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Posts posted by BFella

  1. Something I've also noticed is, when getting shot by the DMR it hits you and makes your gun like recoil, but when your getting shot with the BR that doesn't happen.


    I think the DMR needs to be nerfed a little bit, or fix the bloom.

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  2. I do agree with you on the Call of Duty aspect. When I first jumped on the game I felt a lot of resemblance to Call of Duty. I feel like the custom classes, perks and ordinances resemble CoD way too much. I feel like they've taken to many aspects of CoD and tried to fit them into a Halo game, but to me that's not what Halo was about.


    In my opinion it's a lot like CoD, and I wish they had thought over how Halo has played out up to 3 and realized they need to keep it simple yet good.

  3. When entering match making with a party of 3, I always find that the game will find 4 other plays then give up on finding the 8th overall player.


    Therefore me and my friends are stuck playing 3v4 constantly, it gets pretty annoying and happens almost every time I enter match making with a party of 3, is anyone else having this problem?

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