, Just to let you know this series will take longer to produce till I get my staff list about full, I want this series to become a major hit. As this series takes time I'm working on my own series 'The Gamer' its a 'Machinima Short' Series that will be worked on when 'The Legendary Sword' is not being worked on. If you want to help out with my other series feel free to, or if you want to stick with just 'The Legendary Sword' is perfectly fine as well.
  4. @Minuetee the script will be worked on more today @Simmons will do!
  5. Halo 4 Machinima Series Title: "The Legendary Sword" Plot idea: The main character (name), has a dream of this sword that has the great power that once in the wrong hangs.. it can destroy humanity and do much worse damage. He goes to his friend who is very technical to help him design a suit of high quality armor to help him achieve his goal in finding the sword, but as he journeys to find this legendary sword he will meet with friends and foes... his journey awaits.. Main Characters (FOR NOW): Steve - Main Tech friend (needs a name) Script (In the works): Acting Positions: VOICE Steve - Main: Taken VOICE Tech Friend: Taken - Minuette Helper Positions Set Builder: Open 0/5 Screen Writer: Open 1/4 Co-Producer: Open 0/1 Staff Listing ACTING APPLICATION Gamertag: Age: Skype(required): Computer Mic(required): Role: Timezone: How many hours can you help (day): Are you dedicated?: Helper Applicating: Gamertag: Skype(required) Age: Role: Timezone: How many hours can you help (day): Are you dedicated?:
  6. Need someone to play Halo with? Looking for people to play some Halo (Halo:Reach | Halo 3) together to pass time till the release of Halo4, then when Halo 4 comes out we can all play together! Just looking for some calm/chill people to hangout with and play some Halo! Add: Midget BIG KaT to your friends! Adding everyone!
  7. Come become a Special Guest for the Radio Show - http://343i.org/jz

  8. Live Radio Show Many people are always on the website chatting, but why not host a live radio show which will play of course suggested music by the audience, then at certain times invite a guest or talk about new Halo News or news with the community, this will have a small group of people to host it, so if someone is not hosting that person can hop on and host. Leave feedback below on what you think! The show duration will last 30mins long with a short time in between for breaks Radio Schedule (coming Soon) Radio Songs Halo Related Special Guests Coming Soon How to become a Special Guest (Private Message me) All you have to do to become a Special Guest on the show is have news or something to talk about, but if you are apart of the staff team for 343i.org Community Forums we can do an interview, just private message me what you can supply the show to keep everyone entertained. Submit a Commercial want to advertise your work? Such as a map, signature shop, or anything else? Feel free to submit a audio file with a 20-30 second or lower commercial. Private message me the file and it will be reviewed and you will be replied back if it was approved or denied.
  9. Map has been in progress by a very well builder, more things will be added and up for download to test later once I get in touch with him eaither tonight or tomorrow, show will probly go on the road next weekened to get all the kinks out and whatnot this week.
  10. Well right now this week im booked Thursday Job Training, Friday picking up animals (snake & fish), then Saturday girlfriends birthday party. Will definetely contact you once I start though!
  11. Nice names! Hope to see more to come! Also, map will be in progress hopefully sometime this week, if you want to help out please reply!
  12. Dont forget to check out Halo Roleplay! - http://343i.org/jc

  13. Revamping Halo Roleplay, come check it out! - http://343i.org/jc

  14. Don't matter you can make up things as well. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBKxQSfE1DE&feature=player_embedded what you can expect it to be like without the pranking part though.
  15. Remember, to post replies to names of factions. Best faction names will become the official names.
  16. Revamping Halo Roleplay, come check it out! - http://343i.org/jc

  17. [ BETA ] Also on Halo Waypoint <-- Lore (Basic) (In works) Their was once a alliance between the two groups 'Name 1' and 'Name 2' they lived in a beautiful world called Gorgon (subject to change) the world was beautiful and peaceful everyone was happy.. well at least that's what we thought. It turns out that their was a powerful weapon in a secret location it was rumored for years until someone saw a glimpse of it but was unable to obtain it. Once they heard about it they went after it but once they got there they saw who was their.. the groups split apart and battled to the death.. it was a tragic day that time.. but now twenty years later the war is still going on scouts going across the land trying to sabotage the others in plan on being the superior and obtaining the powerful weapon. The Factions Faction #1: (Good) They have made an oath to not steal or scam other people, but this does not stop people who end up betraying them. They are very well protected usually keeping scouts on the watch, will do what they can to stop (Faction #2) Faction #2: (Evil) They are not very kind people, these people are usually hidden or caught stealing from the other faction, you better watch your back when your trying to trust one of these guys who knows what will happen. Rules - No swearing / foul language - No going in forge mode without permission from Admin - No giving out real life personal information Features - Factions - Faction Wars - Faction Home - Friends & Foes - Class System - Jobs - Bounty Hunters - Town System (Mayor / Second in command) - More to come Class System - Marksman (Magnum, DMR, Sprint) - Sharpshooter (Magnum, Sniper, Sprint) - Grenadier (Magnum, Grenade Luancher, Sprint) - Infiltrator (Magnum, Assault Rifle, Sprint) - Guard (Magnum, Shotgun, Sprint) How do we play 'Halo Roleplay'? Well that's the simple and easier part, you pick your faction based on what your pay style is, learning strategies, obtaining a job, joining in on the front lines in search of what the other is doing. What is required is you use a mic. your name will go as your Gamertag to keep real or fake names more confidential. Now you may ask how do we set up a job or fort? Well that's the easy part you will receive 1 free build then the next you will have to pay for with the in-game currency, the build will be limited due to the forge currency but you will be able to have a basic shop which can sell weapons, tools, equipment, all of these sorts but once you run out you will have to re-stock with a small price. Now you may ask how do these buildings get built? well the admin in the game will have the schematic to build the basic structure or you will be given a certain amount of materials to build it. Each event for when Halo Roleplay will be live will be posted under this thread. If you have any questions please feel free to reply below! How do Faction Wars work? Well each faction will have a leader, the leader will be a admin until a 'active' player decides to overthrow that leader. The leader's of the faction can meet up or send scouts to talk to the other faction and declare war, their will be multiple war zones to play on, such as battlegrounds. How do I get to play Halo Roleplay? You can fill out the early BETA phase application! Each person who applies will receive a private message if they have been approved or denied. If you have been approved you will be updated with all content. Extra Information Sense their is no official names for the factions I will let the community name the Faction reply below with the names of the Factions and the most liked will be the official names for the factions. What I need to make this happen If you would like to be any of these please reply below and I will contact you. On how you can help. Requirements (skype) Skype is free Download <-- - Forgers (Help create the world) (unlimited) - Story Writers (Lore) (0/5) - Beta Testers (players) (Doesn't require Skype) (unlimited) - Admin (Supervise gameplay, Interact with players, Host Events) (1/10) Important In order for this to happen I must at least get 10-15 votes on the public poll to this thread so I know this will become a success. One the poll hits its target the build of the world will be in progress and you will all be updated. BETA Tester Application Format (Private Message me your app) Map Staff Admin - TyGuy1050 - TyGuy1050
  18. So getting Minecraft for Xbox release day!

  19. It's called Admin account so they can test everything off the bat and not have to progress to make sure it works correctly.
  20. Aynone wanna play some Trials Evolution Tomorrow? (April 27th)

    1. Anarchy


      I have Trials HD i

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