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Everything posted by valyou3

  1. AdBlock Description: Block all advertisements on all web pages, even Facebook, Youtube, and Hulu. It works automatically Downloads FireFox Google Chrome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNvb2SjVjjI
  2. Armor Abilities as Aesthetics || Reach Forge Tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7xm2-ht7X8
  3. Working at 343 Industries (HD) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PFO_E_Gl3Ow&feature=g-u-u&context=G2c21b4bFUAAAAAAAJAA
  4. Forgers may wanna check this out - http://343i.org/3r

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. valyou3


      Something I'd like to see in the maps now!

    3. Absolute Dog
    4. valyou3


      Well I subscribe and 'like' (Facebook) a lot of Halo news places.

  5. Interesting Reach Machinima - http://343i.org/3q

  6. Halo 4 Wraparound in Halo Reach Link --> http://343i.org/3p

  7. Halo 4 WRAPAROUND in Halo Reach! (DOWNLOAD LINK) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iUj9O5Hrruc Map Link Gametype Link
  8. Do you think Halo 4 will have the collectible skulls as in Halo 3?

  9. Halo 4 In Depth Disclaimer: I'm not the owner or creator of the content that will be posted below. This will feature multiple videos about news about Halo 4. Halo 4: Revelations- Custom Loadouts & Future Maps - FT. Chris http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l037Czvwh_E&feature=g-u-u&context=G23d14b7FUAAAAAAADAA Article: Halo 4 Perks System Introduced Halo 4 Battle Rifle information || Halo 4 In depth w/ TallChief S1E3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_f-2-aE7UMo&feature=g-u-u&context=G229eca2FUAAAAAAABAA Article: The Halo Bulletin: 3.15.12
  10. Well currently making a slideshow requested by a toy designer 'Mel Birnkrant'

  11. valyou3

    BR info

    Awesome post!
  12. valyou3


    Welcome to 343i Community Forum!
  13. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

  14. Whats your zombie plan?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DaveAtStateFarm


      Get my way to a car dealer ship, jack a car. Drive to the nearest gunshop. camp out there. get friends, and find a SEMI TRUCK, and set camp in a grocery store parking lot


    3. Fire


      Mine would take a book...

    4. Azaxx


      why would i tell you, you could become infected and powerful and secretly hunt me down using the memory of my zombie plan...

  15. Whats your zombie plan?

  16. I have a dazzle and its not that great... I would definetely go with Roxio it comes with all the cords.. the Dazzle doesnt so you would have to spend more money on cords.
  17. They decided to not have a Beta so they can keep working on the game without uses and wasting time pushing out updates for it and ect. Its easier for them to test it themselves so they can automatically right down the bug/glitch and fix it. Also so they can keep polishing the game up.
  18. Frankie tells. What do the media mean when they say "perks?" –Krevilz Well, I think they’re talking about performance-enhancing abilities from Call of Duty, if we’re going to be perfectly honest. I should clarify that we never used the terms “perks,” other than when asked about them. That was a term coined in questions about our admittedly mysterious content. The systems in Halo 4, and I say that in the plural because there is no single element that defines that aspect of our game, are interconnected and related directly to your in-game experience as a Spartan IV, but they’re not exactly like any specific existing template or scheme. We’ll be explaining more about the Campaign and Multiplayer systems as the year progresses, but suffice it to say that the new features we’re hinting at for Halo 4 will not be mirror images of the stuff they’re being compared to now in online conversations.
  19. I was recently invited to the closed beta of 'Ghost Recon Online' turns out it wont download.. it keeps saying 'The application failed to initialize properly' it tells me to check '.NET Framework 3.5 SP1' but I repaired it and restarted my computer and nothing..
  20. The new Halo trilogy is on the horizon with a new studio behind it. Join Rob Smith as he talks with executive producer, Kiki Wolfkill, of 343 Industries. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA45wUn_qv4&feature=share
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