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Everything posted by Carts

  1. Great post by AD, but i'm with M Biggles on this, the more I knew the less I believed. As a student in biology, I have seen many theories about our existance, clearly I believe in evolution, the proof is all there, even pope Jean-Paul II thought it made sence. The only true question is what AD adressed, and i'm no physicist, but I know the big bang theory is about matter compressing and created basic protons and neutrons as the for of hydrogen. Where this matter come from? we dont know. If there is a god, I think we all agree that he did not create humans, but only a 1*10^(x) (x tends to infinity) % of existance.
  2. Carts

    Halo 4 Ranking

    Interesting idea, but the issue here would be that it would be way too easy to reach max level, especially with the rank system of Halo 3. Even if they would choose a similar rank style as Halo 2 (which they should), your suggestion would make that system too easy as well.
  3. Look at my sig, now at yours, now back at mine, now back to yours. I rate it a 7/10.
  4. They should make there own maps then release a DLC "Refresher Pack" containing all maps from past Halo's giving us plenty of new maps at launch and a huge amount of maps in a DLC.
  5. The stuff with the more expensive versions need to be something I want if I'm buying it. Which is never the case.
  6. I think they should just make new maps. We've been playing on lockout and midship since Halo 2, enough is enough and let the classics die in peace.
  7. Nicest sig on this page, but I would rate a 8/10.
  8. I noticed it as well, did you notice the wall around him move? Or did I imagine it/visual effect? maybe he recieved damage and got crushes in between 2 block? But i think hologram is a better assumption.
  9. I didnt get the chance to play it yet so I dont know the general tendancy of players and what they prefer doing. However,I know the added points were added so foot soldiers had a chance to earn points for the team, against the large amout of vehicles and power weapons that could potentially earn more kills.
  10. Carts

    Clan Interface

    Yup, if anything clans is what made Halo 2 succesful. Tones of communities sprouted and added to the franchise (like being the first to bringing in podcast, halo stat tracking, and most often the friendliest enviroments). And it was easy to reach each others and see who is online. I dont see how anyone would not like this. Also, I wouldnt mind seeing the clan playlist again. I know Bungie didnt like how people would remake clans to start at rank 1 again, but its just a minor inconvenience and once past the early levels (everyone could atleast get to 10) then you played your skill level. They should make a way to clear inactive clans however to free up names, like say send the Overlord to confim activity if no clan games have been played or if its been awhile that members have not played togeter in general.
  11. If 343i wants to be safe about perks/classes, they should avoid anything that delays the time for a kill at all cost. Such things are never well recieved by the community in any game (Juggernaught in CoD, Armor Lock in Reach).
  12. Carts

    Team Snipers

    I wouldnt mind seeing the RoF from the Halo 2 sniper to return as well. Would only make sense to keep a balance between it and the beam rifle.
  13. Instead I got distracted by this well designed site. ( Dont worry I`m going to work after this) Now to introduce myself, I`m a veteran Halo player, been playing since Halo CE was released, got 2 and XBL and had the best online experience that will never be matched again. ( I dont think as many people will start being more friendly and use their mics like back then). I have been active in growing the Halo community. I have been part of one of the first Halo podcasting clan since 2006 (Podtacular), I was an Overlord of one of the clans, we managed to play in the Bungie Humpday twice and even managed to have 7 actives clans at our peak. Our logo is my avatar, which is funny since this forum uses a very similar symbol. If you want to check us out, the site is in my profile, but i`m not here for advertising. I am a student at University in Biology, which really cuts in my gaming time, but life goes on I suppose. My favorite Halo game would be Halo 2. Top 3 Xbox 360 games are: TESIV: Oblivion, CoD4:MW, NHL 12. When I play Halo I always want to win, I dont yell or get mad at teammates, but I will take a leader role and inform my team on events in the game. I tend to vary in roles depending on my teams skill level, usually I need to be the slayer, but if another spartan is a better killing machine or if the oppertunity rises, I dont mind taking the objectives. I really like the community of this site and the direction the administrating team seems to be heading. Hopefully, after release the community wont have that awful "after release effect" that really polluts forums.
  14. Carts

    halo 4 vehicles

    I would like to see a flying vehicle that has low attack power but very fast movement. Like a Faster Banshee with ghost cannons.
  15. The only reason I think Halo 2 was so hard to rank up was because XBL and the original xbox had a very difficult time containing all the cheating (Modding, Stand-by, Bridging). Once you got to the 30`s it seemed like every other game had cheaters. I only played few times against people that obviously earned their levels (40+). If they bring back that system, I dont think people would have too much of an issue, and the skill matching would be way better then Halo 3 (Way too easy leveling system).
  16. If you guys have never seen the Far Cry 2 map creator I suggest taking a look at it (Youtube probobly has nice vids of maps). The only reason I like that game is for that feature. If Halo would have a quality map creator like FC2 the community will have so many options and I dont think the game could ever die. (Btw, FC2 is a X360 game, its completly possible to have those abilities on consoles. In fact, past Far Cry games on the original Xbox had a better map editor then Forge).
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